This should be your last page of your walkthrough. If you have DLCs, go play them first. Grab those sweet, sweet Overcharge cans, tentacle sushi, nanite dust, and achievement pings. When ready, let's get this game wrapped up.
First, we want to make sure we have at least 20 weapons in our inventory, if you have not already done so. If you only own the base game, of the 21 weapons available to you, I would pick up everything except the Taunt Bot. Yes, most are more expensive, but the Taunt Bot is aggressively useless, as far as I can tell. I really think you will spend more time painstakingly leveling it up than it would take to earn more Overcharge. And that is coming from Mr. Save-Your-Overcharge here. If you have the DLCs, you have much more wiggle room for weapon selection and can pick the weapons that you more enjoy to level up.
The Replays
We need to replay a few missions. Check under the Log and select the last campaign mission "This Ends Here." You have 35 minutes to complete it and there is no timer visible, but you should finish it comfortably before half of that time is up. If you need a refresher, check out the end the Downtown portion of this walkthrough. With The Building again toppled
ReplayReplay any Mission and complete it under par.

Title Update 4 gives us some odd achievements, but all you need to do is replay mission "Floating Garbage." With your new weapons and experience, you should comfortably complete the mission's par score and time (under 15 minutes and over 50,000 points). If needed, refer back to the last quarter of the Harbor portion of this walkthrough.
The Grindy Replays and The Return of the Forgotten
Time for the blimps. You should already have 1 blimp kill from early on in the campaign. It's usually difficult to determine if they are in range during freeroam, so instead load up a replay of Glider Challenge #2. When you start out, there is a blimp in the distance. Time to embrace WW2-era submarine tactics and fire a spray of dozen or so missiles at its nose and slightly ahead of it. One of them should hit, but rather than watch, come about 180 degrees to find another blimp bearing down on your position. Again, launch several missiles at or ahead of its nose. You should hear an explosion from the first blimp followed by seeing and hearing the second blimp exploding. No periscope necessary. Doublecheck if you wish and nose dive into the buildings below. Repeat the mission 11 more times until
Hopefully you read through the General Hints and Tips at the beginning and heeded the warning about collecting Emergency Supplies and destroying Overcharge Vending Machines as you encounter them. If not, let's regroup.
Emergency Supplies randomly fall onto rooftops and appear as chest icons on the mini-map. They usually, though not always, emit green plumes of smoke to attract your attention. While they occur frequently, I have yet to find a way to trigger them. If you haven't found your 25 already, keep an eye out and eventually earn
Overcharge XT Vending Machines are large blue boxes scattered around the map. They tend to appear more often in pedestrian-type areas like outdoor shopping malls, paths, parks, and parking garages. Some people have noticed that a melee attack does not count towards the achievement, so shoot them whenever possible. The quickest and simplest method of grinding this one out is to fast travel to Radio Tower in Little Tokyo and round the two corners immediately to the right, essentially going behind where you spawned in. Here are 2 vending machines next to each other and a 3rd a little farther down the wall. Shoot them and fast travel back to Radio Tower. Repeat as necessary for
The Big One
Hopefully you have 5 or fewer achievements remaining now. Stock up on ammo either by ammo drop box or Two Hat Jack. Set your weapon wheel to contain only those weapons not yet at Level 5. Don't worry if you have more than the allotted slots. You can always swap out weapons, and even amps, mid-mission. Load up "Getting the Band Back Together" and run through the boat part to arrive at the drums section. Ignore the objective of bouncing on all 10 drums. I found it was best to bounce between the two drums in the parking lot as the horde of OD builds up. Cycle through your weapons killing the endless OD. Once you get a particular weapon to Level 2, I would add the 2nd Amendment amp to it so you get ammo drops more quickly. Keep cycling through to spread out your ammo loss and some weapons rank up faster than others. When a weapon reaches Level 5, hit pause and swap its place in the rotation for a lower-level weapon. If you haven't already done the 100 transversal moves chain, try to keep a bounce streak going by staying off the ground and not bouncing on the same drum more than 5 times in a row (otherwise the OD will knock you off). Depending on your prior progress, after about 5-10 minutes per weapon, you'll unlock
The Floor is LavaChain together 100 traversal moves without stopping or touching the ground.

You should have now completed all achievements in the game. Congratulations! I hope I was able to help you get over any particular hurdle or give you the impetus to start or even finish the game. I hate to end on that grind, but I do hope you enjoyed the game in all its quirky madness as much as I did. Time to sail off into the Sunset and enjoy hmm this orange-colored cold beverage I find next to me.
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