Rugby League Live 2 Achievements Here is the full list of all 35 Rugby League Live 2 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 8 Offline Mode 1 Online Mode 26 Online/Offline 34 Single Player 27 Versus 1 Main Storyline 4 Difficulty Specific 1 Missable Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply FrankensteinCreate a player in the Footy Factory. 1 guideThe Ol' SwitcherooWin a match using manual player-switching. 1 guideTech HeadWin a video-referee decision in a Ranked Online match. 1 guideWinnersWin a match. Skin of Your TeethWin a match in extra time. 1 guideOn a StringScore a try from a grubber. UnstoppableScore 10 tries in a match. 1 guideSlow But SteadyScore a field goal from 30 metres out from the try line. 1 guideSharp ShooterHave a 100% conversion rate from 5 conversion attempts in a match. 1 guideLine BallConvert a try from the sideline. 1 guideMiserlyForce the opposition to play 65% or more in their defensive half. 1 guideForward ThinkingConvert a try with a Forward. Mind ReaderIntercept 3 passes in a match. 1 guideHot PotatoComplete 7 passes or more in a single tackle phase. 40/20 VisionKick a 40/20. 1 guideTouchyTackle the ball carrier into touch. Drop OutTackle the ball carrier in their defensive try area. 1 guideHero of the MomentPerform a try-saving tackle close to the try line. Pass the ParcelPerform 10 offloads to receivers in a match. 1 guideSlipperySuccessfully evade 3 tackles in a row on Veteran difficulty. 1 guideCoach PleaserGet a completion rate of 80% or more in a match. World BeatersWin the World Club Challenge in Career mode. 1 guideProfitableTurn a profit every year in Career mode. Simply The BestWin an NRL or Super League Premiership. DonutsKeep the opposition scoreless in a match on Legend difficulty. 1 guideA ThumpingWin a match by more than 25 points on Legend difficulty. 2 guidesStreakyWin 3 consecutive matches with 1 team in an NRL or Super League Season. 1 guideCool as a CucumberKick a field goal to take the lead with 5 minutes left on the clock. 1 guideMarathon ManScore a 85+ metre try on Legend difficulty. 1 guideTrick ShotSuccessfully kick a conversion/goal kick while hitting the post. 1 guideHat TrickScore a hat trick of tries with one player. 1 guideBack-to-BackScore a try in the first set of tackles after another try has been scored. 1 guideSupermanWin the Dally M or Man of Steel award in an NRL or Super League season in Career mode. Golden HandshakeComplete a 10 year career. 1 guideFlawless VictoryWith 1 team go through an NRL or Super League season without conceding a loss. 1 guide