6. Sam & Max Save the World (Xbox 360) Episode 4: Abe Lincoln Must DieUpdate notes

Video Guide


White House

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Walk to the Boxing Glove
Walk to the Pay Phone
Walk to the Desoto
With Sam, select "Back to The Office"

Walk to The Office


Walk to the Phone
With Sam, select "The White House"
With Sam, select "Hello, Please hold"
Walk to The Office Door

Walk to Hugh Bliss
With Sam, select "How about a magic trick?"
Walk to the "Free Home Delivery"
Walk to the Posters
Walk to the Poster
Walk to the Desoto
With Sam, select "The White House"

White House
Walk to the White House Door

President’s Room

Walk to the Exit Door
Walk to the White House Door
Walk to The President
With Sam, select "We're ready to interpret"
With Sam, select "What's a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?"
With Sam, select "Which way is the War Room?"
Open your Inventory and use your Boxing Glove with The President

White House
Open your Inventory and use your "Free Home Delivery" with Cue Cards
Walk to Lincoln
With Sam, select "Let's talk about the issues"
With Sam, select "How do you plan to solve the problem of toxic waste?"
Walk to the Cue Cards
Walk to the Cue Cards until you get a card with the words: "Two wrongs don't make a right"
Walk to Lincoln
With Sam, select "Let's talk about the issues"
With Sam, select "Where do you stand on religion and schools?"
Open your Inventory and use your "Give Me All You Got" with Cue Cards
Walk to Lincoln
With Sam, select "Let's talk about the issues"
With Sam, select "How would you describe your tax plan?"
Open your Inventory and use your Organic Listening Device with Lincoln
Walk to the Organic Listening Device
Walk to the Flyer
Walk to the Desoto
With Sam, select "Back to The Office"

Walk to Sybil’s


Open your Inventory and use your Lincoln Campaign Flyer with Sybil
Walk to the Exit Door

Walk to The Office


Open your Inventory and use your Organic Listening Device with Phone
With Sam, select "Sybil"
With Sam, select "I, Abraham Lincoln, am that man"
With Sam, select "This is a date that will be remembered for centuries"
With Sam, select "I stand here at the steps of The White House"
With Sam, select "The time to act is now"

White House
Walk to the White House

President’s Room

Walk to the Calendar
Move Sticky Note to 8th April: Easter Sunday
Walk to the Exit Door

White House
Walk to the Hole (The 9th hole on the lawn)

Easter Bunny

Found the Easter Egg.

Easter Bunny

This will then unlock you the "Easter Bunny" achievement.

Walk to the White House

President’s Room
Walk to the Ribbon
Walk to the Calendar
Move Sticky Note to 26th April: Secretary's Day
Give Secretary Ribbon to Secret Service Agent
With Max, select “any of the responses”
Walk to Secret Service Agent
With Sam, select "Take a vacation"
Walk to the Exit Door

White House
Walk to the Desoto
With Sam, select "Back to The Office"


Walk to Sybil’s


Walk to Sybil
With Sam, select "How does carbon-dating work?"
With Sam, select "See you around, Sybil"
Walk to the Exit Door

Walk to the Desoto
With Sam, select "The White House"

White House

Walk to the White House

President’s Room

Walk to the National Budget
Select Sybil Pandemik's The Office
Walk to the Exit Door

White House
Walk to the Desoto
With Sam, select "Back to The Office"


Walk to Sybil’s


Walk to the Carbon-14 Dating Device
Walk to the Exit Door


Walk to Bosco’s Inconvenience


With Sam, Select "See you later"
Open your Inventory and use your Carbon Dating Device on Hot Weenies
Walk to the Exit Door

Walk to the Desoto
With Sam, select "The White House"

White House

Walk to the White House

President’s Room

Walk to the National Budget
Select Bosco’s Inconvenience Store
Walk to the Exit Door

White House
Walk to the Desoto
With Sam, select "Back to The Office"


Walk to Bosco’s Inconvenience


Walk to Bosco
Walk to the Exit Door

Walk to the Desoto
With Sam, Select "The White House"

White House

Walk to the White House

President’s Room

Open your Inventory and use your Truth Serum with Whizzer
Walk to the War Room Door

War Room
Walk to the Targeting Computer
Select the Next Target Icon
Select the Next Target Icon (You should get Bosco Inconvenience Store)
Exit the view by selecting either left or right on the screen
Walk to the Oval Office Door

President’s Room

Walk to the Exit Door

White House
Walk to the Desoto
With Sam, select "Back to The Office"


Walk to Bosco’s Inconvenience


Walk to the Camera
Walk to the Exit Door


Walk to the Desoto
With Sam, select "Let's chase down Lincoln"


Open your Inventory and use your Beacon
Click on Lincoln: Max will then throw the Beacon onto Lincoln
Select The White House Icon, and then press the cn_back button

White House
Walk to the White House

President’s Room

Walk to the War Room Door

War Room

Walk to the Target Computer
Select the Fire Button

Abe Lincoln Must Die!

Completed Episode 4 - "Abe Lincoln Must Die!".

Abe Lincoln Must Die!

You should now have this achievement for completing the episode. It will also count 4/6 towards the “Saved The World!” achievement. The episode’s achievement will either unlock after the final cutscene of the episode, or after the episode’s credits.

"It's been an honor serving you Mr. President. Shall we continue our mission with the next case?"

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