Rush'n Attack Reviews

  • VMUVMU189,535
    01 Dec 2011 01 Dec 2011
    3 1 4
    Rush'n Attack is a run and gun game made by Konami. Its not exactly as celebrated as Contra or Super C, but it is in its own a right a good game, not great.

    Good Points:
    1.Classic Arcade Gameplay
    2.Servers are still up
    3. A VERY challenging game, definitely a game for masochists and challenge seekers. If you like contra, at least download the demo.

    Bad Points:
    1.Gameplay is stale yet hard
    2. only 4 stages (the game recycles after the first 4, it just becomes impossible) good luck beating all of them.
    3. CO-OP is advertised but is non-existant.
    4.Not a game for the casual gamer

    Just a warning for achievement completionists, this game is a nightmare. Good luck with mad marine (its in the wave 100 tier hard)
    Showing all 4 comments.
    GrimReaperX4Yes, Mad Marine is hard. But it is WAY, WAY easier than Wave 100 in Robotron. Trust me on that. It's like comparing a hill to Mount Everest.
    Posted by GrimReaperX4 on 01 Dec 11 at 16:43
    VMUGuess youre right about that, mad marine is like a 9/10 whereas wave 100 (robotron) is like a 20/10 on difficulty.
    Posted by VMU on 01 Dec 11 at 16:49
    wBRYI have 100% on rush n attack...robotron I will never ever 100%.
    Posted by wBRY on 02 Dec 11 at 04:30
    Posted by FIVWPPJ on 26 Jul 12 at 19:08