Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition Achievements Here is the full list of all 39 Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 39 Offline Mode 39 Single Player 39 Cooperative 5 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 5 Collectable 4 Missable 9 Cumulative + 15 Shop 1 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply CollectorComplete all of Susan's collections. 1 guideAt Least Someone is HappyMake one spirit reach an ecstatic mood at least once. 1 guideThe More, The MerrierMake five spirits reach an ecstatic mood at least once. 1 guideStokedMake all spirits reach an ecstatic mood at least once 2 guidesThe AcrobatActivate all the shrines. 3 guidesDecked OutBuild all houses and stations at least once on the boat. 1 guideSpiritfaredBring all releasable spirits to the Everdoor. 1 guideMaster ChefDiscover all recipes. 1 guideFirst EncounterHave your first conversation with Hades. 1 guideSecond EncounterHave your second conversation with Hades. 1 guideThird EncounterHave your final conversation with Hades. 1 guideLet It GoAccomplish your very last objective. 1 guideMonkey 101Complete one errand for Francis. 1 guideTwelve MonkeysComplete 12 errands for Francis. 1 guideMonkey BusinessComplete 30 errands for Francis. 1 guideFully Improved: GwenFully improve Gwen's Lodge. 1 guideFully Improved: AtulFully improve Atul's Workshop 1 guideFully Improved: SummerFully improve Summer's Sanctuary. 1 guideFully Improved: AliceFully improve Alice's Cottage. Fully Improved: AstridFully improve Astrid's Bungalow. Fully Improved: Bruce & MickeyFully improve Bruce and Mickey's Crib. Fully Improved: GustavFully improve Gustav's Gallery. 1 guideFully Improved: StanleyFully improve Stanley's Playroom. 1 guideFully Improved: BuckFully improve Buck's Lair of Wonders. 1 guideFully Improved: ElenaFully improve Elena's Cubicle. 1 guideMore Than 15%Give Furogawa Tour's guide a tip. 2 guidesDad ModeEndure 10 of Albert's jokes. 1 guidePublic TransportationUse Alex's bus stops 50 times. 1 guideEverything is IlluminatedLight up all Lighthouses. 1 guideSheep RangerFind and shelter all sheep. 2 guidesSheep CleanerShear the sheep at least 50 times. 1 guideBow-TasticCollect all figureheads. 1 guideFood DeliverySign up to Feedorama. 2 guidesUnsubscribeUnsubscribe from Feedorama. 2 guidesDating CoachGive some dating advice. 2 guidesSealed LipsDo not tell Astrid about Giovanni's night excursions. 2 guidesLoose LipsTell Astrid about Giovanni's night excursions 2 guidesBig SpenderBuy at least 100 items from Raccoon Inc. 2 guidesTaking Out The TrashSell at least 200 items. 2 guides