Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Shenmue 1 and 2 and more leaving Xbox Game Pass soonDeus Ex: Mankind Divided, Shenmue 1 & 2 and more are set to leave both Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass for PC. This gives you just a couple of weeks to grab any achievements you might need from these titles. Posted 5 years ago by Sean Carey
20 Games Added to Xbox Game Pass Including Shenmue and Two Surprise ReleasesWe were expecting more details on Xbox Game Pass for PC, but it seems like Xbox One gamers are not missing out. 20 games have been added to Xbox Game Pass today, including two games that have gotten surprise releases. Posted 6 years ago by Rebecca Smith
New Xbox Releases: Week Beginning August 20th, 2018There's a decent mix of new Xbox titles between the 14 games that are releasing this week. There are four retail titles, six ID@Xbox titles and four other digital-only titles. Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Shenmue II Achievement List RevealedShenmue II is receiving a HD remaster alongside its predecessor. Due to release imminently, we have the game's achievement list for you to study and plan your playthrough(s) accordingly. Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Combat and Mini Games Take Centre Stage in the Latest Shenmue I & II VideoWhether you want to become a brawling badass or simply drink a can of pop, the possibilities are all explained in the latest "What is Shenmue?" video, with voice actor Corey Marshall returning to tell us more. Posted 7 years ago by Marc Hollinshead
Latest Shenmue I & II Video Talks About The Series' CharactersMain character Ryo Hazuki, lead villain Lan Di and...a cat are all mentioned in this latest video for the re-releases of Shenmue I and Shenmue II as SEGA and Corey Marshall look back at the series characters. Posted 7 years ago by Andy Mills
Poll: What's Your Most Anticipated New Game for August 2018?August is sort of the unofficial kickoff to the upcoming swarm of big games we'll be getting for the rest of the year. This year it's no different with several high profile new games launching soon. Which is your favorite? Posted 7 years ago by Mark Delaney
SEGA Looks Back At The Story Of Shenmue I & IIWith the re-releases of Shenmue and Shenmue II on the way later this month, SEGA have taken the opportunity to look back at the Dreamcast cult classics, starting a video series with Ryo's English voice actor Corey Marshall. Posted 7 years ago by Andy Mills
See Dobuita Street in Shenmue I & II TrailerWe got another look at Shenmue and Shenmue II in a new trailer featuring Adam Koralik and Imran Yusuf. They visit the real life location of Dobuita Street, the iconic location recreated in Shenmue. Posted 7 years ago by CognitiveCaveat
Shenmue I & II Remasters Arrive In AugustBeloved SEGA Dreamcast classics Shenmue 1 and 2 were announced for modern consoles three months ago, and now we know that the release is just around the corner. Relive Ryo's journey from August 21st. Posted 7 years ago by Sam Quirke