Saban's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle Walkthrough

The walkthrough for Saban's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle needs a new owner. Please post in this thread or send the Walkthrough Manager a PM if you are interested in writing it.
  • Information
    Posted on 29 January 17 at 20:43
    Please use this thread to discuss the Saban's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle walkthrough
  • LuckyKantLuckyKant1,200,704
    Posted on 30 January 17 at 23:48
    Saw this was a new thread and I knew who would be doing this walkthrough. laugh
  • Posted on 31 January 17 at 08:49
  • Posted on 31 January 17 at 18:26
    LuckyConquerer2 said:
    Saw this was a new thread and I knew who would be doing this walkthrough. laugh
    Someones got to do it mate and it will be an honor and a pur-longed pleasure. Anything to make this website better and attract more customers. Plus... you are right, to match with myself and the gamer-tag.

    So yes, I'll be doing the walkthrough for this game. This one might take a little while since I'm playing the game as I'm working on it. But like always I will try to provide the best input as possible. Hopefully you'll all get to read it shortly.
    Posted on 02 May 17 at 12:28
    How are you getting on with the guide?
  • RadicalSniper99RadicalSniper993,058,696
    Posted on 02 May 17 at 13:09
    Bulgy will probably have some to add, but as the overseer, here is what I see. The story portion is mostly there. A couple missions are still being written. Then a lot of the grindy/miscellaneous achievements still need to be added as well.
  • Posted on 02 May 17 at 20:36
    I've been lazy with this walkthrough due to myself revising my old walkthroughs, this List and Discussion of Published Walkthroughs That Need Improvement which I needed to study which walkthroughs I owned we're in that collection. And also I had a delay with some other games that needed working on ASAP back in April.

    I have intentions on finishing this walkthrough this month. Can't estimate when, but I'm hoping for it to be a short period of time rather than time consuming. This is not good for my reputation - 4 months and still working on the same walkthrough? Not good.
  • Posted on 22 May 17 at 12:12, Edited on 22 May 17 at 12:13 by BulgyDragonZord
    I regret to inform that due to the fact I'm revising a walkthrough listed in List and Discussion of Published Walkthroughs That Need Improvement and it's taking me way longer than expected. I'm afraid I'll have to put this walkthrough into a Development Hell.

    This means until I finish revising the walkthroughs listed in that forum I will very rarely have a chance to try and work on this one. My comittments as well with gaming and working are difficult to resolve.

    So unless someone is willing to take over this one and start from scratch, then this walkthrough will take slightly longer before I can finish it.

    My apologees. Hope you can understand.
  • Information
    Posted on 10 October 17 at 23:42
    We are currently looking for a new owner, please post in here or send the Walkthrough Manager a PM if you are interested in writing it.
  • Posted on 11 October 17 at 16:55
    I have been requested to hand out the walkthrough due to the fact I have not done anymore to it for a long time. The reason as said above is because I'm concentrating on improving all of my previous walkthroughs, notably the ones that are Listed that need improvement. Should this walkthrough be available after I've finished my work, I may consider taking it back. Otherwise I'm happy for someone else to do it, but you will have to start all over from scratch as I do not want any involvement with it.
  • Mushy2008Mushy2008100,513 100,513 GamerScore
    Posted on 19 January 19 at 01:42
    Well that's rude to waste everyone's time saying you are going to provide a walkthrough then work on it and not share your work
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 19 January 19 at 02:00
    This is a fairly normal occurrence, and considering how people volunteer their free time to write walkthroughs, maybe you could show a shred of decency and be respectful to the volunteers of this site. Considering your contributions to the site as a volunteer (0 walkthroughs), you have no right to call out people who actually volunteer their time to improve this site.
    There's a Pall Mall somewhere on Everest
  • Posted on 20 January 19 at 15:24
    SpiralGamerpro said:
    This is a fairly normal occurrence, and considering how people volunteer their free time to write walkthroughs, maybe you could show a shred of decency and be respectful to the volunteers of this site. Considering your contributions to the site as a volunteer (0 walkthroughs), you have no right to call out people who actually volunteer their time to improve this site.
    Thank you for your thoughts and respect Spiral.

    Mushy2008 said:
    Well that's rude to waste everyone's time saying you are going to provide a walkthrough then work on it and not share your work
    Maybe you Mushy should think before you actually speak. Clearly since you have not done a single walkthrough and laid your fingers into a Walkthrough and done one, you have no understanding the amount of work, pressure and time it takes, for one to do a walkthrough that needs to be as perfect, as what this website wants it to be.

    The motto for me at the time was "You know what the hardest thing is? Cleaning up afterwards!" And at the time, I was intending to clean up the previous walkthroughs I did in the past and I would then consider getting some more walkthroughs done in the future.

    That was 2 years ago and I've died down on walkthroughs all-together. And I ain't missing them, although I still want to clean up the old walkthroughs I did that are a mess and need a cleanup.

    This was a a walkthrough I really wanted to do, since it matches so much with my Gamer-Tag. But if someone else wanted to take it, then they can be my guest and I hope for the best they do a good job than what I did myself. My comment about the work already done, means that if you take it, you'll have to add in your own wording, because I do not want any involvement as an "Original Owner" or a "Contributor". I either do it as an "Owner", or I don't get involved at all.

    I'm not one that's usually bitter for arguments and ordeals, but I would hope one day, you decide you do a walkthrough for the site and get some people in the forums, splatting you all over with sarcastic remarks. See how you deal with it, because I will warn you, it's not nice at all.
  • Mushy2008Mushy2008100,513 100,513 GamerScore
    Posted on 21 January 19 at 08:07
    Actually I have done walkthroughs for guitar hero achievements, people used to steal my singing videos like for the golden voice achievement in ghwt in order to get the achievement so while I may have not done as much as you I've contributed what little I can
  • ManicMetalheadManicMetalhead1,350,754
    Posted on 21 January 19 at 13:27
    Mushy2008 said:
    Actually I have done walkthroughs for guitar hero achievements, people used to steal my singing videos like for the golden voice achievement in ghwt in order to get the achievement so while I may have not done as much as you I've contributed what little I can
    You haven't done walkthroughs for any Guitar Hero achievements.
    You may have posted solutions, neither of which are actually live on the site any more. In any case, the work required to write a solution is rarely ever parallel to the time and work required to write a full game walkthrough.
  • Dang3R GamingDang3R Gaming1,857,361
    Posted on 21 January 19 at 13:42
    Just to stop this going any further (lets please keep it on topic after this post). Mushy, you may have done a couple of achievement solutions. These vary wildly to walkthroughs and take nowhere near the same amount of time. A rough estimate is that most walkthroughs take around the time to complete the game x2/3 (some games that are 200 hr+ grinds this isn't the case as much).

    Please respect that this is all a volunteer process and a walkthrough is a big commitment, something that some people just can't see through to completion due to real life things that come up, so maybe in future don't crap all over a writer for dropping a walkthrough if you're not clamoring to pick up a walkthrough yourself.
  • Mushy2008Mushy2008100,513 100,513 GamerScore
    Posted on 22 January 19 at 01:12
    So is anybody working on this guide?
  • Dang3R GamingDang3R Gaming1,857,361
    Posted on 22 January 19 at 01:34
    It’s still in need of a new owner, no has picked it up since it was dropped.
  • Mushy2008Mushy2008100,513 100,513 GamerScore
    Posted on 22 January 19 at 01:39
    Okay I will start working on it
  • Information
    Posted on 20 March 19 at 16:04
    We are currently looking for a new owner, please post in here or send the Walkthrough Manager a PM if you are interested in writing it.
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