Romulan will be your main character playthrough, and the one you will be doing most of the story arcs with. Romulan ships are designed differently than the Federation and Klingon ships you'll be flying on other playthroughs. Romulans have Singularity Cores instead of Warp Cores, which work effectively the same but grant an additional ability that can be used in space. Each time you fire, or take damage, you begin building 'Singularity Charges', which you can find directly above your ability tray slots in space. Under your
tray slot, you'll start seeing abilities such as Plasma Shockwave and Quantum Absorption as you level up. These abilities will start to shine when they are at maximum effectiveness, but they can be used any time. The only two you'll find any use for are Quantum Absorption, which is an excellent defensive ability that gives you a significant health boost in space combat, and Energy Weapons: Singularity Overcharge, which heavily increases the damage of your energy weapons such as beams.
You also have access to a cloaking device, a stealth based space ability. When you cloak, enemy ships are unable to see you unless you are extremely close. However, you can not fire while you are cloaked, nor do you have shields. The Romulan cloak is unique in the game, as it is a 'battle cloak'. Unlike Klingons, who also have the ability to cloak, Romulans can cloak while they are in combat, removing yourself from a deadly situation if things aren't going how you like. When you do attempt to cloak in combat, enemies that were currently firing at you will still have their firing sequence completed, only you will no longer have shields. This will last about 2-3 seconds until you are fully cloaked and undetected. You can find this ability under the
ability wheel
Romulans have two main bases and a secondary base, depending on which faction you align with later on. The primary Romulan base is the Romulan Flotilla, found in the Azure sector, fourth row from the top and fourth column from the left on the sector map. It is represented by the symbol of a ship. The missions will direct you back to this place a few times, both once you complete the tutorial and variously when levels are gained. After you have established the New Romulus homeworld, you will then have access to the Command Center, where you'll be directed to the shuttlebay occasionally when you can acquire a new ship.
*Ship Section and Central Hub of Flotilla*
*Door to Shuttlebay in Command Center*
*Shuttlebay Requisitions Officer*
Now on to the story. Do not skip the tutorial unless you have already done it and know how the basic mechanics of the game work. It will only be available after you have completed it once.
From the Ashes
From the Ashes is the first Romulan specific story arc offered, consisting of seven episodes. The first few episodes serve as a tutorial on how the game works and the various mechanics, most of which has already been explained in the Basic Mechanics page of the walkthrough. After the Romulan home planet has been destroyed in events prior to the game, you start out in one of the colonies trying to survive.
This game has an important mission within it. The sixth mission is called Turning Point. It will take you through several different objectives, and at the end it will give you a choice. You can choose to align with the Federation, or you can choose to align with the Klingons. For the purposes of this walkthrough and the easiest path, choose to align with the Federation. You will then begin to access the Federation storylines that are typically shorter. You will also have the option of flying Federation ships up to a certain tier. Completion of this story arc will grant you an achievement. You will also receive the achievement for reaching level 10 by the end of this arc.
At level 10, you get the ability to Transwarp. Transwarp is a type of fast travel available only so often that can quickly jump your ship to different parts of the galaxy. As you progress in levels, you'll find yourself going faster and faster in sector space, but travel can go painfully slow in the beginning. Use travel time to clear out your inventory, sort your missions, update any daily assignments like duty officers, or have a snack.
Between level 10 and level 20, you will begin doing several different daily tasks for progression towards certain achievements. At level 10, you can begin collecting Path to 2409 datachips from Starfleet Academy. You will want to collect one once a day as often as possible to acquire one of the longer collectible achievements in the game. More information can be found on the Path to 2409 page.
At level 11, you will receive a mission to pick up your first complement of duty officers. These are the faceless crew that work behind the scenes on your ship. You can send them out on missions that will earn experience, credits, items, even occasionally other duty officers. There is an AoY DLC achievement related to gaining level 4 in a single commendation track. More information on what you'll be doing for this can be found on the Dailies page.
At level 15, you will have the ability to begin crafting. You must choose a single school and begin 20 hour research assignments once a day to reach level 15 in that school. You can have three research assignments for the same school going at one time. More information can be found on the Dailies page.
Allies is the second Romulan specific story arc, consisting of five episodes. Now that you have chosen which side you want to fight for in the war, you'll be given missions to support that choice. Completion of this story arc will grant you an achievement. If you haven't already, you will receive the achievement for reaching level 20 within this arc.
AlliesCompleted the Allies story arc

In Shadows
In Shadows is a seven episode arc that has you beginning your conflict with the Tal Shiar, a group of Romulans that will remain your adversaries through much of the game.
AoY DLC Note - The game lists the Yesterday's War Story Arc as next, but you can not fully complete the arc until level 50, as there are hidden episodes. You may choose to do the first two available if you wish, or skip directly to Wasteland and fully complete Yesterday's War at the point indicated later in the walkthrough.
Wasteland takes you to the desert planet of Nimbus. The majority of these missions are on the ground, so you will want to make sure your Captain and your Away Team have reasonably decent items equipped.
Vengence is seven episode arc specifically for Romulan characters. It concludes the general story that started in the beginning, and goes after the Elachi.
Freedom (AKA Romulan Mystery)
Romulan Mystery is an eleven episode arc for Starfleet. Somewhere in the arc you should become level 30. This mission has a somewhat annoying aspect to it, as the episode 'The Vault' requires you obtain and use a shuttle. The game will give you a free token to obtain one at the ship requisitions officer, and you can move over some items onto it. This is also the last Romulan only story arc, with all the rest being available to everyone.
THIS IS THE ONLY STORYLINE YOU WILL SKIP. Jump directly to Cardassian Struggle by going into the episode guide and skipping each individual episode within the arc, or not starting it altogether if it gives you the option. While there is an achievement related to this storyline, it is a waste of time to do it on your Romulan. During your Federation character playthrough, the game forces you to complete Spectres as part of the Klingon War storyline, giving you two achievements in one storyline there.
Cardassian Struggle
Cardassian Struggle is a ten episode arc starting at level 35. You'll be visiting DS9 and the planet Bajor throughout this arc. The mission 'Of Bajor' within this story arc is one of the longest in the game involving a lot of various running around the planet Bajor, so be prepared for that. At some point during this story, you should reach level 40.
Breen Invasion
Breen Invasion is a five episode arc, where you defend the Deferi against the Breen and Thot Wen. At the beginning of the fourth episode, Cold Case, you'll find a puzzle on a raised platform. You will need to control your away team and have them stand on specific points. If you aim at an away team member and hit
, it 'selects them'. Then aim at a position you want them to stand in and hit
. There are three steps to the puzzle, with the solution outlined below.

You want to maneuver your away team to stand on the designated spots, and you want to hit the appropriate switch, all while you stand directly in the middle. Make sure you keep the stairs as an orientation point so you don't get spun around. You can't leave the middle spot the entire time. When you've aligned your crewmembers, the panel will start to glow. The correct panel order is: Panel 04, Panel 07, Panel 03. You might have to run off of the middle circle and quickly hit Panel 03 if the option doesn't show where you're standing. It can also be incredibly frustrating moving your people around, so try and tell them to stand closer to the corner than directly in the circle, as they'll stop short of wherever you tell them to go.
Borg Advance
Borg Advance is a five episode arc that has you fighting the Borg. In space combat, the Borg have a weapon that looks like a small green torpedo. Once hit by this weapon, you will find all of your shields quickly draining. This weapon acts as a debuff, with the only counter being the activation of some type of Science skill that removes debuffs. The easiest to acquire is the Science skill Hazard Emitters, which provides a small hull heal over time, as well as wipes all debuffs. You will want this in your Science tray slot, and activate it quickly when you see your shields dropping. This won't completely protect you, as the Borg use it multiple times, but it will give you a little more survivability and time to heal your shields.
On the ground, the Borg have a unique 'Adaptation' ability. After a certain amount of shots, you will no longer be able to damage them, and every shot will show 'Adapted' in green letters rising from their bodies. You will need a Frequency Remodulator, which you can buy from the Ship Replicator in the inventory menu, or find during the beginning of the missions. Make sure the Remodulator is equipped, and use it whenever you see the Borg adapt to your weapons. After the item is used, you will be able to damage again for a period of time.
On the mission 'Where Angels Fear to Tread', you'll be on the ground fighting various Borg drones. When you come to a place where you can fight a Tactical Drone, remove your armor, shield, and refrequencer. Let the Tactical Drone start to kill you, and he will eventually use a sparkling green attack. Upon death, you'll find your character start to move on its own and become a borg, gaining you another achievement:
Upon Completion of the story arc, you'll receive:
Level 50 and Captain Specializations
Reaching Level 50 is an important milestone within the game that unlocks most endgame content. If you are doing the AoY DLC, you will now want to begin your Admiralty missions, which are explained more on the 'Dailies and Checklist' page of the walkthrough. You will also want to begin performing your Tour of Duty daily mission, as it now pays out the maximum amount of Energy Credits. This will help you begin to afford many datachips already posted on the market. You will now have access to Reputation PVE Queues, which are explained more on the Reputations page.
At this point, Captain Specializations are unlocked. These can be found under the Skills section of the main menu, under Specializations. Beginning at level 50, each level you advance will grant you a single Specialization point. These are skill trees that provide extra bonuses of various types, depending on which you choose. While there are currently six specializations to choose from, only four provide an opportunity for 30 points to be spent, which is what the achievement requires. These are Command, Intelligence, Pilot, and Temporal Operative. The Intelligence specialization is currently the better choice if you are flying a larger, less mobile ship that uses beams, as it provides significant damage increases and damage resistance. If you are flying a smaller, more maneuverable ship, Pilot will be a better choice for a specialization, as it increases your mobility and evasiveness. Whichever you choose, you MUST focus all of your gained specialization points into that single category. The achievement requires you completely fill the category with 30 points, it does not allow for mixing between specializations.
You will receive your first ten points between level 50 and 60. After 60, you will continue to gain experience as normal, but each level will grant a single specialization point instead of raising you past 60. Completing all ten stages of the Federation 'Tour of Duty' under Admiralty missions will grant an additional two specialization points, so pursuing that path to a level 10 Admiralty is recommended. You will receive any number of extra points as you continue through the rest of the story arcs, depending at which point you reached level 50. Still, depending on your play and activity, it is likely this will be the last achievement you receive. If it is, you can either complete PVE Queues for Reputation marks as described on that page, or continue accumulating experience through the Duty Officer and Admiralty missions.
SpecialistSpent 30 points in any Captain Specialization

New Romulus
New Romulus is a ten episode arc that takes you through the new Romulan planet as they resettle. This story arc will be one you revisit often, as it is frequently used in obtaining one of the datachip achievements. Two missions in this story arc are played frequently, Overgrown Caves and Mountain Base, as they'll provide the items that allow for datachips.
Now that you have access to New Romulus, begin collecting the Romulan datachips everyday. These can only be acquired by level 50+ characters, and require replaying various missions within the New Romulus story arc. More explanation can be found on the History of New Romulus page.
AoY DLC: Yesterday's War
Yesterday's War is a four episode arc and part of the Agents of Yesterday expansion. The first two episodes of the arc are opened up at earlier levels, but the final two can only be completed at level 50. Once the fourth is completed, you'll complete the arc.
Solanae Dyson Sphere
The Solanae Dyson Sphere story arc is nine episodes long. You'll notice the difficulty of some of these missions increasing, including fights against artillery cruisers. The ships create blue orbs around your ship that end up exploding and often can destroy your ship in one hit. The best defense against this is to keep moving, save your Evasive Maneuvers and your Brace for Impact. This mission will also take you to the Voth Battlezone, which is where you can begin obtaining the Solanae Dyson Sphere Lore (Found on the Exploration page). You can do it now if you like, though it's easier to save for later when you've started collecting better armor and weapons.
It is important, in the first episode of the arc, that you choose the Obelisk Warp Core as the reward, even if you are Romulan and can't use it. Store this in your bank, as it becomes very valuable when you've reached level 60 and begin frequently doing the Tour of Duty mission. This will significantly improve your speed to reach more systems.
The Delta Quadrant story arc is sixteen episodes long, which is the largest of the game, and you will really feel it drag on. You'll be joining the Voyager crew and fighting for the Kobali. If you haven't hit level 60 already, you certainly will by the end of this arc.
The Iconian War
Iconian War is eight episodes long and generally considered one of the better story arcs in the game. You'll find old enemies becoming allies as you travel through time and defeat the invading Iconians you've been hearing about through the other arcs.
It is important, in the third episode of the arc 'Delta Flight', that you choose the Polaric Modulator Console as the reward. This console will be used on your Tour of Duty ship to make you reach more systems.
AoY DLC: Future Proof
Future Proof is six episodes long, and is rather tame compared to the other arcs you've had to do. It involves the Temporal war, and will require a lot of time travel type stories. This is the final story related achievement that has been released as of the 'Agents of Yesterday' update.
At this point, the only leveling/story related achievement to worry about is the Captain Specialization, which is explained above. You can do this passively by logging in once a day and doing Duty Officer Missions and Admiralty, explained here, or you can play actively as well, still doing the duty officer missions and Admiralty, but also do PVE queues and work on reputation, explained here.
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