Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Achievements Here is the full list of all 44 Shantae and the Pirate's Curse achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 44 Offline Mode 44 Single Player 16 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 8 Collectable 13 Missable 3 Cumulative + 1 Shop 2 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Eww! Eew! Eew!Obtain Squid Oil. 1 guideSmells like victory!Release the Ham Stink. 1 guideAvoided a Curse…Obtain all three Mummy Sketches. 1 guideThe fun part!Obtain the Golden Pickaxe. 1 guideIt belongs in a museum!Obtain the Fossil. 2 guidesI GAINED THE ADVANTAGE!Collect the Enchanted Blade. 1 guideMutant BuffaloObtain Manly Musk. 1 guideComfort and ConvenienceObtain the Spirit from Abner. 1 guideFool me once…Play keep away with the Ammo Baron. 2 guidesIt ain't not gonna miss.Help Ammo Baron fire the Palace Disruptor Cannon. 1 guideRet-2-go!Defeated the Ammo Baron. 1 guideFrom my hair to his derriere!Defeated the Ammo Baron without taking any damage. 3 guidesGreen ThumbDefeated the Cyclops Plant. Master GardenerDefeated the Cyclops Plant without taking damage. 2 guidesArachnophobiaDefeated the Empress Spider. 1 guideSquashed SpiderDefeated the Empress Spider without taking damage. 2 guidesTen-ticklesDefeated the Squid Baron. Calamari ConnoisseurDefeated the Squid Baron without taking damage. 2 guidesGraet JobbDefeated Dagron. 1 guidePrefectionistDefeated Dagron without taking damage. 3 guidesHunk of JunkDefeated the Steel Maggot. 1 guideScrap MetalDefeated the Steel Maggot without taking damage. 2 guidesVanished into the eternal abyss…Defeated the Pirate Master. Nothing but a shade…Defeated the Pirate Master without taking damage. 2 guidesSpeed RunnerSaved Scuttle Town as fast as possible! 1 guideGuardian GenieDefeat the Pirate Master's true form. 1 guidePurple Haired Warrior MaidenAchieve 100% completion in record time! 1 guideHalf-Genie HeroDefeated the Pirate Master's true form without taking any damage. 3 guidesSpecial WeaponryDefeat 250 enemies using Shantae's Monster Whipper! 1 guideReady for anything!Defeat 50 enemies using Pirate Weapons. 1 guideSquid SaviorComplete the game without any Health upgrades and all Heart Squids collected. 1 guideGotta Get 'Em AllCollect 50% of the Heart Squids. 1 guideMELT! THEM!! DOWN!!!Collect all Heart Squids. 1 guideDestroying the Dark MagicCollect 50% of the Dark Magic. 1 guidePrepared for BattleCollect all Dark Magic. 1 guideZombie Survival GuideGet Rottytops to Abner Tree without making any mistakes in a single attempt. 2 guidesNostalgia TripDiscover the secret Labyrinth. 2 guidesSkilled SurvivorComplete the hidden training room. 2 guidesOn the map!Collect all Labyrinth maps. 2 guidesBroken BonesDestroy 20 bones with the Bubble Shield. 2 guidesRisky's BusinessUse a Pirate Flare to return to Risky's ship. 1 guideWhat an eyesore...Defeated the Cyclops Plant using only Pike Balls. 1 guidePest ControlDestroy 10 Spider Eggs before they hatch. 1 guideTasty TreatsSample the entire menu! 1 guide