13. Sunset Overdrive Dawn of the Rise of the Fallen Machines DLCUpdate notes

Surfing to the Robot Factory

Head to the internet café in Little Tokyo to start the first mission in this DLC. Sam needs help rescuing some scientists from the Robot Factory, but we need to hitch a ride on a drone to get there. Head to the marker at the top of the bridge to find the Fizzco drone network relay and retrieve the drone flight schedules. The relay blows up on you, so you need to jump down to the Scab camp below, and find a Sigtran circuit in one of the Sigtran crates lying around. Once you find it, head to the marker on your map where a drone comes to pick up a cargo container. Clear the area of OD, so the drone can land. Get on top of the marked container and wait. After a quick cut-scene, the drone begins to move.

This next section involves the drone flying through the city, periodically harpoons halt your progress, requiring you to clear out the area of Scab rocket launchers and protect the drone. If you fall off the container at any point, the drone waits for you at the next checkpoint.

As the drone goes over the bridge, Scabs grab it for the first time, with rocket launchers and the Scabs themselves shooting at it. Take out all 6 of the rocket launchers, two are on trucks with the other 4 mounted on the billboards. Once the area is clear, get back on the container to proceed. The drone will go for a while, eventually reaching another ambush in the middle of a street. There are 8 rocket launchers in this area on the buildings around you, take them all out and get back on the container to proceed. Stay on the container as the drone continues. Once you get a call from Sam, a cut-scene triggers taking you into the robot factory and

Special Delivery

Ride a cargo container into the factory.

Special Delivery

Welcome the New Robot Overlords

Head to the marker on your map meet Snackwrap, who has trapped the two scientists inside the building. We need to gather parts to reprogram Snackwrap to save them. Head to the mission marker and destroy all the crates lying around to cause a mess. Once you fill up the messiness meter, two cleaner bots emerge so you can destroy them for their chips, but these two do not drop any. Instead, once destroyed, a squad of Security Blade Bots descend on you. Once disposed of, more cleaner bots arrive, one of which will drop the part you need.

Now head to the marked street terminal to summon a delivery bot. Chase and destroy it to get its memory module. It is fast, so you might have to cut some corners trying to chase it down. From the start, it appears to travel in a roughly counter-clockwise direction around the streets. Once it is destroyed, collect the module and head to the mission marker to look for the last part.

Try to collect the laser actuator from the bin, and you encounter Security Sniper Bots. Kill all of them in the area, and eventually, one of them drops the actuator for you. Once you have it, head back to where you started, repair Snackwrap, and sit through a cut-scene for


Find Fiona and Lou, then help them escape by fixing Snackwrap.


All You Need is Kill Codes

Listen to Lou and Fiona’s plans to destroy the robot factory. Once they finish talking, head to the table to put on the highly intricate robot disguise. Now head to the mission marker, kill the robots to secure the area, and activate the reprogramming turrets. Use the newly activated reprogramming turrets to reprogram the four Rifle Bots that show up, and clear the area of enemy bots so that your newly reprogramed robot buddies can drop the force shield and allow you to download the kill codes.

Turns out that only one piece of kill code acts on each type of bots, so we are onto the Blade Bots next. Head to the next mission marker to find a training bot for Blade Bots that you need to kill to obtain the special module for the next piece of the kill code. This special enemy forces you into a melee only battle, meaning no guns for you. Watch for his attacks, and dodge roll cn_X out of the way when he strikes or goes into his spin attack. Sneak in some hits of your own in between. Once he is down, take his module and head to the next turret to reprogram the Blade Bots. You need to reprogram a few Blade Bots in the same manner you did before. Clear out the area of enemy bots so your buddies can drop the force field, and enter to download the kill codes.

Be prepared for the incoming Security Tank Bot. Throw down some Turret Copters and go to town with your Murderangs or whatever else you prefer. Once the Tank Bot is down to about half health or so, it runs off to hunt down Lou and Fiona. Run back to them and take down the Tank Bot for good. Unfortunately, the ruckus you caused triggers the Tank Bot facility to lock down, making it much harder for you to acquire the final part of the kill codes. Luckily though, you bump into an old friend, Boo-Boo, the murderous robo-puppy.

Guide Boo-Boo to the Tank Bot factory with the Kitty Launcher. Once there, let Boo-Boo loose on the Security Tank Bots and bask in your own powerlessness as Boo-Boo shreds through the Security Tank Bots that took you so long to kill. Once the area is clear, Lou will suggest Boo-Boo take down the force field too, because what can’t Boo-Boo do? Launch a kitty onto the force field, watch it go down, and run in to get the last part of the kill codes. Watch a quick cut-scene to earn


Put on a robot costume and collect the kill codes.


Monster’s Ball

Head to the comm hub to transmit the kill codes you just collected. As it turns out though, the place is set up so that the comm hub power would cut off in case of a security breach, which means you need to figure out how to restore the power. Head to the power station and clear the area of Security Bots so that you can reset the breaker.

The breaker you just reset has unfortunately diverted power from the walls to the comm hub, allowing a bunch of OD to make their way inside the factory. You need to get an arc reactor to boost the power grid, so make your way to the mission marker and eliminate the Security Tank Bot there, who drops a reactor. Grab it, bring it back to the power station, and insert it into the marked spot.

You are now inside a special energy ball, which has limited movement options that include rolling and jumping. You have to use bounceable objects to get up to higher locations. This becomes crucial later. You first have to charge it up by rolling around on top of the blue energy conduits on the ground, after which, you have to go around to the three marked spots and charge them by jumping up and performing a ground slam (dive bomb) on them. As you roll around, the ball gradually loses charge, and it sheds charge much quicker if you perform any special moves such as a charge dash or slam. However, as long as you keep rolling over the blue conduits as you move, you should be fine.

Once all three spots are fully charged, you have a very brief time to cover yourself in nanites by killing Security Bots (the reddish/orange ones). Note that the regular white/blue bots do not give you nanites. There are purple marked areas on the map where Security Bots gather, so just move around the map from spot to spot. Note that you want to prioritize hunting down Security Tank Bots, as they give 200 nanites per kill (ground slam them to kill them fast), compared with 25 for each regular Security Bot. In total, you need 1000 nanites, and the time limit is tight, so depending on how good you are at traversing in the ball you may have to retry this a few times. Once completely coated, the blast occurs. You can now continue transmitting the kill codes. Head back to the comm hub, upload the codes, and watch all the Security Bots drop dead. Cut-scene and


Reroute the power inside the factory in the weirdest way possible.


The B-Win Protocol

Head back to Fiona and Lou to find out that, surprise, surprise, is not that easy to shut down the factory, and phase two of the kill command is a deadly nanoswarm. You cannot directly damage the nanoswarm, so the new plan is to break some switches that EMP the swarm into something damageable. Head to the first marker, and be careful of the swarm’s lasers. As you get there, slam onto the target to break the switch, which turns the nanoswarm into a solid sword that you can damage, but that can also damage you, because, you know, it’s a sword. Laying down a few Turret Copters here should help while you try to whittle down the sword’s health.

Once you do enough damage, the swarm becomes undamageable again, so head to the next EMP marker. As you approach, you discover this one is only at half charge. There are seven switches along the way that you must destroy in order to redirect the power to charge it. Oh and all the while dodging the swarm’s lasers. Once you get all seven, head to the target and slam it for a truly fourth wall breaking next phase to the battle.

You find yourself now trapped inside your Xbox? You are in a dome of advertisements that fly at and cause damage with a charge laser to defend yourself. Use your charge beam and destroy as many of the advertisements as you can. Eventually, you need to defrag the hard drive, which places you on an arena of pillars over a digital lava pit. Bounce around on the pillars, using your air dash and super bounces, so you do not fall in the lava. As the platforms drop after you bounce on them (or just on their own), eventually only a handful of platforms remain. You start to see green platforms in this last bit, jump on them, and eventually you finish defragging the hard drive and return to the game.

Now back to battling the nano sword. Same strategy as before, drop down a few Turret Copters to get persistent damage while you chip away at it with whatever you feel like using. Once sufficiently damaged, the swarm will head back to Lou and Fiona at the junkyard. Chase it down to witness it take control of a TV and, through it, the host of Sunset TV, Brandon Winfrey.

The nano-swarm Brandon Winfrey, or B-Win, is a giant robot with 16 tentacles ending in TV monitors. It uses these as both shields and weapons. You need to damage them in order to get at the body behind them. I believe you can still damage it even when the tentacles are up, but the best time to strike is while the screens are down and B-Win repairs them. Turret Copters are once again your friend here for laying down some persistent fire, while you pour some hot lead or lots of explosives onto the tentacle screens and B-Win. When he goes down, you get a fourth-wall breaking cut-scene, a choice of what kind of player you think you are, and finally

The Most Punchable Face

Defeat Brandon. Like, for real.

The Most Punchable Face

Side Mission: It’s Just Business

You need to collect some diary entries to find out about a new weapon Lou and Fiona found. Pick up the weapon and the first note after starting the mission. The next note is in the marked area, on a red box next to the tree in the corner. The third note is also on a red box, pretty close to the center of the marked zone.

Head to the next mission marker and check inside the inventor’s lounge for the final note. Now you have to find the test equipment to get the gun to work. Once collected, start killing the bots that show up with your new orbital laser. You need to kill a bunch to get some good testing data on the new weapon, and once you have all the data you need, head back to Fiona and Lou to finish the mission and earn

The Pitch

Weapons design is a tough business.

The Pitch
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.

Side Mission: Cloudmajigger

Talk to Buck, who wants to gather some tech from around the area to build a new weapon. Head to the first mission marker, and shoot down one of the Sniper Bots travelling along the assembly line to get a quantum projector.

Next, we need to grab some nanites from a Fizzco convoy in the city. Fast travel to the diner to get there faster. The marked location has several beige Fizzco trucks around, and you need to open up their backs to find the nanites you are after. They should be in the truck next to the water, but it may randomly generate in another truck.

Now you need to retrieve a 3D nav chip from a crashed drone. It is as simple as climbing up to the top of the marked building and grabbing it. There are Scabs up here, but you can completely ignore them and just nab the chip. Now head back to the robot factory. Buck instructs you to shoot down a Security Tank Bot and get its, yes, thingamabob. The moment it falls down, it activates, so you have to fight it. Once it is dead, grab the thingamabob and head back to Buck for a new weapon and a new achievement.

Language Lessons

Work with Buck and Sam to create a new weapon.

Language Lessons

Chaos Squad

You now have to complete what is hopefully your final Chaos Squad mission. The same Chaos Squad rules apply from that section of the walkthrough. Gather your team and launch into the multiplayer mode. If you reach +2300% and successfully defend your Night Defense, you earn

There is an achievement at this point in the main walkthrough that does not have a matched achievement in this version

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