Risk of Rain 2 Achievements Full list of all 41 Risk of Rain 2 achievements worth 1,200 gamerscore. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.The base game contains 37 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 4 achievements worth 200 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 41 Online/Offline 41 Single Player 41 Cooperative 1 Difficulty Specific 2 Collectable 6 Cumulative + 1 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 1,557 1,000 37 4.244,8113,295 (7%)20-25h "Is This Bugged?"Fail the Shrine of Chance 3 times in a row. 1 guideThe BasicsDiscover 10 unique white items. 1 guideElite SlayerDefeat an Elite-type monster. 1 guideLearning ProcessDie 5 times. 1 guideAdvancementComplete a Teleporter event. 1 guideExperimentingPick up 5 different types of Equipment. 1 guideGoing Fast RecommendedReach +300% movespeed (includes sprinting). 1 guideSlaughterDefeat 3000 enemies. 1 guideMachoDeal 5000 damage in one shot. NewtistDiscover and activate 8 unique Newt Altars. 1 guideMechanicRepair 30 drones or turrets. 1 guideFunded!Collect $30,480 total gold. 1 guideOne with the WoodsFully upgrade a Shrine of the Woods. 1 guideBookwormCollect 10 Monster or Environment Logs. 1 guideVerifiedComplete the first Teleporter event 5 times. 1 guide...Maybe One More.Duplicate the same item 7 times in a row with a 3D Printer. 1 guideFlawlessFully charge a Teleporter without getting hit. 1 guideKeyed UpDefeat the Teleporter boss under 15 seconds. 1 guidePause.Free the survivor suspended in time. 1 guideRapidfireReach +200% attack speed. 1 guidePrismatically AlignedComplete a Prismatic Trial. 1 guideGlorious BattleCharge the Teleporter with less than 10% health. 1 guideHer ConceptsFind the Altar to N'kuhana. 2 guidesDeath Do Us PartDiscover the hidden chamber in the Abandoned Aqueduct. 1 guideTrue RespiteObliterate yourself at the Obelisk.. 1 guideThe Long RoadComplete 20 stages in a single run. 2 guidesDeicideDefeat an Elite boss on Monsoon difficulty. 3 guidesWarriorReach and complete the 3rd Teleporter event without dying. 1 guide[REDACTED]Open the Timed Security Chest on Rallypoint Delta. 3 guidesAscendantDefeat the Teleporter bosses after activating 2 Shrines of the Mountain. 1 guideNaturopathWithout healing, reach and complete the 3rd Teleporter event. 1 guideMoon WorshipperCarry 5 Lunar items in a single run. 1 guideThe Demons And The CrabsKill 20 Hermit Crabs by chasing them off the edge of the map. 2 guidesEngineering PerfectionComplete 30 stages. 1 guideMultikill!Kill 15 enemies simultaneously. 1 guideDeja Vu?Loop back to the first stage. 1 guideThe Lone SurvivorStay alive for 30 consecutive minutes. 1 guide Add-on Survivors of the Void 83 50 1 3.905,6445,645 (100%)1-2h Dragged BelowEscape the Planetarium or complete wave 50 in Simulacrum. Add-on Seekers of the Storm 327 150 3 3.502,9141,992 (68%)3-4h King of the HillDefeat the False Son Purified FreedomUnlocked False Son Survivor 1 guideOrder Up!Unlocked Chef Survivor 1 guide