Ridge Racer 6 Achievements Full list of all 36 Ridge Racer 6 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 120-150 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 29 Offline Mode 15 Online Mode 3 Online/Offline 32 Single Player 12 Versus 6 Cumulative + 2 Time Consuming Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply 360!Perform a 360° drift during a race. (*This Achievement cannot be obtained in Multi Battles.) 2 guidesInternational MatchParticipate in an Online Battle against a player from a different country. 2 guides15,000 points in Mini GameScore 15,000 points or more in the Pac-Man mini-game. 3 guidesNo-Nitrous Victory1: Basic 108Complete Basic Route No. 108 in World Xplorer without using nitrous. 1 guideNo-Nitrous Victory2: Advanced 06Congratulations! Find the 2 other achievements left in this route. 1 guideNo-Nitrous Victory3: Advanced 15Congratulations! Find the 2 other achievements left in this route. 1 guideNo-Nitrous Victory4: Advanced 18Congratulations! Find the 2 other achievements left in this route. 1 guideNo-Nitrous Victory5: Special 25How did you find this difficult achievement? Tell your Friends if they need help. 1 guideGoal 1 Complete: Basic RouteComplete Basic Route Goal 1 - No. 111 in World Xplorer. 1 guideGoal 2 Complete: Basic RouteComplete Basic Route Goal 2 - No. 96 in World Xplorer. 1 guideGoal 3 Complete: Basic RouteComplete Basic Route Goal 3 - No. 84 in World Xplorer. 1 guide800 km/500 miles drivenDrive over a total of 800 km/500 miles. (*Multi Battles do not count toward this total.) 2 guides50 Online Battle VictoriesWin 50 Online Battles. 1 guideMessage from Reiko #1Unlock "Message from Reiko #1." How do you unlock it? You'll need to find that out for yourself. 1 guideMessage from Reiko #2Unlock "Message from Reiko #2." How do you unlock it? You'll need to find that out for yourself. 1 guideMessage from Reiko #3Unlock "Message from Reiko #3." How do you unlock it? You'll need to find that out for yourself. 1 guideMessage from Reiko #4Unlock "Message from Reiko #4." How do you unlock it? You'll need to find that out for yourself. 1 guideMessage from Reiko #5Unlock "Message from Reiko #5." How do you unlock it? You'll need to find that out for yourself. 1 guideClass 1 Machines - CompleteUnlock all Class 1 machines. (*Machines acquired in the Marketplace do not count.) 1 guideClass 2 Machines - CompleteUnlock all Class 2 machines. (*Machines acquired in the Marketplace do not count.) 1 guideClass 3 Machines - CompleteUnlock all Class 3 machines. (*Machines acquired in the Marketplace do not count.) 1 guideClass 4 Machines - CompleteUnlock all Class 4 machines. (*Machines acquired in the Marketplace do not count.) 1 guide1600 km / 1000 miles drivenCongratulations! 1000 miles is equivalent to the distance between Chicago and New Orleans. 2 guides100 Online Battle VictoriesCongratulations! The next milestone will be such an achievement! 1 guideSP Class Machines - CompleteSP Class secret! The triple nitrous capability of the TERRAJIN is unbelievable. Master ExorcistCongratulations! Control the crazy CRINALE and record a quick lap time. 1 guideHeavenly MessengerCongratulations! Control the delicate ANGELUS and record a quick lap time. 1 guideEat 'em up!Congratulations! Control the rocket starter Pac-Man and record a quick lap time. 1 guideMonster SlayerCongratulations! Control the transforming MONSTROUS and record a quick lap time. 1 guideFinal Battle!!Congratulations! Enter a race only available for the ultimate Ridge Racers! 1 guideNo-Nitrous Victory: Single RacesWin Single Race with all combinations of courses and machine classes without using nitrous. 1 guideNo Crash Victory: Single RacesWin Single Race with all combinations of courses and machine classes without any collisions. 1 guideXploration Complete!Complete all races in World Xplorer. 2 guidesAll Machines - CompleteCongratulations! More beautiful cars are available in the Xbox Live Marketplace. 2 guides16000 km / 10000 miles drivenCongratulations! 10000 miles is equivalent to driving 2/5th of the way around Earth. 3 guides200 Online Battle VictoriesCongratulations! 200 victories is an honorable achievement. You are a true "Ridge Racer." 2 guides