S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky Achievements Here is the full list of all 43 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 43 Offline Mode 43 Single Player 11 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 3 Difficulty Specific 3 Stackable 10 Collectable 2 Missable 9 Cumulative + 1 Level 2 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply See the Clear SkyFinish S.T.A.L.K.E.R.a Clear Sky on any difficulty level. Mom, I'm going to the ZoneFinish the game on Novice difficulty. Lucky son of a gunFinish the game on Stalker difficulty. Stalker with a scarFinish the game on Veteran or Master difficulty. 1 guideThe true StalkerVisit all in-game locations. Pub crawlMeet all barmen in the Zone. The SaviorHelp Vasyan to repel the attack of dogs and climb down the stone. To those who hear usClimb high and listen to the full version of radio message. 1 guideBoss HelicopterKill Boss Helicopter at Limansk hospital. Genesis floodLet water run to the undergrounds, kill mutants and return alive. 1 guideJunior foresterMeet Forester and return him what is lost. 1 guideNew old friendGo through the military Cordon and speak to Sidorovich for the first time. The lost cityEnter the secret city, Limansk. Who are you without a duct tape?Use the service of all Zone technicians. 1 guideKnow thyselfAssist Hermit and finish his quest in Undergrounds. 2 guidesAWOLHelp Semyon Lambee. 1 guideDecent startFind the stash with valuable habar at swamps. 1 guideLife of the partyFind the forgotten guitar. 3 guidesRelics of the pastFind the time machine in Limansk. 1 guideTrophy HunterFind the trophy AKM-47/2. 1 guideSwamp LordJoin "Clear Sky" faction and defeat Renegades. Garbage HegemonHelp Free stalkers or Bandits to be victorious in their conflict. 2 guidesThe question of IdeologyMake the choice between Freedom and Duty and help your faction to defeat their rivals. Forever alonerFinish the game without joining any faction after leaving the Swamps. One of usJoin any faction after leaving the Swamps. Friend for an hourBe supported by and gain maximum reputation with 3 or more factions. 1 guideDrag and sellSell goods for more than 100 000. 2 guidesGunsmithUpgrade 5 different weapons to maximum. 2 guidesAll the money in the ZoneSell goods for more than 250 000. 3 guidesAvengerLiquidate machine gunner at military block post. 1 guideExplosions magnetBe killed by grenades 20 times. 1 guideOverloaded but not overcameWalk 10 kilometers with overload. 2 guidesTaxi!Use guide service 10 times. PseudoFlashDrink 100 energy drinks. 1 guideIn socks aloneWhen dived into that very basement with empty pockets. 2 guidesGun BaronFind all unique weapons. 4 guidesArtifact sommelierFind each artifact in the Zone. 1 guideStashfinderFind and steal items from back of the Suslov shop in marshes. 1 guideStalkerstrikeKill 50 enemies with headshot. Mock of a stalkerDie from 5 different anomalies. 1 guideModifierYou found 18 flash drives. Use them wisely. 1 guideI am machineEnhance your maximum weight capacity by 60 kilograms. 2 guidesMeat constructorYou found all "meat" artifacts. Abomination, but useful to survive in the Zone! 2 guides