SBK 2011 FIM Superbike World Championship Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 SBK 2011 FIM Superbike World Championship achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 44 Offline Mode 6 Online Mode 44 Single Player 6 Cooperative 1 Main Storyline 3 Difficulty Specific 1 Stackable 2 Missable 10 Cumulative + 1 Buggy + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Around the WorldComplete the first challenge of the SBK®Tour. NewbornCreate your first custom rider. I want to travel south this yearComplete Challenge 6 of the first level of the SBK®Tour. Ready for La Dolce VitaComplete Challenge 7 of the second level of the SBK®Tour. Let's move northComplete Challenge 8 of the third level of the SBK®Tour. Intercontinental flightsComplete Challenge 9 of the fourth level of the SBK®Tour. Qualified for the world tourComplete Challenge 10 of the fifth level of the SBK®Tour. Riders on the StormStorm one challenge of the SBK®Tour. Haunted houseDownload an SBK®2011 Online ghost. 1 guideHalfway through the stormStorm 25 SBK®Tour challenges. Say "Cheeeese"Save your first picture in Photo Mode. 1 guideMe against the worldWin your first Online Quick Race. You've Come a Long Way, BabyRace for 750 Km (466.03 mi) online. 1 guideOnline Pole PositionObtain the best time in an Online Qualifying session. My teammate is my bossJoin Harms Benjan Racing in Career Mode. 1 guideTest riderSuccessfully upgrade your bike in Career Mode. 1 guideLeap forwardJoin a Supersport class team in Career Mode. 1 guideTop class racingJoin a Superbike class team in Career Mode. Poor Bike!Damage your bike to retirement. 1 guideYou win!Win a Quick Race. LegendaryUnlock all locked riders. 1 guide14 weren't enoughUnlock all locked tracks. 1 guideBurning like fireWin a Race Weekend dressing your rider with the Flaming Head helmet. 1 guideProfessional racerWin a single player Quick Race with the opponent at Professional skill level. 1 guideReal race riderWin a single player Quick Race with the opponent at Real skill level. 1 guideRising StarReach 100 reputation points. 1 guideNational IdolReach 200 reputation points. 1 guideFamous RiderReach 500 reputation points. 1 guideSuperstarReach 1000 reputation points. 1 guideSlowly DryingWin a Wet single player Quick Race of 100% length. Hat trickWin at least one championship for every class in the same Career. 1 guideThe Gentle Art of Making EnemiesBeat the Special Opponent in Career Mode for the first time. 1 guideSave now, ride laterSave a bike setting. 1 guideMay I ask you a question?Use the technical meeting for the first time. 1 guideThis is how you play this gameWin a Race Weekend at Full Simulation. 2 guidesSit back and relaxUse Replay for the first time. 1 guideOn my way to the topWin a race in an Online Championship. A flash in the rainReach 300 km/h (186.41 mph) in a rainy Single Player Race. 1 guideProfessional photographerKeep 20 saved pictures in Photo Gallery. 2 guidesDon't do this at homeInjury your rider to retirement. 1 guideI need a breakRide your bike from the track to the Pit-Lane. 2 guidesGreat work guys!Fully upgrade a bike in Career Mode. 4 guidesPhileas Fogg was a newbieComplete the last challenge of the SBK®Tour. World ChampionWin a Championship in single player Championship or Career Mode. 1 guideLiving LegendReach 1500 reputation points in Career Mode. 1 guideOnline ChampionWin your first Online Championship. Better than BaylissAchieve at least 26 Superpole® and 52 Race victories in the same Career. 2 guidesThe HurricaneStorm all SBK®Tour challenges. A cup of teaUnlock all the Showcase trophies in Career Mode. 1 guideRetirement HouseFinish Career Mode. 1 guide