Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered Achievements Here is the full list of all 57 Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Grouping All achievements Campaign Multiplayer Demons of the Badlands Flag Filter All None 18 Online Mode 40 Offline Mode 42 Single Player 12 Main Storyline 9 Collectable 11 Cumulative + 2 Time Consuming 5 Level 18 Versus 4 Time/Date 1 x3 Players Required 1 x4 Players Required 2 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-teredUnlock all Achievements in Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered Welcoming CommitteeComplete the Tutorial mission. 1 guideMartian Tea PartyComplete 2 missions for the Red Faction. Spread the WordLiberate Parker Sector. Death From AboveLiberate Dust Sector. Friendly SkiesLiberate Badlands Sector. 1 guideDon't Tread On MeLiberate Oasis Sector. Coup D'etatLiberate Eos Sector. Red DawnLiberate Mars. InsurgentComplete 5 Guerrilla Actions. GuerrillaComplete 25 Guerrilla Actions. Freedom FighterComplete 50 Guerrilla Actions. RevolutionaryComplete all Guerrilla Actions. 2 guidesClean and Righteous!Destroy 5 High Importance targets. Warp SpeedBeat all Transporter Pro times. Got Any Fingers Left?Beat all Pro times in Demolitions Master. Lost MemoriesLocate all missing radio tags. 1 guideWorking the LandMine all ore locations. 1 guideFree Your MindDestroy all instances of propaganda. 2 guidesOne Man ArmyComplete 25 killing sprees during the Campaign. Disaster AreaDestroy 1 billion credits worth of EDF property. Broken Supply LineDestroy 250 EDF supply crates. 1 guidePower to the PeopleRaise the Morale of 3 sectors to 100%. Tank BusterBlow up 100 small hydrogen tanks. Best Friends ForeverKill 100 EDF with the sledgehammer during the Campaign. 1 guideComing Down!Destroy 50 EDF owned buildings. Freed SpaceDestroy 50 EDF flyers. 1 guideJust the BeginningWin a Matchmaking match. Start of Something SpecialPlay 5 Matchmaking matches. Doing Your PartKill 10 enemies in a Matchmaking Match. JuggernautDestroy a Siege target. 1 guideDoozerReconstruct a Damage Control target. Grab Some PopcornEnter Spectator mode and enjoy the show! 1 guideTry Anything OnceFinish a match in every mode. 1 guideCheck Your MapFinish a match on every map in Multiplayer. 1 guideTools of the TradeScore a kill with every weapon in Multiplayer. Field TestedEarn 1,000 XP in Multiplayer. 1 guideBattle ScarredEarn 10,000 XP in Multiplayer. 1 guideTopher Would Be ProudPlay 250 matchmaking games. 2 guidesExperimenterComplete 4 hidden challenges in Multiplayer. DetectiveComplete 8 hidden challenges in Multiplayer. Mad GeniusComplete 16 hidden challenges in Multiplayer. 1 guideJack of all TradesScore 10 kills while wearing each backpack. 1 guideThe High and MightyKill a flying opponent using a remote charge stuck to them. 1 guideParty TimePlay all Wrecking Crew modes once. 1 guideCan't Get EnoughPlay every mode on all maps in Wrecking Crew. 1 guideWrecking BallScore 25 million points worth of destruction in Wrecking Crew. 1 guideBound By BloodComplete Rescue. Family VengeanceComplete Retribution. A Greater PurposeComplete Redemption. Deliverance DefenderComplete Marauder Actions. Tumbling DownBeat all Pro times in Mariner Valley Demo Masters and Transporters. Mobile BombsDestroy 100 EDF vehicles. 1 guideStructural IntegrityDestroy all Medium and High Priority Targets in Mariner Valley. 1 guidePurge the ValleyBreak the EDF Control of the Mariner Valley. Ares' BloodlustDestroy the 4 Marauder War Totems. 1 guideThe Power of OneCollect 75 Marauder Power Cells. 2 guides