Scene It? Box Office Smash! Achievements Full list of all 58 Scene It? Box Office Smash! achievements worth 1,250 gamerscore.The base game contains 50 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 8 achievements worth 250 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 4 Offline Mode 4 Online Mode 50 Online/Offline 54 Single Player 56 Versus 4 Stackable 27 Cumulative + 1 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 1,486 1,000 50 3.555,2022,926 (5%)15-20h Couch PotatoWin 5 games in any mode. 1 guideHome RentalsWin 10 games in any mode. 1 guideVideo Store ClerkWin 15 games in any mode. 1 guideShort FilmPlay a Short Game. 1 guideBackground ArtistScore 25,000 points in a Short Game. 1 guideBit PartScore 40,000 points in a Short Game. 1 guideSupporting RoleScore 60,000 points in a Short Game. Epic FeaturePlay a Long Game 1 guideLead RoleScore 45,000 points in a Long Game. 1 guideStarScore 60,000 points in a Long Game. 1 guideAward-Winning PerformanceScore 85,000 points in a Long Game. 1 guideDirectorGet 10 questions correct in a row in any game mode. 1 guideProducerGet 15 questions correct in a row in any game mode. It's a LIVEPlay an online game. 1 guideLIVE and KickingWin an online game. 1 guideAll on the LineWin 10 online games. 4 guidesHome AloneScore 300,000 + points in a Solo Game. 3 guidesCameo AppearanceAnswer one question correctly from every puzzle type. 1 guideMise-en-SceneSuccessfully answer every Now Playing or Pictogram question in one puzzle block. 1 guideReviewing the DailiesSuccessfully answer every Movie Clip question in one puzzle block. 2 guidesFlash ForwardSuccessfully answer every Sequentials or Credit Roll question in one puzzle block. Multiple ExposureSuccessfully answer every Genre X question in one puzzle block. 1 guideMethod ActingSuccessfully answer every Who Am I or Celebrity Ties question in one puzzle block. 1 guideWorking TitleSuccessfully answer every Anagram question in one puzzle block. 2 guidesDialect CoachSuccessfully answer every Sound Clip or Songs & Slogans question in one puzzle block. Soft FocusSuccessfully answer every Distorted Reality question in one puzzle block. 1 guideFinding the MacguffinSuccessfully answer every Invisibles or Props question in one puzzle block. 1 guideViewfinder MasterSuccessfully answer every Which Is Which or Visual Puzzler question in one puzzle block. 1 guideRunning LinesSuccessfully answer every Quotables or Crosswords question in one puzzle block. 1 guideDrawing Up StoryboardsSuccessfully answer every Sketches, Pixel Flix, or Child's Play question in one puzzle block. 1 guideSneak PreviewAnswer 30 questions with the maximum amount of points. 2 guidesA Spine-Tingling Splatter-FestSuccessfully answer 25 questions about Horror movies. 1 guideA Rip-Roaring Good TimeSuccessfully answer 50 questions about Comedy movies. 1 guideA Gritty Epic of RedemptionSuccessfully answer 15 questions about Western movies. 2 guidesA Visually Stunning Mind-BenderSuccessfully answer 25 questions about Sci-Fi movies. 2 guidesAn Edge-of-Your-Seat Thrill RideSuccessfully answer 35 questions about Action movies. 1 guideAn Emotional Tour de ForceSuccessfully answer 50 questions about Drama movies. 1 guideWholesome Fun for the FamilySuccessfully answer 20 questions about Family movies. 1 guideA Foot-Stomping ExtravaganzaSuccessfully answer 20 questions about Musical movies. 2 guidesFall in Love All Over AgainSuccessfully answer 40 questions about Romance movies. 1 guideGirls' Night OutSuccessfully answer 15 questions about Chick Flick movies. Leave Fan Boys Drooling for MoreSuccessfully answer 25 questions about Nerd movies. 1 guideDrive-in Double FeatureAnswer 10 questions about the '50's. 1 guideTriumph of the Anti-HeroAnswer 20 questions about the '60's. 3 guidesThe Darker Side of HollywoodAnswer 30 questions about the '70's. 1 guideDoing Stuff to Music MontagesAnswer 40 questions about the '80's. 1 guideIndies in the Info AgeAnswer 50 questions about the '90's. 1 guideHollywood in Hi-DefAnswer 60 questions about the '00's. 1 guideBest PictureSuccessfully answer 40 questions about Oscar winning movies. 1 guideBest ActorSuccessfully answer 35 questions about Award winning actors and actresses. 1 guide Add-on Award Winners 590 250 8 3.0212,3381,486 (12%)4-5h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.Streaming VideoPlay a DLC-only game. 1 guideFor Your ConsiderationSuccessfully answer 150 DLC questions. 1 guideMotion BlurSuccessfully answer every Pop Quiz question in one puzzle block. 2 guidesAnd the Winner Is...Successfully answer 60 Pop Quiz questions about Oscar Best Picture winning movies. 4 guidesAnd the Nominees Are...Successfully answer 40 Pop Quiz questions about Oscar winning actors and directors. 3 guidesLifetime Achievement AwardScore 80,000 points in a Short or Long Game with only DLC content. 1 guideFormidable OpponentScore 330,000 points in a Solo Game with a mix of standard and DLC content. 2 guidesOnline QuizWin one round of Pop Quiz while playing online. 3 guides