Latest Skulls of the Shogun (WP) News

Skulls of the Shogun Gets Title Update

The techno wizards at 17-BIT have just released the full list of fixes and enhancements that will be coming to all iterations of Skulls of the Shogun (XBLA, Windows 8, and Windows Phone) the next tim

Posted 12 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

New Characters For Skulls Of The Shogun

Just recently we reported the announcement of some of the new characters for the upcoming title Skulls of the Shogun. Microsoft have revealed a couple more images for two new characters, and a little

Posted 12 years ago by Andrew Ogley

Windows Phone Release: January 30th, 2013

Aside from a few Nokia exclusive titles, we haven't seen a new Xbox title available to all Windows Phones since KenKen (WP) released back on December 19th. Six weeks later we finally have a new title

Posted 12 years ago by litepink

Meet the Skulls of the Shogun Characters

Skulls of the Shogun is due to be released next week across three platforms: Xbox LIVE Arcade, Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. Before that happens, Microsoft Studios wanted to bring us some details on

Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Skulls of the Shogun Will Launch At A Discount

Skulls of the Shogun will finally be available next week. Not only will 17-Bit's long-awaited turn-based strategy title be available in an XBLA flavor for 1200 MSP, but it will also be available for

Posted 12 years ago by Dog of Thunder

Skulls of the Shogun Release Date Announced

Over the past year, 17 Bit have shown us much of their upcoming turn-based strategy Skulls of the Shogun, spanning from E3 trailers to multiplayer footage to how the cross-platform play will work. Th

Posted 12 years ago by Ellis Spice

Another Skulls Of The Shogun Video

Way back in September we wrote an article about Skulls of the Shogun and its cross-platform capabilities. In case you missed that article, you can read all about it here. Today, Developer 17-BIT rele

Posted 13 years ago by Graymouse

Skulls of the Shogun Trailer

Developer 17-BIT has produced a brand new trailer for their showing of at last weekend's PAX Prime. The trailer for the turn-based strat

Posted 13 years ago by Chewie

Skulls of the Shogun Multiplayer Video

Developer 17-Bit have released a lengthy multiplayer walkthrough video for upcoming arcade strategy title Skulls of the Shogun. In the below clip, the developers talk us through a two player versus m

Posted 13 years ago by ButterflyxEdge