Latest Skylanders SWAP Force (Xbox 360) News

Retail Releases: Week of October 15th, 2013

If you have some cash burning a hole in your pocket there are some new releases this week that could possibly grab your attention. Skylanders invades other regions this week after its North American

Posted 12 years ago by litepink

Achievement Preview Spotlight: Skylanders SWAP

As achievement hunters, we're all collectors of some sort. Each and every one of our trophy cases is full of our favorite pops that we've been collecting since we joined TA. Recently, games have begu

Posted 12 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

Retail Releases: Week of October 8th, 2013

Skylanders looks to capitalize on the weekend crowd with a rare Sunday release. This makes sense since children (a key demographic for these titles) normally have to go to school during the week and

Posted 12 years ago by litepink

Skylanders SWAP Force Information Explosion

Surprisingly, we haven't heard about the latest entry in the Skylanders franchise, Skylanders SWAP Force, since sometime in mid-August. Now, the silence has not only been broken, but the flood gates

Posted 12 years ago by Michelle Balsan

Epic Trailer for Skylanders SWAP Force

Skylanders SWAP Force will be anchoring itself in both the Xbox 360 gaming community and the soon to be newly forged Xbox One community, and the swapping of character parts will commence. Here are a

Posted 12 years ago by SgtDigglesworth

Skylanders SWAP Force Gameplay Screenshots

Now that Skylanders SWAP Force has been announced for the Xbox One, it's time to take a sneak peek at some more gameplay screens for this latest entry in the Skylanders series: http://www.trueachieve

Posted 12 years ago by Ellis Spice

Skylanders SWAP Force Headed To Xbox One

With the Skylanders SWAP Force Xbox 360 release date so close to the suspected launch date of the Xbox One, you had to wonder if it would make the jump to the next generation as other games have been

Posted 12 years ago by Joshua Rust

Skylanders SWAP Force Trailer & Screens

Just yesterday we brought you the news that Activision would be expanding their popular Skylanders toy/game crossover franchise into the dark world of extreme body modification. Skylanders SWAP Force

Posted 12 years ago by Chewie

Activision Unveils Skylanders SWAP Force

Recently, Disney unveiled Disney Infinity, a new game that utilizes the "real toys in a gaming world" approach. After all, for the past couple of years, Activision's Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure and

Posted 12 years ago by Michelle Balsan

Latest Skylanders SWAP Force (Xbox 360) Screenshots

Skylanders SWAP Force (Xbox 360) Screenshot 1Skylanders SWAP Force (Xbox 360) Screenshot 2Skylanders SWAP Force (Xbox 360) Screenshot 3Skylanders SWAP Force (Xbox 360) Screenshot 4Skylanders SWAP Force (Xbox 360) Screenshot 5Skylanders SWAP Force (Xbox 360) Screenshot 6