Latest Street Fighter IV News

Street Fighter IV and More Now Backward Compatible

Another 4 titles have joined the ever expanding Xbox Backward Compatibility program, including Street Fighter IV, Luxor 2, Poker Smash and Madballs in… Babo: Invasion.

Posted 8 years ago by Dave Horobin

TA Top Five: Rivalries

As far back as I can remember, I've always hated Michigan. As an Ohio farmboy from the northwest part of the state, I was brought up in the prime battleground. A good portion of my classmates wore pu

Posted 10 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

TA Top Five: Super Bowl Edition

Happy Super Bowl Sunday, everyone! Today is the big day for fans of American football, commercials, ridiculously tasty (i.e. not healthy) food - especially at Chez Barnes - , and spectacle in general

Posted 10 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

TA Top Five: Special Editions

Chances are, among those of you that are reading this, that at least some of you are collectors. We don't mean only the type of collector that acquires a massive backlog of games (guilty!), but those

Posted 11 years ago by Michelle Balsan

Select Your Edition in Ultra Street Fighter IV

Ever wanted to see who would be the winner out of fight between characters from the different Street Fighter titles? Well, now your dreams can come true, sort of, as Capcom have released details on t

Posted 11 years ago by Ashley Woodcock

TA Top Five: Games of 2009

We continue our journey through the life-cycle of the Xbox 360. The 2005/2006 launch titles were great for their time, but the Xbox 360 really started to gain momentum in 2007. Then we moved on to 20

Posted 12 years ago by Joshua Rust

Xbox GoD Ultimate Game Sale: March 4th

The final sale day of the "Ultimate Game Sale" for Games on Demand titles sees multiple games discounted from four big hitting beat-em-up franchises. Strangely enough, there is one fighter franchise

Posted 12 years ago by Chewie

New Street Fighter X Tekken Screens and Videos

Apparently, Capcom has seen it fit to take a brief break from character teasers for their upcoming, cross-over fighter, Street Fighter X Tekken, and has chosen to use Gamescom as a platform to releas

Posted 14 years ago by Michelle Balsan

Street Fighter x Tekken Screenshots Released

Following the gameplay trailers which were released during this year's E3 event, Capcom Europe has today released 14 new screenshots for fighting title Street Fighter x Tekken. http://img32.imageshac

Posted 14 years ago by Keith Gray

Latest Street Fighter IV Videos


Latest Street Fighter IV Screenshots

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