Songs of Conquest Achievements Here is the full list of all 54 Songs of Conquest achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 54 Online/Offline 54 Single Player 54 Cooperative 46 Versus 4 Difficulty Specific 7 Cumulative + 4 Level Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Bringer of RuinCast five Apocalypse spells on the same troop turn The Song of StoutheartComplete all Arleon campaign maps (on any difficulty) Death To DiplomacyComplete the last Arleon campaign map on Overwhelming difficulty Dressed For SuccessHave a wielder equipped with artifacts in all slots Attack BonanzaHave troop perform six attacks on its turn The Price of FreedomComplete all Barya campaign maps (on any difficulty) A Life's WorthComplete the last Barya campaign map on Overwhelming difficulty This Spot's TakenBlock an enemy troop from burrowing up Hello ThereBurrow up next to three or more ranged enemy troops Versatile WielderCast each spell (over any number of games) Unlimited Power!Kill three enemies using Chain Lightning Fully ChargedHave ten or more Charged buffs on a troop Coming Through!Trigger three Attacks of Opportunity in a single Bull Rush Critical HitDeal 500 damage or more in one attack DeepstrikeUse Dimensional Door to position your troop in three or more Zones of Control Die by the BowKill 100 000 enemies using ranged attacks Die by the StaffKill 100 000 enemies using magic damage Die by the SwordKill 100 000 enemies using melee attacks Double KillWin two battles on the same turn with the same wielder BarbecueKill three enemies with one flame attack In The Thick Of ItHave three or more Front Line Fighter buffs on a troop Full HouseWin a battle using each of the official wielders Infernal InfluenceMake enemy kill his friend using Blind Hatred Killing SpreeWin six battles in a row on the same turn Together For HerComplete all Loth campaign maps (on any difficulty) An Empress's HopeComplete the last Loth campaign map on Overwhelming difficulty Multi KillWin three battles on the same turn with the same wielder Proof That Luck Can Be ConsistentWin 25 multiplayer (online or hotseat) games Oops!Have enemy kill one of your own troops when you cast Blind Hatred Death From AboveKill three enemies using Breath of the Phoenix Whoops!Have your troop die from a Quick retaliation From the AshesComplete all Rana campaign maps (on any difficulty) The Marsh ExpandsComplete the last Rana campaign map on Overwhelming difficulty Don't Touch My StuffReclaim your town or settlement that is being occupied/razed/converted by the enemy Such A FungiUse Repel to push an enemy troop into three Explosive Fungi Sorcerous SpreeCast five spells on the same troop turn Get Over Here!Swap enemy troop into Acid Cloud CleaveKill three enemies with one sweeping attack Landlord ExtraordinaireMax out a town in a non-campaign game (tier 5, walls, upgraded buildings on all build sites) Trojan HorseUse a teleport spell to get on top of or behind the walls in a town siege Ultra KillWin four battles on the same turn with the same wielder AdeptReach level 8 with a wielder VeteranReach level 16 with a wielder MasterReach level 24 with a wielder Grand MasterReach level 32 with a wielder HumiliationWin a battle before the enemy gets a turn Pyrrhic VictoryWin a battle with only a single one unit left Expert Essence EmploymentWin a battle without making an attack Veni, Vidi, ViciWin a battle against a walled town Venisti, Vidisti, PerdidistiDefend a walled town in battle Kneel, peasant!Win 25 times on non-campaign maps with Arleon Contractually Obligated to WinWin 25 times on non-campaign maps with Barya I Like It A LothWin 25 times on non-campaign maps with Loth Here be DragonsWin 25 times on non-campaign maps with Rana