Star Wars Battlefront II Achievements Full list of all 43 Star Wars Battlefront II achievements worth 1,045 gamerscore.The base game contains 40 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 3 achievements worth 45 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 21 Online Mode 22 Offline Mode 22 Single Player 16 Main Storyline 10 Cumulative + 2 Buggy - 2 Level 12 Cooperative 21 Versus 5 x4 Players Required 2 x6 Players Required 2 x10 Players Required 2 x20 Players Required 1 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,177 1,000 40 3.83384,0215,885 (2%)60-80h The CleanerComplete the mission "The Cleaner". 2 guidesThe Battle of EndorComplete the mission "The Battle of Endor". 1 guideThe DauntlessComplete the mission "The Dauntless". 1 guideThe ObservatoryComplete the mission "The Observatory". 1 guideThe StormComplete the mission "The Storm". 1 guideRoyaltyComplete the mission "Royalty". 1 guideGeneral DistressComplete the mission "General Distress". 1 guideUnder Covered SkiesComplete the mission "Under Covered Skies". 1 guideCache GrabComplete the mission "Cache Grab". 2 guidesUntil AshesComplete the mission "Until Ashes". 1 guideDiscoveriesComplete the mission "Discoveries". 1 guideX-Wing vs. TIE FighterIn the campaign, destroy eight starfighters in the skies of Jakku. 3 guidesDark ForcesIn the campaign, use the Droid to shock three enemies at once. 9 guidesA Job Well DoneComplete 25 Multiplayer Milestones. 2 guidesBalance PointIn the campaign, eliminate five enemies at once using the Barrage. 5 guidesMaster of DeceptionIn the campaign, eliminate a Scout Trooper with Iden’s melee takedown. 3 guidesOutcastsComplete the mission "The Outcasts". 1 guideThe Battle of JakkuComplete the mission "The Battle of Jakku". 1 guideOutbound FlightWin a match of Starfighter Assault. 1 guideThere Has Been An AwakeningReach Rank 25. 1 guideThe Force is Strong With This OneReach Rank 50. 3 guidesNot All MissIn multiplayer, defeat 3 enemies within one Vanguard usage 5 times. 6 guidesA Dominating PresenceIn multiplayer, boost 100 allies with the Officer commands. 2 guidesSentry Mode EngagedIn multiplayer, defeat 150 enemies with the Heavy's Sentry Gun. 4 guidesScopedIn multiplayer, get 25 headshots with longblaster rifles. 1 guideThe InterceptorGet 20 Killstreaks with Interceptor ships. 1 guideThe BomberDefeat 50 enemies using Dual Proton Torpedoes with the Bomber ship class. 4 guidesMulti-taskingDefeat 25 Hero ships with Fighter ships. 5 guidesComplete Your TrainingComplete all unique Battle Scenarios. 2 guidesThere is No Such Thing As LuckEngage in an Arcade match. 1 guideIgnore Your Instincts At Your PerilDestroy 25 objectives in Starfighter Assault. 4 guidesWhat a BlastWin a match of Blast. 1 guideStrike BackWin a match of Strike. 1 guideBattle Beyond the StarsWin a match of Galactic Assault. 1 guideChoose Your PathDefeat 50 enemies in Heroes Vs Villains. 2 guidesQuick StrikeBe the first one to defeat an enemy in a multiplayer match. 5 guidesHeavy is the HandWin a match of Heroes vs Villains. 1 guideDo. Or Do Not. There is no Try.Play as all launch heroes in Multiplayer. 4 guidesA Galaxy at WarWin one match in each Multiplayer game mode. 1 guideWe are the SparkDefeat 500 enemies as a hero on any Multiplayer map. 4 guides Update Resurrection 80 45 3 3.55123,175110,901 (90%)1-2h Project: ResurrectionComplete the mission "Project: Resurrection". 1 guideAshes of the EmpireComplete the mission "Ashes of the Empire". 1 guideInfernoComplete the mission "Inferno". 1 guide