Space Hulk: Tactics Achievements Full list of all 28 Space Hulk: Tactics achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 25-30 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 7 Offline Mode 3 Online Mode 16 Online/Offline 23 Single Player 19 Versus 1 Community 4 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 1 Missable 1 Shop 1 Partly Disc/Unob 2 Discontinued Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Target the leaderKill a Terminator Sergeant 1 guideYou only live twiceRevive a Terminator with the Narthecium 1 guideShip designerCreate and share a mission 1 guideMission acceptedWin the first mission of the Blood Angels campaign 1 guideArchives are openWin the first mission of the Genestealers campaign 1 guideHot feetMove a unit within a burning area and have it survive 3 guidesSneaky oneKill a Terminator with a melee strike from behind 1 guideChallenge acceptedWin a Multiplayer game Give everythingEmpty your hand of cards in one turn playing the Terminators 1 guideNo one left behindWin a mission without any losses when playing as the Terminators 1 guideHarbinger of the HiveFinish the Genestealers campaign 1 guideHe is a LegendWin a mission with only one Terminator left alive 2 guidesUser instructionsCreate and share a mission by following all advice 1 guideSavior of the ImperiumWin the Blood Angels campaign 1 guideLet’s talkEmpty your hand of cards in one turn while playing the Genestealers 2 guidesSharpen your mindWin a Skirmish game against the AI on an official mission 1 guideKillersWin a mission with a Survive objective as the Genestealer player 2 guidesSurvivorsWin a mission with a Survive objective as the Terminator player 1 guideThey shall not passWin a mission with a Defend objective as the Terminator player 1 guideBreaking the barricadesWin a mission with a Defend objective as the Genestealer player 2 guidesArmed to the teethImprove every card and give 2 modules to a single Terminator in the Blood Angels campaign 1 guideElite squadWin a mission with an Extraction objective as the Terminator player 1 guideAlmost too easyWin a mission with an Extraction objective as the Genestealer player 1 guideChallenge completedWin a game against another player in Quickmatch 1 guideOn fireWin a Flame Room mission with only one heavy weapon bearer in the squad 2 guidesClassic moveKill the Librarian with the Broodlord 3 guidesAnywhere and anytimePlay and win against another player in a mission created by a member of the community 1 guideWe found itFind and retrieve the Relic of the Emperor in the Blood Angels campaign 1 guide