Steep Achievements Full list of all 47 Steep achievements worth 1,400 gamerscore. It takes around 30-35 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Xbox One.The base game contains 29 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 3 DLC packs containing 18 achievements worth 400 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 47 Online Mode 47 Single Player 7 Main Storyline 7 Collectable 6 Level 1 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 6,041 1,000 29 3.64142,589747 (1%)30-35h You're ready nowComplete the ONBOARDING sequence 1 guideHalfway thereReach REPUTATION level 10 The legend starts hereReach REPUTATION level 25 Baby stepsReach the ROOKIE rank in any field of expert LegendReach the LEGEND rank in any field of expertise 1 guideThe legend was not enoughReach the LEGEND rank in 3 different fields of expertise Legendary legend!Reach the LEGEND rank in 6 different fields of expertise 1 guideChallenge accepted!Get 115 Bronze Medals in Alps Public Challenges Gold-plated challengerGet 12 Gold Medals on Alps Public Challenges 14 carats Gold challengerGet 58 Gold Medals on Alps Public Challenges 24 carats Gold challengerGet 115 Gold Medals on Alps Public Challenges 1 guideShinier than GoldGet 7 GOLD MEDALS in the Alps Invitational Challenges 1 guideThe memory remainsGet 1 MEMORABLE MOMENT of each category 1 guideRed-letter dayGet 15 Different MEMORABLE MOMENTS 1 guideOnce upon a timeComplete a MOUNTAIN STORY in Alps Road to mountain knowledgeComplete 15 MOUNTAIN STORIES in Alps Mountain legendComplete 30 MOUNTAIN STORIES in Alps 2 guidesTouristFind 10 Points of Interest in Alps 1 guideTour guideFind 149 Points of Interest in Alps 1 guideSeek...Find and unlock 10 Drop Zones in Alps 1 guide... and you shall findFind and unlock 110 Drop Zones in Alps 1 guideThe end of the WorldReach the end of Alps game world (complete the Onboarding sequence) 1 guideLike the back of your handReach 100% exploration on one REGION in Alps 1 guideNo more secretsFind 110 Drop zones, 115 challenges and 149 Point of Interest in Alps 1 guideUpside downPerform your first double backflip (complete the Onboarding sequence) You spin aroundPerform your first 1080° (complete the Onboarding sequence) 1 guideCrash TestFall and endure between 90 and 99.9 Gs (complete the Onboarding sequence) 1 guideScoring masterScore more than 2000 points in one jump (complete the Onboarding sequence) 2 guidesShaked by the bellFly into and ring the village church bell while wingsuiting 2 guides Add-on Winterfest 305 100 6 3.3912,7513,356 (26%)1-2h King of the WinterfestDefeat "The Beast" during Winterfest 2 guidesThe DragonDefeat "The Dragon" during Winterfest 1 guideThe Fratelli TwinsDefeat "The Fratelli Twins" during Winterfest Super SavoyardDefeat "The Super Savoyard" during Winterfest Lincoln BlackDefeat "Lincoln Black" during Winterfest Mush!Stay on the Sled without falling for 30 seconds (Winterfest DLC required) 1 guide Add-on Extreme Pack 499 100 6 3.609,556582 (6%)1-2h The Extreme TenObtain the Gold medal in 10 Challenges of Extreme Pack The Extreme FiveObtain the Gold medal in 5 Challenges of Extreme Pack Are you ready for this?Finish the Trial ROGUE 4 of Extreme Pack Riding RabbitTake off and land 5 times in the same Speed Riding run (Extreme Pack DLC required) 1 guideI am an eagle!Fly for 5 minutes with the Rocket Wingsuit (Extreme Pack DLC required) 1 guideI can see my house from up thereSafely land after jumping from all the 7 Base Jump Spots in Alaska (Extreme Pack DLC required) 1 guide Add-on Road to the Olympics 688 200 6 3.565,212963 (18%)2-3h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store, but is still available physically.The adventure of a lifetimeFinish "Become a legend" (Road To The Olympics DLC required) 1 guideThe pride of the nationWin a gold medal in any event in Korea (Road To The Olympics DLC required) 1 guideRising Sun ChallengerGet a medal in 10 challenges in Japan (Road To The Olympics DLC required) 1 guideA little bit of tourismDiscover Tateyama Road and Tsumago Village (Road To The Olympics DLC required) 1 guideThe floor is lavaGrind on 4 rails consecutively in Japan (Road To The Olympics DLC required) 1 guideAfter all these years…Fall during the finale of a Korea event (Road To The Olympics DLC required) 1 guide