Rise of the Tomb Raider Achievements Full list of all 143 Rise of the Tomb Raider achievements worth 2,250 gamerscore.The base game contains 66 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 77 achievements worth 1,250 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 89 Offline Mode 54 Online Mode 124 Single Player 33 Cooperative 24 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 2 Difficulty Specific 7 Stackable 38 Collectable 9 Missable 29 Cumulative + 2 Cumulative - 1 Level 5 Shop 2 Time/Date 2 Buggy + 2 Partly Disc/Unob Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,479 1,000 66 4.5350,6004,014 (1%)40-50h FirestarterDefeat two enemies or more using a single Molotov Cocktail 3 guidesBar BrawlMelee kill an enemy using a bottle 3 guidesRapid RecoveryHeal yourself in combat 3 times 1 guideRenegadeMelee 5 enemies off a ledge 5 guidesTriple ThreatKill 3 enemies with 1 Shotgun blast 9 guidesA Trusty Old FriendKill 5 enemies within 10 seconds using any rifle 9 guidesFearlessDefeat a Deathless Swordsman using only melee attacks and a finisher 2 guidesFall GuysKill 10 enemies by shooting them in the leg 1 guideOne-Sided ConversationStealth kill an enemy while he is having a conversation 1 guideGlub Glub GlubDrown 3 enemies using a water finisher 5 guidesBlade of JusticePerform 25 special stealth kills with the knife 2 guidesWas That Really Necessary?Kill any animal with an explosive 1 guideReading the PastTranslate one Monolith 2 guidesWeaponsmithFully upgrade one weapon 2 guidesCraftswomanCraft 5 pieces of Equipment 1 guideMaster FletcherCraft 25 of each special arrow type (Fire, Grenade, Poison) 2 guidesSelf-Improvement JunkiePurchase all skills in one category 2 guidesFluentReach max proficiency in one language 1 guideLaying Down The LawKill 6 enemies with the Revolver without reloading 5 guidesEnglish PedigreeHeadshot an enemy with an arrow from a distance beyond 25m 6 guidesChemical WarfareKill 5 enemies with one Poison Arrow 12 guidesKeen EyeUnearth 40 Survival Caches 1 guideThe Price of TruthFinish the game on any difficulty 1 guideLooking for TroubleComplete 5 Challenges 1 guideGood SamaritanComplete 3 Missions 1 guideDead RingerGet 25 headshots using the Bolt-Action Rifle 2 guidesQuick and PainlessShoot 15 deer in the heart 3 guidesChallengingComplete any Challenge Tomb 2 guidesTomb RaiderComplete all Challenge Tombs in one playthrough 5 guidesWoman of the PeopleComplete every Mission 4 guidesTruth SeekerCollect 25% of all narrative assets (relics, murals, and documents) 1 guideVoices of the PastCollect 75% of all narrative assets (relics, murals, and documents) CompulsiveComplete every Challenge 1 guideTrick ShotShoot a bottle out of the air 5 guidesRotisserieShoot a chicken out of the air with a fire arrow 10 guidesQuite the CollectorPossess 150 cards 1 guideThese Belong in A MuseumPossess 300 cards 3 guidesWay to GoComplete every level in Score Attack with a bronze score or better 1 guideGolden ChildComplete every level in Score Attack with a gold score 8 guidesGildedComplete a level in Score Attack with a gold score 1 guideWell Begun Is Half DoneComplete 10 different levels in Score Attack with a gold score 2 guidesMy Own Worst EnemyComplete a level in Score Attack with a card bonus of 200% or more 1 guideIron WillComplete a level in Score Attack using 5 cards 1 guideThat All You Got?Complete 3 Replay Challenges in one Score Attack level 2 guidesThe Chosen FewUncover the remains of all Jacob's disciples 3 guidesAvid ShopperPurchase all items from the Supply Shack 4 guidesQuite A TumbleSurvive the avalanche 2 guidesFollowing in Father's FootstepsEnter the Syrian tomb of the Lost Prophet 2 guidesTougher Than She LooksSurvive a night in the Siberian wilderness 3 guidesStrange AcquaintanceRescue Jacob from the gulag 3 guidesTaking the High RoadLight the signal fire in the Remnant Valley 1 guideA Helping HandDefend the Remnants from the Trinity invasion 1 guideThe Key To It AllRecover the Atlas 1 guideWhatever It TakesRescue Jonah from Konstantin 1 guideThe Road Less TravelledUnlock the path to Kitezh Ultimate SurvivorFinish the game on Survivor difficulty 3 guidesPaying RespectsAttend a funeral 6 guidesZipperPerform a manual zip line transfer 5 guidesFor My Next Trick...Dive into a well 6 guidesQuiet TimeFind the best seat in the house 6 guidesNo Guts, No GloryPerform a 2.5 second or longer swan dive 7 guidesUntouchableReplay 5 different levels without taking any damage 1 guideBacon!Kill a razorback boar using a Molotov cocktail 2 guidesHuntressKill 50 animals while wearing the Huntress outfit 4 guidesSiberian RangerBeat 15 combat encounters after completing the game 4 guidesNo Stone UnturnedAchieve 100% game completion 5 guides Add-on Endurance Mode 1,871 500 34 3.3317,2813,033 (18%)8-10h ArchaeologistEndurance Challenge: Collect at least 5 Artifacts 1 guideMaster ArchaeologistEndurance Challenge: Collect at least 10 Artifacts 1 guideRaiderEndurance Challenge: Open 5 Codices or Sarcophagi Skillful RaiderEndurance Challenge: Open 5 Codices or Sarcophagi without getting caught in a trap 4 guidesFast ReflexesEndurance Challenge: Destroy 3 ceiling spike traps after being caught in them 1 guideWell DoneEndurance Challenge: Eat the meat of 5 birds, squirrels, or rabbits that were killed with fire 1 guideStill Tastes GoodEndurance Challenge: Eat the meat of 5 wolves that were killed with poison damage 2 guidesNopeEndurance Challenge: Escape the forest on day 1, without recovering any artifacts 2 guidesVacationEndurance Challenge: Escape the forest after surviving for 7 days 1 guideGreat HaulEndurance Challenge: Escape the forest after surviving 10 days, with at least 10 Artifacts 2 guidesHappy CamperEndurance Challenge: Survive for 5 days 1 guideNature RetreatEndurance Challenge: Survive for 7 days 1 guideGreat OutdoorsEndurance Challenge: Survive for 10 days 1 guideOne Way to Do ItEndurance Challenge: Warm up from freezing by standing in fire 6 guidesWho Needs a Map?Endurance Challenge: Locate 5 crypts 1 guideA Feast for TwoEndurance Co-op Challenge: Eat the meat of 3 bears with your partner 1 guideA Dinner for TwoEndurance Co-op Challenge: Eat the meat of 3 wolves with your partner 1 guideA Snack for TwoEndurance Co-op Challenge: Eat the meat of 5 rabbits or squirrels with your partner 1 guideAdventure FriendsEndurance Co-op Challenge: Escape the forest with 5 Artifacts 1 guideAdventure BestiesEndurance Co-op Challenge: Escape the forest with 5 Medium and Large Artifacts 8 guidesSisters of ArtemisEndurance Co-op Challenge: Kill a combined total of 10 dangerous animals in a single Expedition Sisters of AthenaEndurance Co-op Challenge: Kill a combined total of 25 enemies in a single Expedition 1 guideTeam SurvivalEndurance Co-op Challenge: Escape the forest after 7 days without using a single revive 1 guidePick-Me-UpEndurance Co-op Challenge: Revive a player 1 guideNo One Left BehindEndurance Co-op Challenge: Revive a player 3 times in a single expedition 1 guideBonding TimeEndurance Co-op Challenge: Escape the forest after surviving for 7 days with at least 10 Artifacts 1 guideAlone TimeEndurance Co-op Challenge: Spend at least one day more than 60 meters apart 1 guideCommunication SkillsEndurance Co-op Challenge: Kill 5 enemies that have been marked by your partner 1 guideMaster and ApprenticeEndurance Co-op Challenge: Escape the forest after surviving 10 days with at least 20 Artifacts 1 guideFor the Night is DarkEndurance Co-op Challenge: Clear 3 Enemy Camps at night in a single expedition 1 guideTeamworkEndurance Co-op Challenge: Warm up from freezing by standing next to a campfire lit by your partner 1 guideGet Away from Her!Endurance Co-op Challenge: Kill an enemy attacking your critically injured partner 1 guideSay "Aaah"Endurance Co-op Challenge: Eat with your partner while at least one of you is starving 1 guide"Teamwork"Endurance Co-op Challenge: Collect an Artifact while your partner is down 1 guide Add-on Baba Yaga 601 250 22 3.9391,5435,182 (6%)3-4h Hide and SeekBaba Yaga: Rescue Nadia from Trinity 1 guideAbandon All HopeBaba Yaga: Enter the Wicked Vale 2 guidesA Moment of ClarityBaba Yaga: Face the Witch and live 1 guideAmateur ChemistBaba Yaga: Craft the Antidote 1 guideLast Ride of the Witch HouseBaba Yaga: Activate the Ancient Lift 2 guidesTruth Behind the MythBaba Yaga: Unmask Baba Yaga Vasilisa's LanternsBaba Yaga: Complete the Challenge in the Wicked Vale 2 guidesThe Witch BottlesBaba Yaga: Unearth all Survival Caches in the Wicked Vale 2 guidesSeason of the WitchBaba Yaga: Collect 50% of the Documents in the Wicked Vale 1 guideComplete History of WitchcraftBaba Yaga: Collect all of the Documents in the Wicked Vale 3 guidesWitch-HuntBaba Yaga: Complete a Wicked Vale Score Attack with a gold score 3 guidesWitch TrialsBaba Yaga: Complete every Wicked Vale Score Attack with a gold score 3 guidesWitchcraft for BeginnersBaba Yaga: Attempt any Wicked Vale Score Attack 2 guidesWitch's WardrobeBaba Yaga: Equip the Dreamstinger and Wraithskin outfit together 2 guidesServant of the WitchBaba Yaga: Confuse an enemy with the Dreamstinger 1 guidePersuasive ArgumentBaba Yaga: Confuse 3 enemies with one shot from the Dreamstinger 5 guidesBravo's LegacyBaba Yaga: Confuse 10 enemies with the Dreamstinger 1 guideDemon in the DarkBaba Yaga: Kill 10 enemies while wearing the Wraithskin outfit 2 guidesThe Wraith of SiberiaBaba Yaga: Kill 50 enemies while wearing the Wraithskin outfit 2 guidesFond FarewellBaba Yaga: Speak to Nadia again before leaving the Wicked Vale 2 guidesHenny PennyBaba Yaga: Fall to your death from the Lift 3 guidesWhy the Chicken Crossed the ValeBaba Yaga: Ride the Lift back to the other side 1 guide Add-on Cold Darkness Awakened 739 250 10 3.3513,2215,558 (42%)2-3h Uncovering the TruthCold Darkness Challenge: Collect all 8 documents 4 guidesGive a Man a FireCold Darkness Challenge: Kill 20 enemies with Dragonfire Shotgun Rounds 2 guidesArmed For BearCold Darkness Challenge: Pick up 6 different weapons 1 guideSpinning LeafCold Darkness Challenge: Get 5 headshots with the regular arrows in 1:00 1 guideLegendary GunsmithCold Darkness Challenge: Open 6 upgrade pry chests 2 guidesTo the RescueCold Darkness Challenge: Rescue 6 prisoners 2 guidesPerfectionistCold Darkness Challenge: Shut down all the towers without any mistakes 1 guideEpidemiologistComplete Cold Darkness 1 guideAn Ocean in StormCold Darkness Challenge: Kill 75 enemies in a single Cold Darkness run 2 guidesCombat SpecialistCold Darkness Challenge: Complete Cold Darkness without dying 2 guides Add-on 20 Year Celebration 667 250 11 3.8254,0323,888 (7%)8-10h Extreme SurvivorFinish the game on Extreme Survivor difficulty 1 guideLegacyBlood Ties: Find truth of Croft Manor 1 guideKey to the PastBlood Ties: Acquire the Master Key 1 guideMaster DetectiveBlood Ties: Open Lord Croft's Safe 3 guidesRelic HunterBlood Ties: Collect 50% of the Relics in Croft Manor 1 guideHome RaiderBlood Ties: Collect all of the Relics in Croft Manor 3 guidesMeet the CroftsBlood Ties: Collect 50% of the Documents in Croft Manor 1 guideComplete Family HistoryBlood Ties: Collect all of the Documents in Croft Manor 3 guidesEnter the NightmareLara's Nightmare: Destroy a Skull of Rage 1 guideSweet DreamsLara's Nightmare: Defeat the Nightmare 1 guideFight the FearLara's Nightmare: Defeat 100 enemies 1 guide