Secret Service Achievements Full list of all 48 Secret Service achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 12-15 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 48 Offline Mode 48 Single Player 12 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 14 Difficulty Specific 1 Stackable 7 Collectable 3 Missable 9 Cumulative + 2 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Don’t Tase Me BroElectrocute 35 enemies using the Stun Gun or Taser. 1 guideCowboyAccumulate 30 kills using pistols in any level. 1 guideSoft SpotAccumulate 50 headshots throughout the entire game. 1 guideDrop The Pin…Kill yourself with your own grenade. 2 guidesGives Instead Of Takes BulletsComplete the game without dying on Agent or POTUS Detail difficulty. 2 guidesPOTUS SecuredComplete the game on any difficulty setting. 1 guideYeah, I'm Pretty AwesomeComplete the game on the POTUS Detail difficulty setting. Loves Fire, Hates Red ContainersBlow up 10 fire extinguishers. 1 guideNo Body CaresDestroy 20 busts in Capitol Building levels (Coup D'etat and Filibuster). 2 guidesJust Like The Real ThingWin 30 hacking minigames. 2 guidesWhat Are You, A Cat?Complete the entire game without ever using nightvision (excluding while gunning in Marine One). 1 guideLike Static With UnconciousnessZap 75 enemies with the Stun Gun or Taser. 1 guideThe Exact Opposite Of Your JobShoot the man you were hired to protect. 1 guideThey Shouldn't Have Bunched UpKill 30 enemies using hand grenades and/or the RPG. 1 guideThe Memory Of A GoldfishKill 1 enemy using the tripwire laser bombs that were set by the Sentavans. 1 guideTurns Out They Don't Hail A CabInitiate the explosion of 5 tripwire laser bombs by crossing their lasers. 1 guideToo Lazy To Jump And CrouchBlow up all tripwire laser bombs in the Rogue Agent level. 1 guideBullet WaltzRun for over 3 minutes, crouch 30 times, lean 30 times, and jump 30 times. 1 guideAwful SurpriseShock 1 enemy with the Taser while they aren't looking. 1 guideSome Of Them Still Have MinutesPick up 10 Cell Phones. 1 guideHaven't Found A Color I LikePick up 35 Cell Phones. 3 guidesOpening A Local Wireless StorePick up all 50 Cell Phones. 2 guidesCountrymanBeat the game without killing a single Secret Service Agent. 2 guidesWeapon TesterFire each weapon in the game at least once. 1 guideMerciless SpeedKill 5 enemies in 5 seconds. 2 guidesExpert MarksmanFire an entire magazine without hitting anyone. 1 guideBow To No One!Complete any level without crouching. 1 guideFrom The HipComplete any level without using gun sights. 1 guideWhite House ElectricianComplete Habeas Corpus using only the Stun Gun and Taser on Agent or POTUS Detail difficulty. The Best Defense…Complete Extraction with more than 50% of the helicopter armor intact. 2 guidesMaster Of SpinWin 10 hacking minigames in a row. 2 guidesCameramanComplete any level without getting hit even once by a turret. 1 guidePlaying For KeepsComplete any level on POTUS Detail difficulty without dying. 3 guidesHopefully No Long Term Effects…Receive 15 hits from high voltage fences without dying from electric shock. 1 guideIn Just 30 Seconds A DayPerform 5 crouches, 5 leans and run for 10 seconds all in under 30 seconds. 1 guideFive Birds With One BoomEliminate 5 or more enemies with a single explosion (use grenades, RPG or Trip Wire Bombs). 3 guidesCamera ShyDestroy 25 turret cameras. 2 guidesNo RecordDestroy all turret cameras. 1 guideInaugural AssaultComplete Inaugural Assault on Agent or POTUS Detail difficulty. 1 guideCoup D'etatComplete Coup D'etat on Agent or POTUS Detail difficulty. 1 guideFilibusterComplete Filibuster on Agent or POTUS Detail difficulty. 1 guideUrban LegendComplete Urban Legend on Agent or POTUS Detail difficulty. 1 guideCollateral DamageComplete Collateral Damage on Agent or POTUS Detail difficulty. 1 guideRogue AgentComplete Rogue Agent on Agent or POTUS Detail difficulty. 1 guideHabeas CorpusComplete Habeas Corpus on Agent or POTUS Detail difficulty. Last StandComplete Last Stand on Agent or POTUS Detail difficulty. 1 guideExtractionComplete Extraction on Agent or POTUS Detail difficulty. 1 guideExpatriateComplete Expatriate on Agent or POTUS Detail difficulty. 1 guide