Self-Delusion Achievements Here is the full list of all 20 Self-Delusion achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 20 Offline Mode 20 Single Player 11 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Let there be light! (x10)Light 10 candles It's game time (x10)Find 10 toys It's game time (x50)Find 50 toys It's game time (x100)Find 100 toys Need more matches! (x10)Find 10 matches Need more matches! (x50)Find 50 matches Need more matches! (x100)Find 100 matches Feed me (x10)Feed the Oven 10 times Feed me (x50)Feed the Oven 50 times Night ringing (x5)Drive away Ancybal 5 times Go away! (x10)Drive away Boggart 10 times Look under your feetMeet Lapot Hidden HeartPierce the heart of Likho Dies from breadMeet Kolobok I will eat you myselfWin against Kolobok Heck, I'm offRun away from Leshy Leshy was strongerKnow the winner Not today, LapotThe ending? Home sweet homeGet home Strange educationGet first lesson