Welcome to the first DLC! This is a rather short guide, as the DLC itself is short and beatable in about an hour.
There should be a point on your map where you see the pinkish-purple indicator to begin your mission.
Find Bryllcream...Again
You can find the start of this new DLC quest in the Downtown area of Sunset City, just a short distance from the hospital. You hear word from 4Kim that Bryllcream has gone missing to parts unknown. Sam pops a location on your map, so head down across the river that separates Downtown from the Harbor district, and look for the road near the concert hall. You do not find Bryllcream, but you do find part of his mech, and some odd-looking oily substance. You see a lot of this gunk in the coming missions, so it is good to know that the stuff is highly flammable. Ignite it with fire-based weaponry and you now have a puddle of the burning stuff to ignite even more enemies.
After you find the first piece of the mech, a nearby truck drives off with another piece. Follow it, but no need to attack it until it stops at a nearby gas station. Destroy the computer at the front of the truck, and fight off the Scabs to examine the piece.
The last piece of the mech is on top of the building not far from the Fargarthian base, and Bryllcream along with it. Before you get close, a Winger takes off carrying what is left of him and his mech, so give chase. There is no need to shoot them down, since eventually it drops him near the beach. Say hello to a new type of OD to emerge from the waves. The Oil Popper behaves much like the regular Popper, only their blasts also spew flammable caustic oil - which you can use to your benefit. Clear out all the Oil Poppers while protecting Bryllcream to complete the mission.
To The Rig!
This short mission puts you back in the seat of the Glider plane. Take a moment to remember the controls of the glider: you can dodge with the
, and boost with the left trigger
, and fire with the right
. You also have 8 missiles that reload in about 1 second when you run out.
Follow Bryllcream to an area near a small island littered with debris, where 3 waves of 3 Wingers each attack you. Bryllcream defends himself with his lasers, but do not wait around for him to come under attack. Blast them all with your missiles, and dodge when you see a reticle on you to avoid their attacks. Once you take out all the waves, continue following Bryllcream to the rig itself to end the mission.
Eau De Tentacle
This is another quick mission. You start on a floating shipping container some distance from the oil rig. You need to get across the water quickly, while a monster in the deep seeks to attack you. You have access to two new types of traversal: Diving and launching from the water. While gliding across the water, press
to dive before popping back up, letting you continue to glide indefinitely across the water. While under the water, you can also press the jump button to launch high into the air, giving you new opportunities to get around. You can chain these jumps and glides with air dashes to move rapidly across this area. You also perform a ground slam into the water to bounce back up too. These moves also carry back to Sunset City if you need them.
Avoid the tentacles and make your way to the rig, then start climbing to the top. You meet even more waterlogged OD, but they do not pose any more of a challenge than regular OD. Use your best weapons and eliminate the Oil Poppers, Herker, and other OD at the top of the rig, using flammable oil to create even more fires. With the OD cleared from the top of the rig, you complete the mission.
Side Mission: Mommy Issues
It is a good idea to do the Mommy Issues side quest to get the Feel The Heat flamethrower, as it is very useful destroying eggs and OD alike. Once you arrive at the derrick, a gentleman named Herbert contacts you. He asks you to bring him three parts of a weapon that he can build for you. Enjoy his mom nagging him for the entirety of the mission as you hop around the rig finding the parts. After you find all three, return to Herbert so he can give you the gun, and so you can discover his psycho-tic secret.
Mooil Meltdown
The objective here is simple: There are 10 clusters of weird-looking eggs protruding from various parts of the oil rig. They are marked in pink circles on your mini-map and are located on different floors of the three-tiered oil rig. Start at the top and work your way down, and check around corners, on walls, and in every crack. Blow them up however you like. Once you clear the egg clusters, return to the foreman to find that locating Bryllcream's sister might be harder than previously thought.
Big TobaccoSmoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, and instant death.

Bryllcream meets you at the center of the rig, where you learn that a heavily guarded navigation center is under the control of the Scab Union Workers on the opposite oil rig. They are no tougher than the Scabs you previously annihilated, but there are a lot of them to contend with. Bryllcream launches you into the fray, so embrace your inner greedy-corporate-boss and tear apart that Scab Union as you make for the navigation room.
Upon reaching the navigation room, you find the way blocked, and Sam offers a different approach, light some signal fires so he can perform some tech wizardry. This involves building pressure in the 3 oil pumps around the 2 oil rigs, and defending them from the Mooil workers until they blow. The first one is right above your location, so hit the valve and get ready to spend the next minute defending against the Scabs. If one of them reaches the pump, you have to kill them for the timer to resume.
Once the pipe bursts and the oil spews forth, go to Bryllcream who again launches you directly at the fountain. Hitting it ignites the fire. Now rinse and repeat. The second one is located in the middle of the rig and again swamped with Scabs looking to stop you from blowing up the pipe. When you reach Bryllcream this time, wait, as several Wingers approach to block you from reaching the oil. Take them out first and then let Bryllcream launch you into the oil.
The final pipe is located back where you cleared up the eggs, and for some reason OD swarm you instead of Scabs. Thankfully, you can use the flammable oil they leave behind to create lots of fire to cover your defense until the time comes to light up the last oil geyser.
Protect the Ship
The good news is you found the ship carrying Bryllcream's sister. The bad news is Fizzco rigged it to explode. Make your way to the ship and dodge the tentacled beast as it devours various platforms along the way. Try to stay out of the water as much as possible, if you can help it.
Once you make it to the ship, you have a little over a minute to find and dispose of all 5 bombs on the ship, all hidden in crates around the ship. Start by going to the stern (rear) of the ship to find the first one. Pick it up, toss it overboard, and make sure it does not bounce back onto the ship!
Another one is located just around the corner on the starboard (right as you look forward) side of the ship, near the back. You can find another nearby under a stack of boxes towards the middle of the ship.
One more bomb is under some boxes in the middle of the ship, on the raised platform above the pipes. The last bomb is just above that on the port (left) side of the ship, towards the front end.
With the bombs defused, get rid of the remaining OD on the ship, utilizing fire- or acid-based weaponry. However, doing so triggers another threat.
In this next sequence, you have to return to the Scab-controlled oil rig and take out the mortar launchers placed all along the rig. Bryllcream meets you halfway back to launch you straight at the mortar launcher. There are several launchers, each aimed at the ship as it winds its way around the rig. You can blow up each mortar launcher with a few well-placed explosive shots, or you can look for Bryllcream to give you a boost and take one out head-on.
Once the ship gets close to the center of the rig, and all the launchers are gone, repel any remaining Scab workers, and get to the harpoon launchers on both sides of the ship. Use them on the nearby targets to lock the ship in place to complete the mission. You have truly
After an unexpected turn of events, tentacles drag Bryllcream off into the water. Follow him on a merry little chase along a line of floating debris. Stay out of the water when possible, as additional tentacles start appearing as they drag down several pieces of debris. Towards the end, Oil Poppers hop up on the shipping containers, so be careful as you land to continue traversing.
When you get back to the ship, you finally meet the final boss: The DL Sea Monster (say it aloud if you missed the joke). Do not attack it head on, as he just chops your health in half. Head over to Bryllcream, who offers to launch you straight into the beast’s face. Mash
to melee him from the inside. After you return to your feet, defeat various tentacles that appear around the rig in order to lure him back out. Return to Bryllcream, to emulate Jonah or Pinocchio with a bad temper.
For this last round, there are several tentacles located around every side of the oil rig to eliminate. Do not let the tentacles hit you too often, otherwise you may need to worry about the timer.
Head to Bryllcream and launch into the belly of the beast for a final time. With the mission over, you can explore the oil rig at your leisure.
Side Mission: Alan Smithee's Ocean Treasure
An unseen NPC named Alan Smithee asks you to recover three shipping charts that are all located back in the city. Fast travel back and collect all of them. Go back to the rig and report back to Smithee. Swim to his waypoint, and he orders you to collect $500 million in treasure, which is auto-collected from smashed crates on sunken ships. Collect the money, but be wary of Wingers, who steal the money and attack you. I found it was only necessary to kill one Winger to reach the total. With your new fortune, return to Smithee and press
to enter his submarine. Watch the cut-scene to complete the single player DLC!
Big BreakAnybody can be a movie producer, because nobody knows what they do.

Chaos Squad
You will have another Chaos Squad mission to complete here. The same rules apply, so get your team together and dive back into the multiplayer mode. If you reach +1700% and successfully defend your Night Defense, listen to the sizzle from that fried calamari
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