6. Rugby League Live 3 DrillsUpdate notes

Welcome to perhaps the only time in this walkthrough you'll actually use skill!

Note: This achievement may be buggy?

I achieved gold on all drills, but between doing so logged off the game. When I came back I completed my remaining drill but my achievement didn't pop. I checked my drills screen and it was displaying one gold and the rest as not started. I completed the other three drills again and it unlocked. I tested this with a second account and the same thing happened. So try and complete the drills in one sitting.

Drills are training exercises and to get the achievement relating to them, you need to get gold in all of them. Luckily there are only four of them; Goal Kicking, Passing, Tackling and Playmaking.

Goal Kicking

This one made me want to pull my hair out a fair few times...

The objective is to make successful goal kicks from various spots on the field. There is no timer on this one, but you only have 10 kicks to earn points with. You start with 50 points, but almost every kick makes you 'wager' points, so if you miss a kick you will lose the points wagered.

The goal for gold is 1500 points. This can be challenging to do with various elements at play, such as wind/speed of the kick power gauge etc. When you've used all 10 kicks, the game enters 'Sudden Death' with one last kick for points. Luckily, it doesn't matter if you miss this last kick.

To move the ball to where you'd like to kick from, use cn_LS and choose your spot with cn_A. You can choose anywhere on the ground but try and use the bonus areas (blue circles) for more points. I was able to get 1500 points in seven to eight kicks usually.

Set the power of your kick with cn_RSu to increase and cn_RSd to decrease.

Add curve to your kick with cn_RSl and cn_RSr.

Adjust the height of your kick with cn_LSu and cn_LSd.

Adjust the direction of your kick with cn_LSl and cn_LSr.

Finally, kick with cn_A. When taking a goal kick you don't need to hold cn_A, just tap it when the gauge is in the correct spot. The gauge is constantly going up and down, so you need to time it so it's green when you actually kick the ball. Luckily the speed is consistent ad doesn't change from kick to kick.

When I was attempting this my wind speed was changing constantly, but when I used a dummy account to test for the walkthrough it remained the same on every kick. Unfortunately I can't advise you on exactly when/where to kick. All I can say is, good luck and if you need a break, take it!


This is one of the easier ones, it may be helpful to think of it as a rhythm game?

The objective is to pass the ball between your players as they run up and down the field, and every 10 metres there will be dummies in the way. You have to pass the ball to the player that has a clear path (there will be only one), and at the end of the field they will automatically turn and head back the way they came.

There is a timer counting down, and for every dummy you hit you lose three seconds. However for every 'perfect pass' (passing reasonably close to the dummy) you gain one second, you also gain 15-18 seconds every time you reach the end of the field.

The goal for gold is 1,000 points, which is fairly straightforward to get if you practice a little and try not to lose the rhythm.

To pass the ball, you press cn_LB for left, and cn_RB for right. A quick tap on the corresponding button sends it to the player on your immediate left cn_LB or right cn_RB.

To pass to the player two positions over, you have to hold cn_LB or cn_RB and then press cn_B.

To pass to the player three positions over, you have to hold cn_LB or cn_RB and then press cn_Y.

Finally, to pass to the player four positions over, you have to hold cn_LB or cn_RB and then press cn_X.

You can also use the flat cut out passing here that I mentioned earlier (double tap cn_B cn_X or cn_Y while passing), but I found it less consistent here.

You initially gain five points for every perfect pass, and an amount of points that varies depending on your time/amount of passes made on that lap. Each lap adds five points to the score for a perfect pass, and the amount for completing a lap increases with every lap.

If you perform only perfect passes and don't mess up once, you have easily 1,000 points after six laps. However it may take a little longer depending on how many times you don't manage perfect passes.

Overall, a fairly straightforward drill to do without any real issues.


No timer on this one luckily. This one is again, fairly straight forward. Any difficulty with it just comes down to practice.

The objective is to perform tackles and prevent players from scoring tries. Luckily they're all standing in a line and are predictable in the fact that they only run forwards. You get three 'strikes', allowing for a degree of error.

There are a few ways to perform a tackle, though the direction you're tackling from generally won't matter

Pressing cn_B will perform an arm pin tackle. These are a good solid tackle, however they can be a little slow due to the lengthy animation.

Pressing cn_A will perform a low tackle (holding cn_A will make you hold onto the player, not something we want here as this is about speed). This is definitely the slowest tackle and I would avoid using it.

Double tapping cn_Y will perform a dive tackle, this is the quickest one. However it is possible to miss your target if you're not careful.

You can also move the (cn_RS) to do a drag tackle, these work well and perhaps may be easier for some people than pressing a button.

Pressing cn_RS will perform a 'big hit'. This stops the other player very quickly and has a relatively quick animation too, it's my personal preference.

Pressing cn_X will make your character charge. If you're flagging behind someone, this is a good way to make up a little ground.

Finally, remember that holding in cn_RT will make your character sprint.

The goal for gold is 12,500 points, and you gain 50 points per tackle completed. However, building up a 'tackle streak' causes this to increase with every two tackles. If you consistently get every tackle right and let no one score, this is over in 22 tackles.

Some tips for making this easier:

  1. Use an initial sprint with cn_RT to close the gap to the player you're tackling. After you get to him, don't sprint unless necessary to gain ground.
  2. Often you'll be able to get to the next player before they have even set off. Use this to your advantage and get easy points while saving your stamina.
  3. Try to run diagonally when you're chasing someone, you gain ground faster.
  4. If you do mess up, don't panic, start running back towards the line of attackers and prepare for the next one.


This is probably the hardest/most frustrating drill.

The objective is to 'make plays' by kicking the ball into the marked area, the areas are quite large at least so that's helpful. The difficulty here comes from remembering how to do each type of kick. The game does give you a little tooltip if you click in cn_LS, which tells you how to perform the kick in question. However, I found the moment of slow motion more of a hindrance than a help, And the wind will be a factor in the difficulty too. You are allowed three faults (making a bad pass, incorrect kick or missing the target count as faults), making this slightly more forgiving.

The types of kick you will be asked to perform are:

Field Goal - hold cn_B

Bomb Kick - hold cn_LT + cn_B

Grubber Kick - tap/hold cn_A

Pun - hold cn_LT + cn_A

There are other kicks in the game, but during my attempts I was never asked to use them.

The goal for gold is 12,000 points. Each successful kick is worth 250 points and getting a streak increases your score multiplier by 0.02. If you manage to get them all in one streak (I got very lucky), it's 20 kicks for gold.

Some tips to try and make this a bit easier:

  1. When performing a grubber kick, aim at an angle rather than straight ahead.
  2. When performing bombs or long punts, pay attention to the wind as it can have a big effect on the kick.
  3. When performing a field goal, run with the ball to a central position and make the kick. This makes it easier as you have no guide during this kick.
  4. Sometimes the pass to the playmaker just isn't possible without moving, so keep an eye on where your passer is located in relation to the playmaker.

If you get frustrated by this one (I know I did), take a break and come back to it, it makes a difference!

When you've completed all four drills, you should unlock:

That's Gold

Achieve gold medals in all drills.

That's Gold
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Buggy - - These achievements may unlock after the requirements have been met or not at all.

Well done and congratulations on your completion!

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