Sniper Elite 3 (Xbox 360) Achievements Full list of all 70 Sniper Elite 3 achievements worth 1,440 gamerscore. It takes around 25-30 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.The base game contains 50 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 20 achievements worth 440 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 5 Online Mode 67 Online/Offline 67 Single Player 18 Main Storyline 3 Difficulty Specific 4 Stackable 8 Collectable 12 Cumulative + 6 Buggy - 4 Level 65 Cooperative 6 Versus 2 Time/Date 1 x3 Players Required 1 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,923 1,000 50 3.7621,747561 (3%)25-30h The Gazala GallopComplete Mission 1 1 guideWonderwallComplete Mission 2 Through the fire...Complete Mission 3 No refugeComplete Mission 4 In the nick of timeComplete Mission 5 Crouching Tiger, Hidden RatteComplete Mission 6 Demolition ManComplete Mission 7 Pest Control SpecialistComplete Mission 8 Oscar MikeRelocate 100 times 1 guideMake it go boomKill 20 enemies by shooting explosives 1 guideSniping with friendsComplete the campaign in co-op Time to reloadComplete the game on Cadet difficulty Regular soldierComplete the game on Marksman difficulty Hard as nailsComplete the game on Elite difficulty True sniperComplete the game on Authentic difficulty 5 guidesCasual ReaderFind half of the war diaries 1 guideArchivistFind all the war diaries 1 guideThe gatheringFind all the collectible cards 1 guideNesting instinctFind all the Sniper nests 1 guideA shot in the darkComplete all the long shots 2 guidesNothing is optionalComplete all the optional objectives 1 guideDedicated soldierComplete 100% of the campaign on any difficulty 2 guidesYou'll try anything oncePlay 1 mission in each mode (campaign, challenges, competitive multiplayer) 2 guidesGhost of TobrukClear the mountain pass without alerting the enemy (Mission 1) 2 guidesWell, well, wellHide a body in each of the wells in Gaberoun (Mission 2) 2 guidesEnd of the 'lein'Find and kill the visiting General (Mission 3) 2 guidesI Fort this would be difficultGot to the informant without being spotted (Mission 4) 2 guidesI Siwa you did thereMake the target officer's death look like an accident (Mission 5) 4 guidesDouble tapIncapacitate 2 vehicles in Kasserine Pass within 5 seconds (Mission 6) 5 guidesThree birds, one stoneDestroy all 3 bomb dumps at the same time (Mission 7) 2 guidesLong way downThrow an enemy off one of the bridges (Mission 8) 2 guidesAdvantage: SniperGet 30 kills from sniper nests 1 guideDefinitely no "90-day wonder"Attain a rank of Sergeant (level 11) 1 guideOfficer materialAttain a rank of Second Lieutenant (level 31) 6 guidesThrough the looking glassKill 10 snipers before they see 2 guidesHidden and dangerousComplete a campaign mission without being seen (excluding Tobruk) 3 guidesCompetitive streakPlay 10 competitive multiplayer matches 2 guidesAn ode to Rube GoldbergGet 20 chain reaction explosive kills 1 guideTaggedTag 100 enemies or vehicles 1 guideThis is my rifle...Customize 1 rifle 1 guidePrepared for any eventualityCreate and save 4 loadouts 1 guideA few of my favourite thingsGet a kill with each offensive item 1 guideTactical distractorDistract 20 enemies with flint or rocks 1 guideWait for itKill 10 enemies with flint-triggered detonations 3 guidesDouble the distanceSnipe enemies over a cumulative distance of a double marathon 2 guidesConserving oxygenHold breath for one hour 2 guidesThe EverymanComplete all the challenge missions 1 guideHighly decoratedEarn 1 of every ribbon in competitive multiplayer 1 guideIndestructibleComplete a mission after losing over 500 units of health 1 guideCharlie's ChallengeGet a testicle-shot from over 100m away 1 guide Add-on Hunt The Grey Wolf 432 200 10 3.541,6731,019 (61%)1-2h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.Threat assessmentObserve the target and correctly correctly choose to leave or kill 1 guideSweating bulletsShoot and kill the target 1 guideIn the middleKill the target with a chain reaction 1 guideConvenience is keyKill the target by shooting nearby explosive barrels 1 guideSaved by the bellCrush the target with a bell 1 guideNo escapeKill the target in the vehicle by shooting its weakspot 1 guideGrenadierKill the target with a grenade 2 guidesFast-moving targetShoot the target in his car 1 guide… And stay dead!Kill the target in 7 different ways 2 guidesHerr CharlesKill the officer at the meeting with a testicle shot 1 guide Add-on Save Churchill: Part 1 - In Shadows 149 70 3 3.281,463774 (53%)0-0.5h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store, but is still available physically.Surprise surpriseComplete 'In Shadows'. Living in the shadowsGet to the command tent unseen and without killing. 2 guidesNothing to loseComplete the mission without using any healing items. 1 guide Add-on Save Churchill: Part 2 - Belly of the Beast 150 70 3 3.221,323739 (56%)0-0.5h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store, but is still available physically.MeltdownComplete 'Belly of the Beast' Shoot to thrillBeat Raubvogel's score on the shooting range 2 guidesT.N.T.Destroy all the teufelsfeuer shipments in the truck depot 1 guide Add-on Save Churchill: Part 3 - Confrontation 238 100 4 3.14704606 (86%)1-2h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store, but is still available physically.Dry bone valleyComplete 'Confrontation'. 1 guideFeast your eyesSpot and destroy 4 enemy traps without triggering them. 1 guideBlood and thunderKill the teufelsfeuer soldiers in the coliseum. 2 guidesThe HunterEliminate a sniper with a stealth takedown. 2 guides