Rage Of The Dragons NEO Achievements Here is the full list of all 35 Rage Of The Dragons NEO achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 14 Offline Mode 21 Online/Offline 32 Single Player 21 Versus 3 Difficulty Specific 4 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply First of manyWin your first match in Arcade Mode (any difficulty setting) Getting BetterWin 10 matches in Arcade Mode (any difficulty setting) I'm Loving it!Win 15 matches in Arcade Mode (any difficulty setting) Too easyFinish Arcade Mode on Easy (Difficulty Level 1-3) Just a regular dayFinish Arcade Mode on Normal (Difficulty Level 4-6) Barely made itFinish Arcade Mode on Hard (Difficulty Level 7-8) The Tale of Two BrothersFinish Arcade Mode with Jimmy and Billy (any difficulty setting) 1 guideOn a budgetFinish Arcade Mode with a single credit (any difficulty setting) The bigger they are...Defeat Abubo in Arcade Mode (any difficulty setting) ... The harder they fallDefeat Johann in Arcade Mode (any difficulty setting) 1 guideFirst stepsFinish the first Dragon's Challenge Getting thereFinish the second Dragon's Challenge All the way to the topFinish the third Dragon's Challenge Practice makes perfectPlay the Training Mode for the first time Who's next?Win your first Versus match (offline or online) Don't stop me now...Win 10 Versus matches (offline or online) Who's counting?Win 15 Versus matches (offline or online) Anyone else want some?Connect a 15+ hits combo in a match (offline or online) Prepare for trouble...Connect a Duplex Attack in a match (offline or online) That's what you get...Defeat an opponent with a Super Move (offline or online) Dude, where's my car?Win a match in the Parking with Jimmy and Sonia (offline or online) Welcome to my dojoWin a match in the Dojo with Billy and Lynn (offline or online) Want a piece of me?Win a match in the Ring with Kang and Jones (offline or online) Back to SchoolWin a match in the School with Pepe and Pupa (offline or online) Keep your faithWin a match in the Church with Elias and Alice (offline or online) Working hardWin a match in the Factory with Oni and Cassandra (offline or online) Blood on the dance floorWin a match in the Disco with Radel and Annie (offline or online) I don't belong hereWin a match in the Subway with Abubo in your team (offline or online) Enjoy the showWin a match in the Palace with Johann in your team (offline or online) Dragon, the explorerWin a match in every stage (offline or online) Can't touch this!Win a match without taking any damage (offline or online) Nothing SpecialWin a match without using Super Moves (offline or online) ... and make it doubleFinish a match using a Duplex Attack (offline or online) Tap outPerform the Surrender Move in a match (offline or online) Dragon MasterUnlock all Achievements