Parry Hard: A celebration of gaming's most satisfying mechanicIs there anything in gaming more satisfying than nailing a perfect parry? Brushing away damage with a risky counter never gets old, and with a few games adding their own lately, we decided to look back at some of the best. Posted 2 years ago by Luke Albigés
Game Pass adds Stranded Deep, two more Xbox games could also join todayMicrosoft has kicked off the new year by surprise dropping Stranded Deep onto Xbox Game Pass, and according to the Xbox Store, two additional games could also be added today. Posted 2 years ago by Tom West
Latest Update for Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection is LiveThe Street Fighter 30th Anniversary collection has already seen a patch previously this year, though small. Now, Capcom has released a much larger update in an attempt to correct a few performance issues in the game. Posted 7 years ago by NicoleRenee00
Capcom Releases A Small Patch For Street Fighter 30th Anniversary CollectionAlmost a month to the day since the game was initially released, Capcom has released a small patch for Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, bringing a few changes to the fighting game anthology. Posted 7 years ago by Andy Mills
New Xbox Releases: Week Beginning May 28th, 2018At retail, there's a controversial journey into hell, and two collections, one of classic Street Fighter titles and the other of classic SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis games. Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Look Back At Street Fighter Alpha With Capcom's Latest RetrospectiveThere's nothing like a major anniversary for an excuse to reminisce. Capcom has followed up their retrospective of Street Fighter I and II with a look back at the Street Fighter Alpha series of titles. Posted 7 years ago by Andy Mills
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection Achievement List RevealedWith 12 old school titles on offer in Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, the achievement list could be pretty huge when spanning all of the games available in the collection. Posted 7 years ago by Ashley Woodcock
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection Versus And Training Modes AnnouncedCapcom has announced two modes for their upcoming Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection. Due to fan feedback, the 12-game collection will now have a local versus mode as well as a training mode. Posted 7 years ago by Andy Mills
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection Retrospective TrailerAs we get ready for Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, it's only right that Capcom takes us for a blast through the iconic series' past with a new post on the developer's website, as well as a video. Posted 7 years ago by Ashley Woodcock
Poll: What's Your Most Anticipated Video Game Release for May 2018?May has arrived. For many of us that means the warmer weather is approaching and if you're in school, you're almost not. Now is a good time to check out what's coming this month to stores -- and once again, to Game Pass. Posted 7 years ago by Mark Delaney