Rocksmith Achievements Full list of all 60 Rocksmith achievements worth 1,250 gamerscore. It takes around 50-60 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Xbox 360.The base game contains 50 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 10 achievements worth 250 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 59 Offline Mode 1 Online Mode 58 Single Player 2 Cooperative 12 Main Storyline 7 Difficulty Specific 2 Cumulative + 60 External Content 1 Time Consuming Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 4,483 1,000 50 4.1532,567133 (0%)50-60h Duck HunterPlay the Guitarcade game: Ducks 2 guidesFret FastBeat 10,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Ducks 2 guidesDucks x 6Play the Guitarcade game: Super Ducks 2 guidesJust Super!Beat 150,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Super Ducks 2 guidesSolo FoundationsPlay the Guitarcade game: Scale Runner 2 guidesScales OwnedBeat 50,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Scale Runner 2 guidesChallenge HarmonicsPlay the Guitarcade game: Harmonically Challenged 2 guidesBeat HarmonicsBeat 1,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Harmonically Challenged 4 guidesBatter UpPlay the Guitarcade game: Big Swing Baseball 2 guidesGiant!Beat 2,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Big Swing Baseball 2 guidesSlide PuzzlePlay the Guitarcade game: Super Slider 2 guidesSlide to VictoryBeat 15,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Super Slider 2 guidesWhere Rainbows Come FromPlay the Guitarcade game: Quick Pick Dash 2 guidesFurious PluckerBeat 5,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Quick Pick Dash 5 guidesThe One With ZombiesPlay the Guitarcade game: Dawn of the Chordead 2 guidesGuitardeadBeat 1,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Dawn of the Chordead 2 guidesHappy ShopperVisit the shop 1 guideSingles RockBeat 100,000 points in a Single Note Arrangement 3 guidesChordinatedBeat 100,000 points in a Chord Arrangement 2 guidesAll RounderBeat 100,000 points in a Combo Arrangement 2 guidesThe BasicsComplete Soundcheck (Reach Rank 1) 1 guideNew ActReach Rank 2 Local Support ActReach Rank 3 1 guideLocal HeadlinerReach Rank 4 1 guideNational Support ActReach Rank 5 1 guideNational HeadlinerReach Rank 6 1 guideInternational Support ActReach Rank 7 1 guideInternational HeadlinerReach Rank 8 1 guideElite GuitaristReach Rank 9 3 guidesSuper Elite GuitaristReach Rank 10 1 guideRocksmithReach Rank 11 3 guidesMy 1st GigPlay an Event My 1st EncoreQualify for an Encore 1 guideBetter Than An Encore?Qualify for a Double Encore 2 guidesThe Rocksmith MethodEarn all Bronze Technique Medals 1 guideTutorials My AxeEarn all Gold Technique Medals 3 guidesTone is My AvatarCreate and save a custom tone 1 guideHear Me NowUse the Amp 1 guideD-liciousUse the Tuner to tune to Drop-D 2 guidesCente-beaterBeat a 100 Note Streak 1 guideJust AwesomeBeat a 750 Note Streak 4 guidesStrummerBeat a 5 Chord Streak 1 guideNo DischordBeat a 25 Chord Streak 3 guidesHalf-KBeat a 500 Note Streak 1 guideArt + FunctionalityCollect all guitars 6 guidesTone PeddlerCollect 50 effects pedals 2 guidesOK, I LearnedBeat 200,000 points in Master Mode 3 guidesStage ReadyComplete a Master Event 2 guidesBeneficial FriendsPlay multiplayer with 2 guitars 1 guideJust Singing?Using a mic, sing along and achieve Nice Singing 2 guides Add-on Bass Expansion 1,065 250 10 4.436,541247 (4%)15-20h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store, but is still available physically.Bass CampPlay a bass arrangement DatabassPlay a song with emulated bass using a guitar 1 guideBass FaceBeat 100,000 points in a Bass arrangement 1 guideThe Bottom LineComplete a bass event 1 guideThe BassicsComplete all Bass Technique Challenges to Bronze Ace of BassComplete all Bass Technique Challenges to Gold 1 guideAll your bassCollect all basses 1 guideBass-BoxEarn a bass pedal, amp, or cabinet 1 guideBass HeadCollect all bass gear 1 guideRumblesmithReach rank 11 on Bass 1 guide