Soltrio Solitaire Achievements Full list of all 12 Soltrio Solitaire achievements worth 200 gamerscore. It takes around 50-60 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 10 Offline Mode 3 Online Mode 9 Single Player 3 Versus 1 Main Storyline 3 Cumulative + 1 Viral Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Solitaire VoyagerFinish traveling all around in the Voyage mode. 1 guideMinute ManWin at Klondike within one minute. 2 guidesTricked OutShow off a custom backed deck online. 2 guidesSolitaire ConquerorWin at each Classic game at least once. 6 guidesThe MinglerPlay with another player with "The Mingler", or be one of the first 500 to be ranked online. 3 guidesDuel BabyFully play a duel match against an online opponent. 1 guideCenturionPlay and win 100 solitaire games. 3 guidesApprenticeWin any solitaire game. 2 guidesAgoraphobiaPlay and win 1000 solitaire games. 2 guidesCraftsmanAssemble 5 different custom card decks. 3 guidesFlying AceIn Klondike, place 4 aces on the foundation without taking a card from the stock. 1 guideGreat EscapeWin at Freecell using only 2 cells. 1 guide