Time to start taking larger bites into the collectibles. Hopefully, you’ve been picking them up throughout the game, but your gameplay choices are your own.
There are some collectables with small enough numbers that you can save your Overcharge. Even though you are likely sitting on an ocean of orange cans, they will go fast once we start spending them in earnest. These are
- Wiretapping
- Secret sightseeing locations
- Billboards
- Smartphones
All four of which are in this handy map
Wiretapping satellite dishes and sightseeing binoculars (they look like those coin-operated binocular things you see in touristy areas) are both found on rooftops usually. Smartphones are typically found on the ground level, and billboards are on various levels elevated from the ground. Of course, if you prefer to use the in-game map, you are welcome to spend the Overcharge. The in-game mini-map does provide a helpful vertical indicator for those well-hidden collectibles.
Once you've rounded up these items, you respectively pop
Wire TappingEavesdrop on nine conversations by hacking into satellites.

ExplorerFind all 20 secret sightseeing locations in Sunset City.

IntelCollect all 40 Smartphones.

Title Update 3 gives us 12 more collectibles, Ainsley's drawings. Similar to billboards, they are on walls at various levels of elevation. They tend to load only when you are nearly on top of them, so I found a video guide to be most helpful. Again, Two Hat Jack has a map available for purchase, if required.
After looking at Ainsley's 12th iteration of the same drawing
D’awwwwwwFind all 12 of Ainsley’s drawings scribbled on city walls.

I know by now you are popping to spend that Overcharge you've been sitting on like OD Smaug. Well, get to it! I recommend making sure you have enough to buy at least 20 weapons, but if not there are plenty of ways to grind out more Overcharge.
Maps to purchase:
- Security Cameras
- Hanging Shoes
- Overcharge Hologram Signs
- Fizzie Balloons
- Toilet Paper
Now go dart around the map like a madman for some time. I'll wait...
Hot AirCollect all 150 Fizzie balloons.

LitterCollect all 150 scraps of toilet paper.

Hey! Welcome back. What to do with all that garbage? Turns out Floyd likes it just as much as Jack likes Overcharge. Spend it all on any remaining Amps for
Give all your money to Calista in exchange for extravagance! Buy the cheapest stuff and keep working your way up until you hit
Go ahead and equip 1 item from each troop for
Can't CommitEquip one piece of clothing from each Faction at the same time.

While it should be obvious what item belongs to which group, if you need the help, click on the achievement link for 2 wonderful examples already provided by the TA community.
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