This page goes over each achievement and the tasks involved that can be considered 'dailies'. These are things you should be checking on and doing at least once a day to complete the game. If you are choosing not to do the Agents of Yesterday DLC, you should avoid doing any of the actions marked under the AoY DLC tags. You should, however, still do your Tour the Galaxy mission every day for energy credits, as that will help you buy datachips off the exchange.
AoY DLC - Duty Officers
Starting from Level 11, you have the ability to manage up to 100 Duty Officers. Unlike Bridge officers, these are more behind the scenes figures that you can send out on assignment to perform tasks. When you enter the Duty Officers menu, you'll be able to see assignments you've completed, assignments in progress, and an option to 'Find Assignments'. You'll also be able to view your roster, including class and quality of officers. Assignments are available almost everywhere, but are easiest started in sector space. While going through the story, you'll be doing a significant amount of travel between systems, where you'll have the opportunity to quickly start different assignments. Each assignment will require a certain amount and type of duty officers, as well as occasionally credits or commodities. Starting the mission is as easy as hitting begin assignment. The achievement is for getting any single commendation track up to Level 4, which will take 100,000 experience. Assignments have different timers, anywhere between 30 minutes and 72 hours. When you get a chance, browse through looking for any assignments that reward 400+ experience and start them. The higher experience granted, the better. With each assignment, it will tell you your percent chance to pass or fail. A critical will give you significantly more experience than was listed, while a disaster typically sends your duty officer to sickbay, though there's a small chance they'll be killed. There are 11 Commendation tracks: Diplomatic/Marauding, Science, Engineering, Military, Exploration, Espionage, Medical, Colonial, Trade, Development, and Recruitment.
Recruitment, Trade, Colonial, and Diplomatic are difficult to raise, so don't worry about them. I would recommend looking through Development first, then Medical, then Espionage or Military, as I've found those are the ones that most often have higher experience assignments that don't require much to start. Certain assignments grant more duty officers, officers can be bought from fleets for Fleet credits, and assignments to requisition more can be found from a personnel officer in the Starfleet Academy or the Klingon Academy. Getting any commendation track to four will net the achievement. If you are advancing Development, you'll find several duty officer assignments in Starfleet or Klingon Academy that provide decent Development experience and only require one officer.
AoY DLC - Research and Development
Crafting is relatively simple, and is done through the Research and Development menu, found under Duty Officers in the main menu. The In Progress tab shows you how many slots you have available and, if projects are being worked on, what they are and how long they have remaining. You can rush jobs by spending Dilithium, but rushing isn't necessary. When a job is completed, you can 'collect' the rewards from this tab. The research tab shows you the various crafting categories allowed. There are 8 schools that can be raised: Beams, Cannons, Engineering, Ground Weapons, Kits and Modules, Projectiles, Science, and Shields. Officer Training projects don't grant experience, and Special Projects is for limited time events. Each school allows crafting of different items of the school type; Beams creates beam weapons and beam consoles, Engineering creates engines and engineering consoles. Each school has a 'Research Project' option within it. It will be a 20 hour assignment that will grant 6000 experience, plus an additional 1000 if the job gets a critical success.
At Level 15, you gain one slot you can use to begin crafting. Upon raising a single school to level 2, you will gain another slot, and then another slot at level 3. Each assignment requires an available 'Research Lab Scientist Duty Officer', which is a Science Duty Officer you can acquire from personnel requests, fleet vendors, or easily buy them on the exchange. A white (common) duty officer is good enough for the project. Each research assignment only requires one of a single crafting material that are easy to find. If you discover you don't have enough, buying them on the market will be an inexpensive method of building your supply. You can run 3 'Research Project' assignments for the same school at a time, so the most efficient method is to pick a single school and ensure that's always being researched every day. You need an estimated 630,000 experience in a single school to reach level 15, netting you the achievement.
AoY DLC - Admiralty
Once your character reaches Level 50, they unlock the Admiralty campaigns, which are found under the Duty Officers section of the main menu. These are background assignments much like duty officers, only the assignments use your ships instead of officers. For that reason, it's best to never delete or destroy any ship you receive while leveling up. There are three campaigns within the section: United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Republic. The campaigns are not restricted, so each character can participate in all three campaigns. The one you will want to focus on is the United Federation of Planets campaign, as it will also help you progress towards the Specialist achievement.
There are always three available assignments, and two 'On Deck' assignments. Each assignment gives a certain amount of campaign experience, a certain amount of specialization experience (used towards the Specialist achievement and leveling), and occasionally things such as energy credits or crafting materials. The most important assignment within the campaign is called the Tour of Duty assignment, which is a 10 step chain assignment, where each time its completed it advances the chain another step. Completing all ten of the Tour of Duty chain in the Federation campaign gives a full two specialization points, which are very valuable to completing the Specialist achievement. Each Tour of Duty also gives a significant amount of campaign experience compared to the other assignments.
Each assignment has a 'Engineering/Tactical/Science' point requirement, and each ship has an Engineering/Tactical/Science value on it. Each ship will also have a 'bonus' value to it, which can range anywhere from increased critical chances, to '+30 tac when alone'. When allocating ships, the closer you get the points to match, the more successful percentage you get with the assignment. Always prioritize your best ships to the Tour of Duty assignment, to get the best possible chance of completing it. Each Tour of Duty assignment completion grants 'pass' tokens, which allow you to skip low experience assignments to get access to 'On Deck' ones instead. You want to use these whenever you see an orange 'Tour of Duty' assignment on deck. Only one tour can be present at a time, so if you have one already in progress, complete other assignments until its done for the Tour to show up again. Reaching Level 10 in any single campaign nets you the achievement.
Tour the Galaxy
At level 50, begin doing a daily Tour the Galaxy mission. There is no achievement tied to Tour the Galaxy, however it is an invaluable way to make a significantly large amount of Energy Credits in 15 minutes. It will greatly help you in buying Datachip items off the exchange for the Path to 2409 and History of New Romulus achievements, and whatever else you may need. This will give you another method of acquiring the Datachip that you might be missing for those achievements other than the daily restrictions. Tour the Galaxy is a mission with a 20 hour cooldown, so can be done once a day. It tasks the character with visiting as many systems in the Alpha and Beta quadrant as they can within 15 minutes. Each system visited gives the character 25 thousand energy credits, with additional bonuses after certain amounts of systems have been reached. Finishing the Beta quadrant grants 625 thousand, which can be easily acquired by following this walkthrough. A perfect and complete run will grant 950 thousand, however this takes endgame items that are unnecessary to acquire for the purposes of an achievement walkthrough.
There are two mission reward items in the story arcs that the Story pages pointed out were important and should be saved, and they come in very handy to significantly boost your speed for this mission and allow more energy credits to be gained. They are the 'Obelisk Subspace Rift Warp Core', obtained from the Sphere of Influence mission in the Solanae Dyson Sphere, and the 'Console - Engineering - Polaric Modulator', obtained from the Delta Flight mission in The Iconian War. These allow your ship to both move faster, and enter slipstream more often. You will also want to find a ship with a good turn rate, which might not be the ship you've chosen to fly. For Federation, a good ship is the T2 Escort for only 8,500 dilithium, if you don't already have it. This ship has a turn rating of 18. For Klingons, a good ship is the T1 B'rel Bird-of-Prey for 5,000 dilithium with a turn rating of 23, or the T2 QulDun Bird-of-Prey with a turn rating of 22 for 10,000 dilithium. Romulans must buy and use one of the ships for the faction they're aligned with, as the Obelisk Warp Core won't work in a Romulan ship. Whatever ship is chosen only needs to be flown for the Tour the Galaxy mission, and doesn't need to replace your main ship. Your slipstream drive can be found under the LB tray wheel, and should be slotted so you can always see when it's off cooldown. Use it when it makes sense, but it's always better to use it instead of waiting too long, and never right before you'll have to make a sharp turn. When you need to make a sharp turn, it's better to slow down to 1/4th impulse, as you turn significantly faster than when flying full speed.

These are the optimized routes for both quadrants, with Alpha showing both routes depending on where you can Transwarp to. You'll want to ensure you're where you want to start before accepting the mission. I would recommend starting two lightyears directly northeast of Nimbus and proceeding that direction. You never want to start directly in the system, as occasionally it won't register. Likewise, when flying through systems, you want to try and fly close to the star, but not close enough that you bounce off of it. When the route requires you make a sharp turn, it's best to slow down to half speed, turn as sharp as you can, then speed back up. This is why a ship with a high turning rating is best. When you're at your starting point and ready to begin, go to the menu, go to missions, then mission journal, then tab over to Incoming Hails. Scroll down until you find 'Tour the Galaxy (Daily)'. Then hail and accept, then quickly back out and proceed as far as you can.
If you do manage to complete the Beta Quadrant entirely, it's recommended to Transwarp to DS9 or Defera (Whichever you have access to), then quickly depart the system, and proceed as far as you can along that route as well until you run out of time. If you're looking to go even faster and collect more, another item you could get is the Assimilated Subtranswarp Engines, which are reputation Impulse Engines available after Tier 3 of Task Force Omega is acquired, and a requisition assignment is done. This requires more endgame content completion, but with those three items and very good flying, you can complete both quadrants in time.
Daily Checklist
This checklist will show exactly what you should do each day to gain all the related achievements. Note that the cooldown timers are all based on when you last did the mission, not a set time specifically. So most things with a 20 hour cooldown are based on when you received or completed the mission.
- For Research and Development, collect completed research projects and start three new projects within the same school.
- For Admiralty, collect completed assignments and begin as many assignments as you can. If Tour of Duty is available, begin that first with the best three ships available.
- For Duty Officers, accept all completed assignments, then go to Sector Space and start as many higher experience assignments as you can. Faction headquarters may contain additional assignments.
- For Path to 2409, bring every level 10+ character available to their appropriate mission giver (Whether in Starfleet Academy or Klingon Academy) and retrieve one datachip per character. Mail any new datachips to the main character collecting the lore, and update your master list of datachips required.
- For History of New Romulus, bring each Level 50+ character to the New Romulus Staging Area. Head to the library and receive the Duty Officer assignment from the Romulan Historian to Research History of New Romulus. If you do not have 4 'New Romulus Research' items, do the episode 'Overgrown Caves' in the New Romulus story arc and find the three figurines. If more are needed, complete the episode 'Mountain Base' as well and find the three terminals. Send all datachips to the main character collecting the lore, and update your master list of datachips required.
- OPTIONAL - If doing Reputation, collect each completed reputation daily. Advance any tiers that are applicable. Begin each daily mission for each desired reputation. If you've run out of marks, do an applicable PVE queue to gain more.
- Complete the 'Tour the Galaxy' mission.
- Refine your daily Dilithium ore, under the assets tab.
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