Shadow Warrior 2 (Windows) Achievements Here is the full list of all 39 Shadow Warrior 2 (Windows) achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 39 Online/Offline 39 Single Player 39 Cooperative 8 Host Only 4 Main Storyline 4 Difficulty Specific 4 Stackable 4 Collectable 23 Cumulative + 4 Level 6 Buggy + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply I'm a Collector MyselfUnlock all achievements 2 guidesCasual WangComplete the game on Tiny Grasshopper difficulty Normal WangComplete the game on I Have No Fear difficulty Hard WangComplete the game on Who Wants Wang difficulty Insane WangComplete the game on No Pain No Gain difficulty King of the Dragon MountainDefeat Corrupted Kamiko King of Mount AkumaDefeat Devouring Kamiko Unfinished BusinessDefeat Zilla Mechanoid Goddess SlayerDefeat Ancient Goddess Ameonna SenpaiDevelop any character to level 10 SenseiDevelop any character to level 25 GrandmasterDevelop any character to level 50 Junior HitmanKill 100 enemies ExecutionerKill 500 enemies Call me Wang, Lo WangKill 2500 enemies Shiny!Find 5 secrets My PreciousFind 15 secrets Ancient Chinese SecretsFind 50 secrets That's a Lot of CoinsCollect 1000000 zillyen Financial SecurityCollect 10000000 zillyen Ready for ActionCollect 500 upgrades Unique CollectionCollect 200 unique upgrades Legendary CollectionCollect 100 legendary upgrades HandymanCraft 100 upgrades Legendary HandymanCraft 30 legendary upgrades TricksterPerform 200 Special Attack kills Wang the ImpalerPerform 100 kills when enemy's grasped by Grip of Darkness Tiny Little PiecesShatter 100 frozen enemies Toxic BlastPerform 100 acid corpse explosions Living TorchSet 200 enemies on fire Short CircuitElectrocute 200 enemies BullseyePerform 100 weakspot kills Mr. KosugiPerform 50 Vanish kills I Think I Saw a WabbitKill 10 Bunny Lords 1 guideStudent of The Way of the WangComplete any trial of The Way of the Wang 1 guideMaster of The Way of the WangComplete Trials of Infusion, Embedding, Purification and Trial of the Ancient God 1 guideOrb CollectorCollect 100 Orbs of Masamune 1 guideExperienced Orb CollectorCollect 1000 Orbs of Masamune 1 guideThe Way of MasamuneCollect 10000 Orbs of Masamune 1 guide