Latest Sacred 3 News

Xbox Game Pass Loses 21 Titles on May 31st

On May 31st, 21 titles will be leaving the service according to the Games Leaving Soon section of the hub. The vast majority of these are Xbox 360 titles, making up 19 of the 21 games involved.

Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Xbox Game Pass Starts Today for Gold Members

Xbox has launched the official trailer showing that GamesPass, giving us access to the final full list of games that are coming, including many Xbox 360 titles.

Posted 8 years ago by Claudio Barata

Xbox Goes to GDC

Microsoft views San Francisco's Game Developers Conference as an important part of their calendar year -- they reveal a lot of new and upcoming features for the Xbox One and Windows 10.

Posted 8 years ago by Rebecca Smith

December's Games With Gold Revealed

As we approach the end of November, the Games With Gold for December have been announced and, in this time of giving, Microsoft has added an extra game for the month. Before that, we have a reminder

Posted 10 years ago by Andy Mills

Winner: Spring Clean Giveaway Week 21

Week 21 of our Spring Clean Giveaway has ended, and it's time to reveal the name of our lucky winner who will be receiving our PAL Xbox 360 review copy of Sacred 3.

Posted 10 years ago by Dave Horobin

TA Competition: Spring Clean Giveaway Week 21

There were a number of requests in our latest winners thread for an Xbox 360 giveaway, and as I'm the kind of guy who likes to keep people happy, that's exactly what I'm going to do. I will say thoug

Posted 10 years ago by Dave Horobin

XBL Content Roundup: October 21st & 22nd, 2014

We're trying something new. Due to delays in the release of new Xbox LIVE content over the last few weeks, we've decided that we're going to roll all of Tuesday's and Wednesday's new content into a s

Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith

XBL Content Roundup: October 14th, 2014 [UPDATE]

Edit: All of the missing content from October 14th has now been added. This includes the missing DLC for Rocksmith 2014 Edition, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax and Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, and the Xbox 360

Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith

XBL Content Roundup: October 7th, 2014

Xbox One Games After becoming available for pre-order and pre-loading, both Alien: Isolation (Xbox One) and NBA 2K15 (Xbox One) are now available for play. Joining them is a free title that has final

Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith

XBL Content Roundup: August 5th, 2014

Despite Deep Silver's dungeon crawler, Sacred 3, being released in Europe last Friday, the Games on Demand version for the Xbox 360 has only been released in all regions on the Xbox Live Marketplace

Posted 11 years ago by Ashley Woodcock

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