SpiralGamerpro said:This is a fairly normal occurrence, and considering how people volunteer their free time to write walkthroughs, maybe you could show a shred of decency and be respectful to the volunteers of this site. Considering your contributions to the site as a volunteer (0 walkthroughs), you have no right to call out people who actually volunteer their time to improve this site.
Thank you for your thoughts and respect Spiral.
Mushy2008 said:Well that's rude to waste everyone's time saying you are going to provide a walkthrough then work on it and not share your work
Maybe you Mushy should think before you actually speak. Clearly since you have not done a single walkthrough and laid your fingers into a Walkthrough and done one, you have no understanding the amount of work, pressure and time it takes, for one to do a walkthrough that needs to be as perfect, as what this website wants it to be.
The motto for me at the time was "You know what the hardest thing is? Cleaning up afterwards!" And at the time, I was intending to clean up the previous walkthroughs I did in the past and I would then consider getting some more walkthroughs done in the future.
That was 2 years ago and I've died down on walkthroughs all-together. And I ain't missing them, although I still want to clean up the old walkthroughs I did that are a mess and need a cleanup.
This was a a walkthrough I really wanted to do, since it matches so much with my Gamer-Tag. But if someone else wanted to take it, then they can be my guest and I hope for the best they do a good job than what I did myself. My comment about the work already done, means that if you take it, you'll have to add in your own wording, because I do not want any involvement as an "Original Owner" or a "Contributor". I either do it as an "Owner", or I don't get involved at all.
I'm not one that's usually bitter for arguments and ordeals, but I would hope one day, you decide you do a walkthrough for the site and get some people in the forums, splatting you all over with sarcastic remarks. See how you deal with it, because I will warn you, it's not nice at all.