Players that want to boost this game

Gamer Achievements Won TA GS Presence
Danzzig Danzzig 12 1,429 (1,000)
Germany derLacker derLacker 12 1,429 (1,000)
nightkeeper11 nightkeeper11 12 1,429 (1,000)
USA amphernee amphernee 12 1,429 (1,000)
ElNetflix007 ElNetflix007 4 416 (340)
France Vivicomdu4444 Vivicomdu4444 0 0 (0)
Hungary Milo Bence Milo Bence 0 0 (0)
Scotland crowbo 360 crowbo 360GTASC Period One Team and Individual comfortably survived. Both bonuses earned. 0 0 (0)
Brazil Fuyuki Wolfer Fuyuki WolferIf you can not win the game, if you can not solve the puzzle, then you are nothing but a loser. 0 0 (0)
England HoxB HoxB // 0 0 (0)
USA ULTRAxNAPA ULTRAxNAPA169 out of 200......31 to go! 0 0 (0)
USA x ShadoVV x x ShadoVV xDiscontinued: Achievement is no longer able to be unlocked. Unobtainable: Game released with an achievement no one can unlock. 0 0 (0)
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