Rio Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Rio achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 12-15 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Online/Offline 48 Single Player 2 Main Storyline 1 Difficulty Specific 9 Cumulative + 1 Missable 36 Cooperative 50 Versus 1 x4 Players Required 1 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Gone NativePlay all Rainforest minigames. 1 guideSnowplowPlay all Moose Lake minigames. 1 guideUrban MythPlay all Rio Streets minigames. Rare SpecimenPlay all Aviary minigames. JailbirdPlay all Smuggler's Warehouse minigames. High FlyerPlay all Corcovado minigames. Beach BumPlay all Copacabana Beach minigames. Market TraderPlay all Fruit Market minigames. Grease MonkeyPlay all Luiz Garage minigames. Carnaval SpiritPlay all Carnaval minigames. Forest FanaticCome 1st in all Rainforest minigames. 1 guideMoose Lake MasterCome 1st in all Moose Lake minigames. Street StarCome 1st in all Rio Streets minigames. Aviary AceCome 1st in all Aviary minigames. Warehouse WinnerCome 1st in all Smuggler's Warehouse minigames. Corcovado CaptainCome 1st in all Corcovado minigames. Copacabana ChampionCome 1st in all Copacabana Beach minigames. 1 guideMarket MentorCome 1st in all Fruit Market minigames. Garage GuruCome 1st in all Luiz Garage minigames. Carnaval KingCome 1st in all Carnaval minigames. 1 guideBullyguardStun 50 players with the bodyguard power-up. 2 guidesParty PerfectionComplete all games to gold standard in Party Mode. 2 guidesHappily Ever AfterComplete Story Mode. 1 guideStory SuperstarComplete Story Mode, coming 1st in each minigame. 4 guidesVS VeteranCome 1st in a VS mode game. 1 guideTeam PlayerCome 1st in a Team Party game. 1 guideQuiz Team ChampionsCome 1st in a Team Party Quiz game. 2 guidesQuiz ChampionCome 1st in a VS Quiz game. 2 guidesFollow The LeaderWin a Carnaval Dance Standard mode game. 2 guidesCrazy ChallengerWin a Carnaval Dance Crazy mode game. 1 guideWheel WinnerWin a Carnaval Wheel game. 1 guideGarland Gala NoviceReach Luiz's target score in Garland Gala. 1 guideGarland Gala ProReach Mauro's target score in Garland Gala. 1 guideGarland Gala GuruReach Nigel's target score in Garland Gala. 3 guidesSuper PowersCollect all special pickups in the game. 1 guideMovie MogulAnswer all movie questions in the game correctly. 1 guideBrazilian BrainsAnswer all Brazil trivia questions in the game correctly. 1 guideQuiz MasterWin a Quiz Mode game without getting a quiz question wrong. 1 guideA Good StartCome 1st in a total of 10 minigames. 1 guideBorn WinnerCome 1st in a total of 100 minigames. 1 guideUntouchableCome 1st in a total of 200 minigames. 2 guidesCollectathonCollect 1000 items. 1 guideChilli CrasherStun 100 players whilst under the effect of chilli. 2 guidesMega MultiplierRaise the standard game multiplier to x3. 2 guidesMarathon SessionRun 26 miles. 4 guidesLost In The RhythmRun 50m whilst in a latin trance. 1 guideSuper ShockerHit 100 players with shock and awe. 2 guidesFancy DressPlay as all playable characters. 1 guideMultiplayer MasterWin a game in any mode against 3 human players. Star SpinnerScore over 700 points in a Carnaval Wheel game. 1 guide