It’s Me! Fizzie!
Talk to Norton to begin the mission: the Troop Bushido are looking for Bryllcream, but a broadcast from Fizzie interferes with their radios. You must destroy the Fizzco transmitters on the radio tower to stop the broadcast. On your way to the target, you unlock a new traversal move, the Air Dash. The air dash gets you a bit of distance while in mid-air, and recharges every time you start a grind, bounce, or otherwise touch the ground, making it a very useful move to get across larger gaps and keep your traversal combo high.
Once at the radio tower, you meet Fizzco Blade Bots, robots with two giant blades instead of arms that they can also throw at you. I used a combination of Dirty Harry and TNTeddys to dispose of them, as that was the best method I had at the time. The bots are unfortunately resistant to many of the weapons you currently have, though you soon come across weapons that can better handle them.
Make your way to the first transmitter and shoot to destroy it, then begin climbing the tower using the round blue bounce pads and destroy the second transmitter. From there, keep climbing. Once you reach the next floor, you get a cut-scene introducing you to a boss, Fizzie, a giant balloon with laser eyes.
Fizzie is not particularly difficult to beat, and has a very simple strategy. In the first phase, he shoots off lasers, which are quite easy to avoid as long as you keep moving. This area contains several looping grind rails and many blue bounce pads. These bounce pads will occasionally turn light blue, and as you bounce on them, they turn green. Bounce on several in a row (the exact number increases as the fight goes on) to stun Fizzie, at which point his eyes will turn green. This is your cue to get on a grind rail, keep your shots steady, and unload on his eyes. Use the Dirty Harry for best results. Once his health gets to a certain point, he enters phase 2, where a disco ball appears in the center of his face (his core), and he shoots off homing rockets. He will electrify the rails in pulses as you grind, just be sure either to jump to a higher rail or to undergrind to avoid the shocks as they come. Again, all these attacks are quite easy to avoid as long as you keep moving. Whenever he is vulnerable, start picking away at the disco ball with the Dirty Harry.
Once you take Fizzie down, you get a cut-scene, ending the mission and earning you
Hot Dog!
After helping out the Troop, Sam calls saying that there is someone at the Oxfords’ base looking to talk to you. It’s 4Kim, the girl kicked out of the Troop at the end of Big Trouble in Little Tokyo in an incident that you are partly responsible for. Thankfully, she tells you it was all for the best, because Norton is actually a bad guy and not looking for Bryllcream. She tells you that she overheard Norton mention something about Bryllcream and the hot dog factory, so that is where you are off to next.
Here you encounter a new enemy, Scab Tossers. They launch sticky mines at you, with a red circle marking where they land, much like OD Blowers, so avoid them as best as you can. If one latches onto you, dodge roll on the ground or switch directions on a grind rail to shake it off.
4Kim does things by the book and wants to find evidence that Bryllcream is inside. Follow the markers on your map to collect the three pieces of evidence: a sword, a hat, and a bugle. Now that you have the evidence to satisfy 4Kim, you need to find a way inside.
The crane near the parking lot might be able to bust through the walls, but the keys are missing. Luckily, there is a handy note pointing you in the direction of the owner. Follow the marker to find that unfortunately, it looks like the guy might have turned OD, which means it’s time to start popping some open and see who has keys.
Continue to the nearby marked area with some OD, along with some Fizzco bots dropping in making it a three-way brawl. Start killing OD, but keep an eye out for the bots too. If they start hassling you, take them out with your preferred strategy. Eventually, a Herker and some Gunkers show up. The Herker has the key and thus is the one you need to kill. You may find it helpful to kill the Gunkers first allowing you to grind around without worrying about their gunk. Either way, once the Herker dies, he drops the key. Pick it up and start making your way back to the hot dog factory.
Use the key on the crane to take control of it. The only thing you can smash right now is the pallet in front of you. Of course, it’s a pallet of Overcharge, and all the OD in the neighborhood come for it. Crush them with your crane, but be aware that regular OD left in the puddle for too long will turn into Poppers and damage your crane, so take out Poppers whenever you see them. They start their transition by standing up from the puddle and undergoing a transformation animation for a few seconds. Eventually Herkers, who can also damage your crane, show up too so prioritize crushing them as well.
Once you eliminate all the OD, follow the prompt to smash the wall. Go inside, and find Bryllcream’s journal on an upper area in the corner of the room. Apparently, Bryllcream peaced out when the hot dogs expired and headed to Hepcat’s to meet Norton. Looks like Norton is definitely involved somehow, so you have more investigating to do.
For completing this mission, you finally get the Murderang, which shoots boomerangs that slice through enemies on their way out and back to you. Plus, if you catch it, you get your ammo back. As far as I can tell though, catching the round on the return flight seems to be up to RNG. The Murderang is highly effective against Fizzco bots, so it add it to your strategy of dealing with Fizzco bots to level it up efficiently.
Find 4Kim
After your phone call with Norton, Sam calls to meet him at Hepcat’s because he’s worried that 4Kim might be in trouble, so make your way there now.
Follow the marker to Sam, who tells you that 4Kim just left to follow some smoke signals that she thinks lead to Bryllcream. Apparently, some Scabs just went in after her, so now it is up to you to follow her and keep her safe.
Make your way to the station and 4Kim will call telling you that she thinks the SOS is coming from inside the train. You need to make your way to the station platform to meet her, and there are plenty of Scabs on the ground below. You don’t need to kill them though, so feel free to sail straight past them. Follow the markers, and take the blue bounce pads up to the station.
Once you get to the platform, you get a cut-scene where the Scabs kidnap 4Kim, turns out the SOS was a trap! The Scabs take her into the train and it takes off. You have to grind on the rails to chase it down. Your goal is to destroy the thrusters on the sides of the train multiple times. There are a few spots where the train slows down allowing you to hit them. When you see red targets around the thrusters, that’s your cue. The train has a turret on the back shooting out mines that latch onto either rail, so stay vigilant and change rails as needed. Occasionally, the turret will lay down a ton of explosives at once and destroy a patch of rail completely, forcing you to take a detour. The first time, there is a wire on the right near the destroyed section that you can take until you get back to the track proper. At the second gap, jump on the yellow wire on either the left or right. I think the right is a bit faster, but it makes little difference. Stay to the right at the 3rd gap, following the grindable path until you need to bounce back to the track. This is your last chance to take out the train thrusters before failing the mission, so lay into them.
Once the train stops, you find out that 4Kim is actually a badass and has already found out from the poor Scabs locked in the train with her that Troop Master Bryllcream is in a garbage truck somewhere in the city. Sam mentions that the trucks are all GPS-tracked, so he can figure out how to track them.
Hepcat’s Late-Night Special
While Sam work on that, you receive a call from Floyd about this new place he found to set up a base. First, he needs some more toilet paper for ingredients. If you don’t have enough at this point, you can go to the Brewery Fort and buy the Old Factory District toilet paper map for 2500 Overcharge, but at this point, I would save the Overcharge and either find some in freeroam or check out a map online, as toilet paper is plentiful and you shouldn't have trouble finding enough. If you have been buying things as you go, and do not have enough Overcharge for the map, you can always do some side missions and rack up some Overcharge that way.
While I still recommend holding off on weapon purchases, should you find yourself struggling in the following mission with the weapons available to you, it could also be worth picking up an Acid Sprinkler from Jack. The games calls this a deployable weapon, a set-it-and-forget-it type weapon that does exactly what its name suggests, it sprinkles acid around itself. It is highly effective against OD, which makes the upcoming Night Defense a little easier.
In any case, once you find the required amount of TP, you can meet Floyd at the new Hepcat’s Diner Fort, and he gives you a rundown of the area you need to defend. There are 2 vats instead of 1 now, so you have to keep an eye on both of them. There are 4 inner barricades, 2 leading to each vat, and 4 outer barricades. There are 2 waves, with a brief respite to drop some traps in between. There are no good ways to keep the 4 outer barricades protected, as you are simply spread too thin. I recommend putting down a Hack ‘N Slay at each outer barrier for the first wave, plus whatever else you want for the rest of your energy. Once the horde starts coming, let loose with your High Fidelity and Flaming Compensator, or whatever you like, in the thickest part of the crowd, just make sure your weapons are decently effective against OD by checking in the weapon menu. If you need to, drop an Acid Sprinkler in any populated chokepoints. Blowers and a Herker show up towards the end, deal with them as you see fit, but the first wave will end at around 2:15 left on the timer, and all the OD will be killed instantly.
You have about 15 seconds to rebuild your traps, which are likely mostly, if not all, gone by now. I would put down a Pyro Geyser and a Senor Freeze in the middle area between the 2 sets of barriers and as many Hack ‘N Slays as you can. Once the second wave starts, all sorts of regular and special OD will start coming in, including a Herker. Keep unloading into the thickest part of the crowd, prioritize anything that gets through to your vats when that happens, and wait for the timer to run out, which clears any remaining OD. The Herker spawns late in the wave and has just enough time to take out most of your traps and a barrier if you let it. As soon as you see it, hit it with a couple TNTeddys to grab its attention and bounce around the map while targeting the crowd. The Herker should follow you instead of creating havoc.
Once the timer runs down, all the OD are again wiped out, and you can go collect your new amps. Feel free to equip any that you think might be helpful. I highly recommend Chance of Lighting, an Epic amp. Once your style meter is high enough, you channel your inner (X-men) Storm and take out large numbers of enemies just by being in their proximity.
The next two missions are basically one mission, as the second continues right after the first. Sam calls and has figured out how to track the garbage trucks. Go to the nearby marker to pick up the package Sam sent.
The plan now is to hack into nearby satellite dishes so that you can triangulate Bryllcream’s position. Start by following the marker to the first location, where there is a Fizzco guard post for you to take out. Once the area is clear, start climbing the tower, using wall runs and other techniques. Reminder that you can continue wall running around corners by tapping
right before reaching the corner.
Once at the top, you can hack into the satellite dish, and Sam tells you to test it out by first pointing it at the Japanese Museum. After a bit of dialogue, you can track the truck. There are a couple arrows on your mini-map indicating the potential signals, though you may have to point your dish closer or farther away from you (up and down). You know when you are on the right track, as the needle on the bar below the tracker will go into the red zone. The rightmost signal is Bryllcream’s, though the others also contain some interesting dialogue you can overhear. Unfortunately, right as you catch Bryllcream’s signal, a Fizzco jammer shows up that you need to take out before you can properly triangulate his location.
Follow the marker to the jammer, where a bunch of Fizzco bots will be. Just wipe them out and destroy the jammer, then make your way to the second satellite dish, using the vents to bounce up to the top of the tower. Hack into this one too, and find Bryllcream’s signal, the rightmost signal again. Sam sends you the coordinates, leading you to a parking garage under Scab control.
Once you enter the parking garage, you get a quick cut-scene showing Bryllcream about to be killed. You need to eliminate all the Scabs in the area. After the area is clear, interact with the garbage truck to stop Bryllcream from being literally creamed.
Before you can save Bryllcream, some more Scabs show up and set the garbage truck on fire. You need to put out the fire with something, and unfortunately, the only items nearby are three kegs of Overcharge. Grab them and throw them onto the dump truck to put it out. Be quick though, as once the first keg is broken, OD start swarming in. Now you need to defend the truck, but while you defend it, the truck will start sliding away, and you have to chase it down. The truck goes down one level in the garage, falls down to the street, then keeps going down a few streets before coming to a stop, executing some very tight turns for a truck with no driver in the process. In any case, just keep up, and don’t bother fighting any OD. Once the truck stops, clear the surrounding area of any lingering OD, and open the truck up.
Around now, you likely received or will soon receive three kill-related achievements
Bounce KillsKill 100 enemies while bouncing or while in the air.

The Fall of Emperor Norton
After some introductions, help carry Bryllcream back to the Troop Bushido base. Another cut-scene rolls with a flashback that, combined with how long Bryllcream had to survive without food, gives you a pretty good idea of how he ended up in his current state. Now that the truth is out, Norton, cornered, drinks some Overcharge and transforms into a giant OD, the Norton Dragon.
He moves through the streets with 3 stages. He is not particularly difficult, but you need to keep moving and stay away from the ground, as OD will swarm in his wake. In his first phase, he sets certain wires and bounceable objects on fire, rendering them unusable. You need to jump onto his back and grind up his spine. I found the air dash
extremely useful here. Once you get close to his head, you receive a prompt to melee him in the head, do so, and he will enter phase two.
Phase 2 sees spikes pop out of his spine that you have to shoot before you can grind on his back, otherwise they damage you and throw you off. Once they are all gone, grind up his spine again and melee him in the head a second time to enter phase three.
Spikes will pop out again in phase three that you have to destroy. He also occasionally turns his head and launch fireballs at your direction. It is no more difficult than phase two. With the spikes handled, grind up his spine and melee him one more time to end him for good and earn
Scout's HonorBecome an honorary Troop Member by finding Bryllcream and defeating Norton.

For saving him, Bryllcream gives you some plans and tells you to find Ignatius, head of the ship-builders union, who can help build you a way out of the city. With that, we are done with the Troop Bushido for now and off to find this ship-builder.
To Fargarthia!
A super short mission that leads us to the next main area, the Harbor District. On your way to Ignatius, Floyd will also call to tell you about a new fort he set up in the Harbor District, the Sunset Marina Fort.
Upon reaching the Fargarthian Castle, a brief cut-scene introduces you to the third major faction, the Fargarths, a group of LARPers. It turns out Ignatius is sick, and only you can get him back on his feet.
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