When you start the game for the first time, it will ask you to nominate a favourite NRL or Super League team. Your choice really doesn't matter as all this does is set a default in the menus. If you're unfamiliar with rugby, just choose one you like the sound/look of.
So let's get some really, REALLY hard achievements, and a little prep out of the way first!
At the main menu, move across to the bottom right (settings) and select it with . Then move across to the top right (credits) again, selecting it with . Simply view these to the end without skipping, which takes about two minutes, to unlock:
Boom, the hardest 15G you've ever earned!
Next exit back to the main menu (), and move across to the top right option (the Fanhub).
Choose the first option (players), then move across to 'Create custom player'. Choose a club you would like them to play for (this really doesn't matter), then edit them as much or as little as you please. When you're finished, move to the bottom right option (sharing) and select it to share to the Fanhub (still operational as of 15th Jan 2021) and you'll have just unlocked:
Mirror MirrorCreate a player in the fanhub and upload it to the world.
Now press four times to go back to the Fanhub. Move across one tile to 'Clubs' and select it, then move across to the top right option 'create custom club' and select it. Again, spend as much or as little time here creating a dream team, or just upload a blank team to unlock:
I told you these were hard.
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