Horror Night
The game starts on the first day of the outbreak with a cut-scene as the train you’re on pulls into the subway station, on fire and covered in mutant monsters. When you gain control, it’s time to get out of dodge! Follow the waypoints and make your way home in this short section where the game teaches you the basics of movement.
The first time you get back to your apartment, you won’t be able to get in because (1) the door is locked, and (2) a giant mutant monster with an excavator for a hand shows up. This guy is known as a Herker, and you will fight more of them eventually, though for now all you can do is run.
Keep following the waypoints and on-screen prompts until you come across a guy on a rooftop with an interesting looking gun. Unluckily for him but luckily for you, the gun’s about to change ownership, and you receive your very first weapon! The Flaming Compensator is quite the phallic shotgun that also sets crowds of enemies on fire. It’s great against slower enemies or enemies like the OD that clump together, and effective while grinding due to its spread, so you don’t have to aim as accurately. With your new weapon in hand, it is time to start fighting back.
Kill a few OD as the game instructs, and eventually face off with the Herker again. Try to stay out of melee range and keep chipping away at him from range. You are not strong enough to finish him off completely, but lucky for you, a kind stranger comes by after a while and draws him away so you can finally get back to your apartment. After the cut-scene, you unlock
And as a bonus freebie
During the cut-scene, you get to find out all about what happened on Horror Night and who created the OD, and oh boy, looks like it’s another mega-corporation that made an oopsie and wiped out the population of an entire city.
We pick back up 17 days later, having holed up in our apartment for the whole time. You have an opportunity to remake your character, if you did not like the person you made when the game first started, and you can finally change out of that ugly janitor uniform into some nicer clothes. You can change your appearance at any point during the rest of the game as well.
Suddenly, OD bursts in through the door and windows, wonder what took them so long. Lucky for you though, that stranger who drew the Herker away on Horror Night is here to save you again. His name is Walter, and he tells you that there are other survivors holed up in the city. Before he takes you to them though, he needs to see if you can handle yourself. Pick up the crowbar and demonstrate some melee skills, then meet him at the basketball court. Here you learn how to dive bomb and get a new gun, the High Fidelity. It’s an automatic assault-rifle type gun that shoots vinyl records, and the records have the chance to ricochet and hit several enemies. Unfortunately, it is kind of crappy gun against anything other than your standard OD, but as that’s all you’re facing right now, go nuts.
After you take care of the OD and prove yourself to Walter, he takes you to the Brewery Fort, where you meet two friendly NPCs
- Two Hat Jack: Creatively named because he wears two hats. A weapons vendor who only deals in cans of Overcharge, though who knows why he wants the stuff. On top of weapons and ammo, he also sells collectibles maps, which will really come in handy when we get to the game’s many, many collectibles. I’d recommend saving your Overcharge for the time being.
- Floyd: The chillest scientist around, the fort manager, and more importantly to us, the Amps vendor. You bring him supplies, defend him while he does his magic, and he cooks you up all the amps you could want.
While you talk to Floyd, the base comes under attack by some Scabs, the game’s second enemy type. These are humans that survived Horror Night and opted for the loot and plunder way of life following societal collapse. Since you just got a new weapon from Two Hat Jack, the Dirty Harry, why not test it out on them? Dirty Harry is a revolver that does great single-shot damage, and works well against Scabs and special OD, though it’s not great as crowd control against regular OD and precision is more important than your other two weapons.
After you take care of the attackers, talk to Floyd again to learn that he is in need of some supplies. Time to go earn your keep.
One Man’s Trash
Follow the waypoint to an overturned truck, there are a few vat parts here for you to pick up and a few thirsty OD to kill. After you finish here, follow the tracks to the next group of supplies. Here, you meet a new special OD type, Poppers, OD that drank too much Overcharge and are now liable to pop at any moment. Don’t let them get too close, or they pop all over you and damage you a good bit. Take them out from a distance, ideally next to other enemies so that they all get caught up in the explosion.
Gather up the vat parts from this crash site and make your way back to Floyd.
Amp It Up
Floyd is almost ready to cook up some amps, but he needs a few more supplies. Grab the 3 Fizzie balloons around and drop them in the Amp chamber to finish the amps.
Now you get a quick tutorial on amps from the fourth-wall breaking announcer. Just keep following the announcer’s instructions to learn the basics about amps.
If you didn’t read the Hints and Tricks section, here’s a refresher:
- Hero Amps: Affect you or have general effects, you can equip up to 2 hero amps
- Melee Swing amps: Affects melee attacks
- Weapon amps: Affects your guns, these are equipped directly to weapons
- Dive Bomb amps: Affects your dive bomb move
- Epic amps: Special effects
After equipping amps, you activate them by filling up your style meter, which you do by using the transversal mechanics, grinding, chaining bounces, and getting kills. Basically, be stylish and vary your movements so you are always doing different things. Hero amps activate at style level 1, Melee and Weapon amps at style level 2, and Dive Bomb and Epic amps at style level 3. At max style, all amps get, *ahem*, Amp-ed up! That is to say, damage output boosts for all equipped amps for a limited time.
After this tutorial on amps, head back to Floyd, and he introduces you to the game’s tower defense game mode, Night Defense. Here, you have to protect the vat cooking up new Amps while OD come swarming in for that sweet, sweet Overcharge. There are barricades and traps to help you out. Later on in the story you will get access to more traps and the ability to place and combine them, but for now, what you see is what you get. Don’t get too reliant on them as they can eventually be destroyed and barricades can fall, but they are a great tool to keep your vat safe.
For the first Night Defense, you have to keep the vat safe for about 3 minutes from thirsty waves of OD. There are two outer barricades, three inner barricades around the vat, and some traps outside of the outer barricades. Here, you have 20 Overcharge to defend. If OD get to the vat, they will start eating them up one by one. The more OD that get through, the faster you lose Overcharge. If it hits zero, you will be forced to restart the mission.
Use your Flaming Compensator and High Fidelity to do some crowd control in the parking lot and keep the OD outside the outer barricades as long as you can. Keep in mind though that sometimes a few OD can slip through the cracks even if your barricades are still up. The good news is that the inner barricades are easier to defend, as the area is smaller. A second wave will show up about halfway through, and here you finally have a proper fight with a Herker. Set him on fire with your Flaming Compensator, and go to town on him with the Dirty Harry. Afterwards, keep the OD at bay for a bit longer until the countdown hits zero, and the vat will let off a big shockwave that clears out any leftover OD.
Collect your new amps from the amp chamber next to Floyd, and he tells you about the materials that he needs if you want him to cook up some more amps. There are 150 of each, and you eventually have to collect them all to get the corresponding achievements. Luckily, as I mentioned, you can get maps from Two Hat Jack that will make things a lot easier.
I got the following during this mission. Even if you haven’t you will get it soon enough as long you continue killing while grinding
For completing this mission, you also get
A Way Out
Equip your new amps, and soon you get a call from Walter to meet him by the overpass. Before we leave the fort though, talk to Two Hat Jack, and pick up the Fizzie Balloons map for the Old Factory District since it only costs 25 Overcharge. Note that you can get maps and feel free to collect stuff as you play if you want to chip away at the collectibles bit by bit instead of doing them all at once. You need them for the amps anyways. However, be aware of the trade-off between buying maps and buying/upgrading weapons, how you balance it is up to you. Alternatively, go online and find a map if you don’t want to spend any Overcharge on an in-game map. NOTE: I’d recommend saving your Overcharge for the time being. Also, we will prioritize weapons, as you can earn Overcharge in Chaos Squad, and there are other grinding methods.
Follow your waypoint to find Walter on a roof on top of an overpass. As you reach him, Scabs attack coming up the two split ramps attack. Defend yourself and Walter for a minute until the timer runs out. I found it quite useful to stay grinding on the power lines overhead. Finish off the remaining Scabs and talk to Walter. After a quick cut-scene and an accident that really wasn’t your fault, you are introduced to photo booths, which is one way you can play Chaos Squad, the multiplayer mode.
Now it’s time to trek all the way back to the brewery. It’s so far away though, don’t you wish there was a faster way to get there? Well thanks to the newly unlocked fast travel ability, you can get there in the blink of an eye! Just open up your map and select the fast travel point (the orange double arrow). Return to Floyd and complete the mission.
A New Friend
Since Walter is still grumpy over the lost glider, Floyd suggests we could try looking for a propeller in the Old Factory district to help Walter rebuild. Make your way over to the waypoint to find a stranger being chased by OD. Follow the waypoints around the area until you get close to him, when he will lock himself up in a storage locker. Now you need to clear out the OD in the area.
Once the area is clear, open up the storage locker and talk to the guy. His name is Sam, and he is a real fan of the way you move. He tells you that he’d love to help you out, and when you mention that you are looking for a propeller, he tells you to follow him.
Just as you are about to set out, you are introduced to a new special OD type, Blowers. They are special OD that somehow fused with leaf blowers, and they are primarily ranged attackers who lob purple sludge at you. Luckily, you can see a red target on the ground where the sludge hits, and can easily dodge roll out of the way. Apart from that, they are not too tough, and can be taken out fairly easily.
Keep making your way around the area, taking out the enemies and protecting Sam, until you make it back to the factory entrance. Unfortunately, hordes of OD block the gates. Looks like you have to find another way out. Keep defending Sam from the groups of OD that break in until he makes it back to the train, then follow him there. He needs a minute to try to get the train going, in the meantime, why don’t you see if there’s anything useful on the train?
After some questionable DIY, you end up with a new weapon, the TNTeddy, a grenade launcher that launches teddy bears strapped to dynamite. Why is the teddy bear necessary you might ask? Well then, it wouldn’t have an awesome name. I’d recommend against asking questions like these going forward. Our latest weapon is great for all around crowd control with good damage and a large radius. Keep killing all the OD in the area until Sam is ready, then go for a ride! You will come across Scabs facing off against OD along the way, but honestly, just sit back and watch the train cream everything it comes across.
Once the train stops, follow Sam back to his hideout and his faction, The Oxfords, all students from the Oxford-West College. Apart from Sam though, who’s the only one who got in on a scholarship and gets things done around the place, the rest are all smart but spoiled rich kids. And it looks like it’s up to you to whip them into post-apocalyptic survivor shape.
You also meet Calista, the clothing vendor who sells you new clothes as well as melee weapons, which are purely cosmetic changes. You can also customize your look, including your gender, body type, and every other customization option from the start of the game.
From here on out, all bases will have Two Hat Jack, Calista, and Floyd available to sell you their respective wares.
Bora Bora Water
Talk to Dirk and find out that he has a specialty in aerodynamics. Exactly what you need! Unfortunately, he only drinks the super-expensive Bora Bora Water, so now you have to get him some to motivate him to help you.
Follow the waypoint to the bottling plant to find the place completely flooded. Looks like you have to turn the valve to flush the water out. Except, of course it’s not going to be that easy. Once you turn the first valve, you’ll be told that there’s an obstruction that’s building up pressure to a dangerous level. Grind down the nearby rail towards the marked valves, and melee them as you go past them. Jump up at the end of the rail to the top of the water tower thing and hop onto the big red valve to finally release the pressure.
You’re not quite done yet, there’s 3 flush stages in total. Go to activate the second stage, and repeat exactly what you did for the first stage. Turn the valve and grind down the rail. There is one valve to break before you reach the road, then two more on the rail across the street. Finally, climb up the building and hop onto the big red valve.
Make your way to the third stage, and you’ll find the sequence is blocked. Looks like you have to figure out where the OD are coming from. Go to the marked area nearby and meet the newest special OD type, a Spawner. These guys spawn regular OD off the garbage bin on their backs, so it may be easiest to use your TNTeddy and launch a few at him to take him down quickly.
Now you can finally activate the third stage. Simply do the same thing, activate the flush, break the three valves on your way to the big one, and hop on the big red valve to release the pressure. Now the facility is fully drained, and you can pick up a case of water and bring it back to Dirk. Be aware on the way back though that there will be more OD spawning than usual along your path. Just ignore them and get back to The Oxfords as fast as you can.
Boo-Boo Overdrive
Dirk’s now on board, but we need to get the others to help too. Next up is Margaret, an amazing engineer who lost her dog after Horror Night. Maybe we can help her find it? Head to the dog-park first, where Sam tells you that she used to take Boo-Boo.
By now, you probably have earned your first badge, otherwise you will no doubt get it soon. For earning the badge, you get
The announcer will now give you a brief tutorial on overdrives. You unlock and upgrade overdrives with badges. Unlock and equip your first overdrive now and you’ll get the achievement
Back to the mission, as you make your way towards the mission marker, Sam will call you and tell you that you need to cross the bridge to get to the dog park in Little Tokyo. However, turns out you have another option, which is literally walking on water. Press X right before you hit the water to glide on the surface. Eventually you slow down and fall in, but you can just jump out and do it again.
Once you make it to the dog park, you have to clear out the OD in the area, including a Spawner. When the area is clear, Boo-Boo will come out of his hiding spot. Mission’s over right? Unfortunately, Boo-Boo won’t follow you because he doesn’t recognize your voice. He only responds to his favorite toy, the Cutie Kitty. You now have to go hunt down the toy at a nearby toy store.
Make your way back to Boo-Boo and get a Kitty Cannon, a one-mission weapon that launches the Cutie Kitty and draws Boo-Boo to it. You can try it out by shooting the Kitty onto some objects to get Boo-Boo to do some tricks. After you’re done, you’ll now have to slowly lure Boo-Boo back across the bridge and back to Margaret. You can’t use any other weapons while using the Kitty Cannon, but you don’t really need to. The Kitty Cannon is essentially an airstrike marker, except instead of airplanes and bombs, it’s a robot dog that can wipe out entire groups of enemies. Wherever the Kitty lands, you will see a white targeting circle on the ground around it, and Boo-Boo will run in to annihilate any enemies standing in that target.
Make your way across the bridge, take out some Scab buddies of Eddie, the guy you killed earlier to get the Cutie Kitty, and get back to the pizzeria. The place is surrounded by OD now, and you need to clear them out before Sam can let you back in. But Boo-Boo is an absolute beast, so just stay up high, keep guiding Boo-Boo with the Kitty, and watch the carnage unfold. Once the area is clear, you can finally go inside and reunite Margaret with her dog.
Max’s Parents
The last person you need to get to help you, Max, the resident math genius, lost contact with his parents when the city fell, so Sam asks you to check in on them. Make your way to the apartment tower where they live, though you have to clear out the Scabs in the area before you can begin climbing the building.
Once the Scabs are clear, use the harpoon gun and shoot the glittery target on the building in front of you. Now you can grind your way over to the building, and begin climbing up to the penthouse where Max’s parents live. Use the bounce pads to your left to get to the next platform, then turn around and swing to the adjacent balcony to find a second harpoon.
Looking across, there are two glittering targets. I chose the one on the right. Shoot the barrels to blow up the Scabs, then shoot the target and grind over. Bounce up to harpoon #3. A barricade is blocking your path on the building across the way, so go ahead and harpoon the barrels next to it to blow it up. Clear out the Scabs, harpoon the target, and grind over. Make your way around the building to the next harpoon gun, and shoot the upper of the two visible targets. Grind between the buildings and begin making your way around the building clockwise, following the markers.
You now have to grind along the long wire that wraps around the building and back across to the other building. Remember to switch between overgrind and undergrind to avoid the electric transformers, and watch out for the occasional wire jump where the wire you’re grinding on runs out. Keep grinding, bouncing, and swinging clockwise around the building until you reach another harpoon and a bunch of Scabs.
There are a series of three harpoon guns in this area, and you have to harpoon over, back, and then over again to reach the platform on the left, as the first harpoon gun doesn’t have the angle to hit it. Be careful of the Scabs while you’re doing this. Once there, turn to your right and look for some explosive barrels behind the barricade. Shoot them to blow up the barricade, then return to the first harpoon and harpoon the newly uncovered target behind the barricade.
Cross to the opposite rooftop and you’ll be introduced to Scab rushers, basically melee Scabs. Clear them out. There is no panic room on this tower unfortunately, so you have to grind over to the opposite rooftop. There’s more Scabs to take care of here, after which you can finally open the panic room.
Max’s parents aren’t here, instead all you find is a voice recording and a metric a ton of explosives controlled by a security bot that unfortunately just discovered an intruder, you. Enjoy a much quicker descent then your earlier ascent, as well as the literal shower of money and loot from the explosion. You have to pick through the debris to find the voice recording.
Turns out Max’s parents were not the best of people, but at least now, you have an answer for what happened to them. Make your way back to the pizzeria and deliver the news to Max.
Buck National Vs. The Apocalypse
Now that everyone is on board, let’s build a new propeller for Walter. The geniuses get to work and manage to make a 3D printer, but unfortunately, you need a better processor to power it. Make your way back to the brewery to talk to Floyd, and see if he knows where you can find one.
Floyd mentions a guy who lives in a cell phone tower nearby who has a bunch of computers. Sounds like a good friend to have, right? Make your way over there and use the newly unlocked super bounce to get up into the hunting blind and meet Buck National. Turns out, yep, he’s a weirdo looking to film a new show, and he wants you to be the star in exchange for his help. Make your way to the waypoint where you can start the challenge “Episode 1 – Buck National vs. The Apocalypse”. For this mission, you need to earn a bronze medal or higher.
Some tips on getting a good score, keep your style meter high and stay off the ground unless you’re going for the pain train. Focus on hitting the objectives Buck gives you as the bonus from those objectives are quite good. A bronze shouldn’t be too hard to hit.
For future reference, Buck National gives you re-playable challenges that unlock a combined 75G when you meet quite a high score. For now though, leave the mission until we have some stronger weapons.
Once you finish the challenge, make your way back to Buck to collect the processor, then deliver it to Sam to get the printer going. Once that’s delivered, you unlock
Midnight Brew
You got a few hours to kill while the printer does its thing, so I guess it’s time to cook up some more amps. Floyd calls you to tell you he’s ready to cook up another batch, but he needs more Fizzie Balloons. If you haven’t really been collecting them as you go, you can now use the Fizzie Balloon map we bought to find a few in the district. You need 5 in total.
Once you get 5, head back to Floyd. He tells you about the traps he put out, and give you a quick tutorial on placing your own. From now on, you can rearrange the traps yourself as you see fit. Energy is the currency here, and each trap placed will use a certain amount, although destroyed/removed traps will refund back energy that you can then use to place down new traps. You currently only have two traps, the Hack ‘N Slay and the Fling Board, but you can get more as you progress through the game. My strategy for this night defense is to place two Hack ‘N Slays side by side in front of each of the two external barricades, and remove everything else. There’s a pink figure-8 loop of wires above the parking lot where that I stayed on, and apart from that I just let loose with the Flaming Compensator and the High Fidelity into wherever the thickest crowd of OD are, trying to thin them out so that the traps can pick up the stragglers.
About a minute in, the first wave will end, giving you a moment to replace any traps that OD might have destroyed. If OD breach your outer barricades, it might be worth it to place your traps next to the inner barricades instead. Once the second wave begins, you get to make acquaintances with a new enemy type, Gunkers. These are OD that have fused with liquid nitrogen canisters, and are similar to Blowers, except they don’t aim for you directly, but shoot stuff onto wires and bounce pads that “gunks” it up and interrupts your movement if you touch it.
Keep fending off the OD for the full 3 minutes. A Herker will show up near the end, but depending on how much time is left, you may not even need to touch it. Go retrieve your new amps to finish this mission.
You should also now have a dive bomb amp and a second hero amp, so go ahead and equip those to fill all 5 slots and get
Amped UpEquip five AMPs on your character at the same time.

Up In the Air
Before you start this mission, it is worth noting that if you have trouble with Fizzco Robots, who you first encounter here, it may be worth buying a weapon that’s decent against them. If you can manage with the Dirty Harry and TNTeddy, you will be rewarded with an OP weapon sooner in the campaign. If you find you are running too low on ammo and can't make it through, by all means pick up the Freeze Bomb from Two Hat Jack to help yourself out. There is no sense in getting bogged down early in this game just to make things easier when you are properly stuck in later.
Sam will call you to tell you that he gave the propeller to Walter. Right after you hang up, Walter calls you to tell you that you messed up on the propeller and to meet him by the overpass.
Once you get there, Walter tells you that he’s almost ready for launch, but some Scabs just stole his glide wheel. You just need to go to where they are, kill the Scabs, grab the glide wheel, and bring it back to Walter. By the time you get back though, Walter’s under attack again, so help him fend off the Scabs. Just when it looks like the coast is clear, a bunch of robots will drop in out of nowhere. These are the last primary type of enemies, FizzCo Robots. They’re pretty resistant to the main story weapons you have acquired so far. Again precision with the Dirty Harry will be rewarded. Both Dirty Harry and TNTeddy are better than the Flaming Compensator or High Fidelity, but if needed, whip out that Freeze Bomb to give yourself more time.
Clear out the bots and hop in the glider. You need to make your way to the brewery now. Use the left stick to pitch up and down, and keep an eye on the power bar on the left side of your screen, as you will fall and fail if that runs out. Flying over smokestack updrafts (the spouts of air coming from rooftops) will refill the power. You also have homing rockets in the glider, fire with right trigger. If needed, the green balloons you see floating around contain health drops that you can blow up and collect.
Once you get to the brewery, you suddenly see a large blue zeppelin. Sam informs you that it is a Fizzco patrol craft, and it will snitch on you to Fizzco if it gets away. You can’t just blow it out of the sky because it has shields, so you have to chase it while Sam tries to hack it. As you cross the river, the patrol craft will begin dropping mines in your path that you have to blow up or avoid. It will also occasionally drop red mines, which are homing and must be destroyed with your rockets. Prioritize these red mines above all else.
Eventually, Sam will be able to hack down the shields, at which point just unleash everything on the patrol shift. A dozen or so rockets should take it down. Once done, make your way to the power plant to get a big boost to get you over the city walls.
Unfortunately, it looks like Fizzco didn’t make it that easy to escape, and pretty soon, you’re back to square one. While you’re pouring one out for your fallen friend, Floyd tells you that Walter once mentioned some guy called Bryllcream, who might be able to figure out a way out of the city.
With that mission done, you unlock
Plan BSurvive the glider crash and look for another way out of Sunset City.

Big Trouble in Little Tokyo
The last main mission in the Old Factory District. All we have to do is make our way to the Japanese museum to try to find Bryllcream. The door is locked, but you can just go through the window and, after a quick cut-scene, meet the game’s second faction, the Troop Bushido.
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