Saints Row (2006) Achievements Full list of all 43 Saints Row (2006) achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 10 Online Mode 31 Offline Mode 2 Online/Offline 31 Single Player 6 Main Storyline 2 Difficulty Specific 2 Collectable 17 Cumulative + 4 Online Skill 2 Shop 2 Cooperative 10 Versus 10 x4 Players Required 1 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Colombian MadeTake over Los Carnales territory. 1 guideRegicideTake over Vice Kings territory. 1 guideRoad WarriorTake over Westside Rollerz territory. 1 guideRuler of StilwaterHelp the 3rd Streets Saints take over Stilwater. 1 guideThugReach a TrueSkill rank of Thug in any multiplayer mode. 1 guideKillaReach a TrueSkill rank of Killa in any multiplayer mode. 2 guidesGangstaReach a TrueSkill rank of Gangster in any multiplayer mode. 1 guideKingpinReach a TrueSkill rank of Kingpin in any multiplayer mode. 6 guidesPenny PincherEarn $1,000,000 in the city of Stilwater. 6 guidesGrifterEarn $200,000 in Insurance Fraud. 1 guideJumped the SharkWithdraw a total of $200,000 from the Loan Office. 1 guideShopaholicAcquire 100 clothing and jewelry items for your single player wardrobe. 3 guidesCoupon ClipperPurchase 100 clothing and jewelry items for your multiplayer wardrobe. 4 guidesLeader of the PackAcquire all 7 Homies. 1 guideGetting UpTag all tag locations hidden throughout Stilwater. 3 guidesGrease MonkeyOwn a total of 50 cars. 1 guideRacket LordComplete all activities in Stilwater. 2 guidesContract KillerComplete all of the Hitman locations. 5 guidesDemo DemonComplete all levels of Demolition Derby. 2 guidesFast and FuriousComplete all of the Hijacking locations and levels. 2 guidesFlufferComplete all of the Escort locations and levels. 2 guidesPimpComplete all the Snatch locations and levels. 1 guidePusherComplete all of the Drug Trafficking locations and levels. 4 guidesScavengerComplete all of the Chop Shop locations. 2 guidesTunerComplete all of the Racing locations and levels. 4 guidesVandalComplete all of the Mayhem locations and levels. 4 guidesBulletproofComplete Co-op level Turbulence at the highest difficulty level. 3 guidesErrand BoyComplete Co-op level Mob Rule at the highest difficulty level. 5 guidesCanonizedJoin the 3rd Street Saints. 1 guideReclamationistRetake Saint's Row. 1 guideAddicted to tha RowPlay Saints Row for 20 total hours. 1 guideMarathon RunnerTravel 26.2 miles on foot. 4 guidesTouristDrive 500 miles in the city of Stilwater. 1 guideStilwater PD AwardKill 50 Stilwater residents with only melee attacks. 1 guideScourge of the AirDestroy 50 helicopters. 4 guidesNegotiatorTake 50 Hostages. 4 guidesAudiophileCollect all 60 CD's hidden throughout Stilwater. 2 guidesProfessional ThiefSteal 30 boxes and deliver them successfully. 5 guidesDominatorWin 10 ranked matches in a row. 4 guidesChain GangDrop off a total of 500 chains in the Big Ass Chains multiplayer mode in ranked matches. 6 guidesClocktower CamperHead shot and kill a total of 100 enemies with a Sniper Rifle in ranked matches. 2 guidesPimp KillerKill the Pimp in Protect Tha Pimp 50 times in ranked matches. 3 guidesXzibitionistGet your team car to level 4 in the Blinged Out Ride mode a total of 50 times in ranked matches. 6 guides