Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 5 Main Storyline 5 Story Completed 44 Missable 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Real Slay the Princess Starts HereYou'll know it when you see it. And? What happens next?Whatever it is, you'll face it together. 1 guideThere are no endings.Only new beginnings. 1 guideA new and unending dawn.Slay the Princess Knives out, boysSlay the Princess, and make some enemies along the way 1 guideYou're on a path in the woods...And at the end of that path is a cabin. 1 guideDenialReturn to your destined path, or face the consequences 1 guideAngerWhy have you come back?! 1 guideBargainingWhat can I do to make you stop? 1 guideDepressionYou don't know what you're doing. 1 guideAcceptanceThis is it. 1 guideJust as you were nothing.So have you become nothing again. 1 guideOur song.Finish the game (the good ending doesn't count) The Good EndingWas that really the whole game? I don't get the hype. Your new world.What textures will you weave for yourself to occupy forever? 1 guideA Bold HeartBring the Adversary to Her A Terrifying and Divine HeartBring the Apotheosis to Her A Cunning HeartBring the Beast to Her An Open Heart, or a Watchful OneBring the Cage to Her A Wise HeartBring the Moment of Clarity to Her A Gentle HeartBring the Damsel to Her 1 guideA Pliable HeartBring the Deconstructed Damsel to Her A Ravenous HeartBring the Den to Her An Empathetic HeartShare in a Princess' beating heart before bringing it to Her An Empathetic Heart, Held in StencilShare in a Stenciled Heart before bringing it to Her A Burning HeartBring the Eye of the Needle to Her A Weathered HeartBring the Fury to Her An Unwound and Weathered HeartBring the Unwound Fury to Her 1 guideA Bright HeartBring the Burned Grey to Her A Deep HeartBring the Drowned Grey to Her An Honest HeartBring your happy ending to Her A Tender HeartBring the Nightmare to Her A Patient HeartBring the Prisoner to Her A Clever HeartBring enough of the Prisoner to Her A Piercing Heart in a Cage of IronBring the Razor to Her A Piercing Heart, Beating FreeBring the Razor's Heart to Her A Yearning HeartBring the Spectre to Her A Rich and Vibrant HeartBring the Stranger to Her 1 guideA Cautious HeartBring the Thorn to Her An Overwhelming HeartBring the Tower to Her A Curious and Beautiful HeartBring the Networked Wild to Her A Scarred and Beautiful HeartBring the Wounded Wild to Her A Righteous HeartBring the Witch to Her A Driven HeartBring the Wraith to Her A Song to RememberFinish the Gallery The BodyIt's you. The BloatYou've grown. The DecayYou've withered. The RemainsYou've unraveled. The Long QuietAll of this is you.