Singularity makes surprise return to Xbox store with random PC portA PC version of Xbox 360 shooter Singularity has now been made available on the Xbox store, sparking hopes that more Activision games could be coming to Game Pass. Posted 5 months ago by Sean Carey
TA Top Five: Fake InventionsThe absolute best thing about video games, along with other forms of narrative media, is that they craft incredible fictional worlds. These worlds have no bounds on when or where they exist, or wheth Posted 10 years ago by Marc Caccamise
TA Top Five: ScientistsScience plays a pretty big role in the narrative of many games. Few things make better sources of conflict than advanced science gone awry and few things make better resolutions to conflict than the Posted 10 years ago by Jonathan Barnes
TA Top Five: Sequels That Should Be MadeSpoiler Warning In the process of discussing the game's which should receive sequels, certain plot points which may spoil the narrative story may be discussed. If you have not played a certain game Posted 11 years ago by Marc Caccamise
TA Top Five: Judgement CallsChoice is something that we've found increasingly built into games over the last generation as developers aim to create living, breathing worlds in which we can craft our own unique journeys based on Posted 11 years ago by Chewie
TA Top Five: Annoying Boss FightsNot so long ago we featured a top five of the Top Boss Battles. Those fights we can look back on with a certain degree of pride, knowing how tough and how hard fought they were. We can look back with Posted 11 years ago by Andrew Ogley
TA Top Five: CollectiblesIf there's one thing I hate, it's black olives on pizza. If there's a second thing I hate, it's a game with pointless collectibles. On the flip side, games with good collectibles are amazing. They pu Posted 11 years ago by Jonathan Barnes
Easter Eggs: SingularityWelcome to Easter Eggs, where the TA Team shines the spotlight on games that many gamers might have missed, perhaps hidden away behind the millionth copy of Call of Duty or FIFA. Much like a gamer w Posted 12 years ago by Jonathan Barnes
In Defense of 'Tacked On' MultiplayerSome games are just meant to dominate the online community. Halo 2 and Xbox Live were essentially synonymous terms during the heyday of the original Xbox; Counter-Strike defined PC shooters, and argu Posted 12 years ago by Janitor Doon
Buy Singularity, Get Prototype Free!So chaps and lady-chaps, you read DavieMarshall's news post about Singularity last week (, yes? But maybe need a bit more incentive to Posted 15 years ago by zigs00