Saints Row Achievements Full list of all 64 Saints Row achievements worth 1,425 gamerscore. It takes around 50-60 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Xbox One.The base game contains 50 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 3 DLC packs containing 14 achievements worth 425 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 6 Offline Mode 1 Online Mode 57 Online/Offline 63 Single Player 58 Cooperative 15 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 2 Collectable 1 Missable 1 Cumulative + 2 Level 7 Shop 1 Buggy + 2 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,190 1,000 50 3.3163,8062,604 (4%)50-60h A Young EmpireUnlock Criminal Empire Tier 2. 1 guidePower PlayersUnlock Criminal Empire Tier 3. 1 guideMasters of Santo IlesoUnlock Criminal Empire Tier 4. 1 guideA Golden AgeUnlock Criminal Empire Tier 5. 1 guideJack of All TradesAcquire every perk. 1 guideIt's a Bird!Complete all wingsuit challenges. 3 guidesQuality TimeSecret Achievement 1 guideShopping SpreeBuy 1 item from every store. 1 guideHijackedPulled out of a car by a pedestrian. 2 guidesFinders KeepersObtain 5 items in the Collectibles app. 1 guideThe CollectorObtain 85 items in the Collectibles app. 3 guidesWe could go home, or…Sing karaoke with the Saints. 1 guideUntouchableComplete 10 Crimes of Opportunity. 2 guidesThe ProfessionalComplete all jobs on the Wanted app. 1 guideAlways Be HustlingComplete all Side Hustles. ShowdownComplete Showdown. 1 guideThe Side JobComplete a Side Hustle. 1 guideWet WorkComplete a job on the Wanted app. 1 guideFirst F#@!ing DayComplete First F#@!ing Day. 1 guideChallenge AcceptedComplete 25 challenges. Tune UpCustomize a vehicle. OptimizedCustomize a weapon. 1 guideStatement PiecesCustomize a weapon, a vehicle, clothing item, and your skin with a Cutting Edge material. 1 guideChaos TamerDefeat all members of the Idols Collective. 2 guidesBonus RoundDestroy a car with Pugnus Sanctus Dei. 2 guidesThe SpinsPerform a barrel roll. 1 guideLandlordPlace a criminal venture. 1 guideWork EthicComplete a criminal venture. 1 guideThe MechanicFully upgrade a vehicle. 1 guideKitted OutFully upgrade a weapon. 1 guideEt tu?Secret Achievement 1 guidePerformance ReviewGet fired. 1 guideTook It to The LimitReach the maximum level. 1 guidePicking FightsDefeat a miniboss from each faction. 1 guideWrecking BallKill an enemy with a towed object. 2 guidesArmor PiercingKill a tank driver with the Quantum Aperture. 2 guidesMaking a NameName your criminal empire. 1 guideNeighborlyComplete 5 districts in Santo Ileso. 1 guideCloset SpaceOwn 100 different pieces of clothing. 1 guidePranksterPrank a co-op partner. 2 guidesSmooth MovesBuy 2 Emotes. 2 guidesA Car Named SimonePerform a quadruple backflip with Super Air Control. 2 guidesFree RefillsRefill the boost bar 3 times in a row with Infinite Boost. 2 guidesFood for ThoughtStagger an enemy with a vending machine. 2 guidesTouristComplete the photo scavenger hunt. 1 guideCommunity OutreachComplete 10 districts in Santo Ileso. 2 guidesHeard You Like WheelsUnlock all vehicle special upgrades. 1 guideFiesta TimeHit a launched piñata with the Piñata Stick. 1 guideTo The NinesOpen the Style app for the first time. 1 guideAll MineComplete all 15 districts in Santo Ileso. 1 guide Add-on The Heist and The Hazardous 135 75 3 2.246,6075,984 (91%)0.5-1h Producer CreditComplete the Wanted job in Sunshine Springs. 1 guideFace OffComplete preparations for the Sunshine Springs heist. 1 guideHazardous HeistComplete the Sunshine Springs heist. 1 guide Add-on Doc Ketchum's Murder Circus 500 200 6 1.892,3281,532 (66%)3-4h Viva La ReinaComplete a Murder Circus Finale with Consuela. 1 guideGuilty as ChargedComplete a Murder Circus Finale with Chief Justice. 1 guideLiving the DreamComplete a Murder Circus Finale with Daniel Li. Most Dangerous GameComplete a Murder Circus Finale with Artemis. 1 guideGimme FiveAttain Level 5 with all Murder Circus contestants. 1 guideJust Like Old TimesDispatch the professor with a shot to the groin. 2 guides Add-on A Song of Ice and Dust 301 150 5 2.864,5373,999 (88%)1-2h Blue SurvivorComplete The Blue Wedding. 1 guideDustFaire ChampionComplete DustFaire Games 1 guideRod WarriorComplete The BowelRun. 1 guideForger of DestinyComplete Return of the Dust King. 1 guideDustland DefenderComplete A Battle of Ice and Dust. 1 guide