5. Sunset Overdrive Harbor DistrictUpdate notes

The King’s Feast

Talk to Chandler to get this quest started. Scabs stole their food a while back, and now they face starvation. Accompany the group of Fargarthians to get food.

The first part is an escort mission of sorts, though the Fargarthians can handle themselves, and I am honestly not sure they can actually die. Stay above them on the wires and assist as needed. As you follow them, you encounter a few groups of enemies that you have to help take out. The first group consists of regular OD and a few Blowers. After taking a detour, you run into a pair of Herkers, but they should not be too hard to take down, as half of the time the Fargarthians distract them. A little farther down the street, you run into some Scabs fighting with OD. Let them thin each other out for a bit, or just dive in and kill everything, your call.

Once you reach the Fargarthian forest, defend the Fargarthians while they gather food. You do not have traps like regular Night Defense missions, but you do have catapults aimed at the four locations where the OD spawn. The Castle, the Power Plant, the Boat House, and the Forniburger. You just have to look in the direction of the catapults you want to fire, and press cn_Y. If the catapults are ready, green targets appear on the ground. Otherwise, if they are cooling down, the targets will be red.

The first wave is not particularly difficult. Just listen to the callouts for where the enemies are coming from, launch the catapults when the group is under the targets, and mop up any survivors. I recommend staying on the wires overhead so you have a good view of everything. About halfway through, a Herker will come from the Power Plant, landing a catapult hit will take him down to about half health, and you can finish him off from there. After about two minutes, the Fargarthians will help you mop up any remaining OD. Regroup with them and cue cut-scene.

The second wave is a little more hectic, though not terrible. You start out against a strong wave of OD. Gunkers spawn in the second round. Take them out as soon as you can. A Herker shows up around halfway through this second round. Deal with it just as you did the one in the first wave. After about two and a half minutes, the Fargarthians finish gathering and help clean up OD and distract a pair of Herkers that show up around this point. Once the area is clear, regroup with the Fargarthians to finish this quest.

At this point, I can finally recommend spending your Overcharge. By now, solely from mission rewards, you should have enough Overcharge (55,000) to buy the Hair Spray Bomb. It is definitely the best overall weapon in the game. It is a semi-automatic weapon that delivers a single bomb followed by a bunch of smaller missiles that home in on nearby enemies and detonate at once causing an even larger explosion. Great against all enemy classes. Buying it will immediately put you over the spending threshold for

The 0.1%

Spend at least 25,000 Overcharge.

The 0.1%
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Shop - These achievements require the purchase of an item or a series of items from a shop.

Once you get it to level 2, prioritize taking out 35 security cameras, so you can buy and equip the Second Amendment amp allowing you to recover ammo from enemy kills more frequently. In practical terms, you now have unlimited ammo especially against OD hordes.

Tastes like Chicken

Turns out, that bark didn’t help Ignatius, because surprise, surprise, he actually needs real food. To start the mission, head to the farmer’s market to look for some food. It looks like the pigeons ate all the food, but that just means the pigeons are all the fatter to eat.

The first part of this mission is a special bird hunting challenge. There are four Pyro Geyser traps in the street, along with some Grind Cookers next to them that you can grind on to trigger. You have a 2 minute time limit to roast 500 pigeons. I know the time seems tight, and there seems to be pressure to hurry, but patience is key here. The best strategy is to stay up on the wires, patiently watch for which Geyser the pigeons gather around, and bounce on the trap. The Fargarthians throw feed randomly at each geyser, but there doesn’t appear to be a strong correlation between the feed being present and pigeons flocking to said trap. Sometimes they do, sometimes other traps are fully feathered. Once you see a decent number, and the flow of landing pigeons slows down, jump down directly onto the center of the trap to trigger it, making sure you super bounce off of it so you can get right back onto the wires. A regular bounce won’t be high enough and rinse and repeat. Stay off the ground as much as possible at all times. If not, the pigeons will detect you and fly away. Ignore the grind cookers as well. The game tells you that you can use the Flaming Compensator, I found it to be nearly useless as you only get a handful with each shot, and shooting near a landed flock scares them all away. Again, patience will get you further than you think here.

Once you’ve successfully flambéed enough sky rats, you have to escort the Fargarthians back with their food. Along the way, you encounter a few groups of enemies to kill. The first group consists of a handful of regular Scabs. The second group, at the drawbridge, consists of Scab Rushers and Tossers. The third group consists of regular OD and one Herker. Your friends will help, but you will have to do most of the heavy lifting and taking down the Herker yourself. The final group of enemies is a group of Scabs at a gas station, consisting of regular Scabs, Rushers, and Tossers. Each group is very manageable. Once handled, return to Castle Fargarthia to receive

Ultra Mega Kill

That was a lot of pigeons.

Ultra Mega Kill

Bad Medicine

Talk to Katherine in Castle Fargarthia to start the mission. She tells you that Ignatius has a fever, so you need to find some medicine for him. Go to the Fizzco Pharmaceutical Shipyards, and attempt to open one of the trucks there to look for some medicine.

Of course, nothing ever goes that smoothly, and your attempt to open the truck will set off some alarms and bring a new enemy type. Fizzco Bomb Bots. They have two weapons, a laser blast, and pulse mines they launch at you. Like other artillery-like enemies, avoid the red targets that show up on the ground.

Defeat all the enemies that come. Bomb Bots come one at a time to start, eventually multiple show up along with some Rifle Bots. Utilize your Hairspray Bomb or Murderang. Just stay high and keep moving, which you should realize by now is the best strategy in the game. Once the enemies are dead, search all three trucks to find fever medication.

Wendy will call telling you to meet her at the park. Once there, she explains that Ignatius can only be treated by medieval medicine, which means bloodletting in this case. Head to the restroom to strip down, then walk through the pond in your undies to collect leeches with your body.

Once in the pond, walk through the white patches of disturbed water with bubbles coming out where the leeches are. The bar on the left side of the screen shows you how many leeches you have collected. I believe each pond only contains about half the leeches you need, and you are prompted to try another pond once you collect everything from your current pond.

Follow Wendy back to the Castle Fargarthia, but before long, you start tripping hard. A Fizzie balloon shows up and dares you to try to catch him, so follow him as he flies off. There is an objective marker on him at all times, so you cannot lose him. A little bit farther on, the difficulty increases, and the ground is now lava. Try not to touch it, but like all player death in this game, there is very little penalty, you just restart at the last checkpoint in the run. There is no reason to rush, especially with that marker on Fizzie. It is more important to be precise in your movements. After a bit, skeletons that attack you start spawning. Ignore them, keep moving, and follow Fizzie. If you need to fight them, melee will do the trick nicely. You have to follow Fizzie for a while, and eventually come to a rooftop resembling Castle Fargarthia’s, where Fizzie left you a gift (it’s a gun). Fizzie then splits into a bunch of Fizzies and starts shooting extremely slow moving rockets at you. Shoot at the Fizzies and dodge the rockets, and eventually the screen goes white and reveals that it was all a bad drug trip. The mission finishes right after a cut-scene.

Around now, I reached level 5 with my Flaming Compensator and you likely have reached or will soon reach Level 5 with your favorite weapon granting you


Upgrade one of your guns to Level 5.

Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Cooperative - These achievements can be obtained by two or more players in a cooperative game mode who have met the achievement requirements.Level - These achievements must be obtained by levelling up in-game components.

If you’ve been careful to stockpile your Overcharge, you should be able to buy Acid Sprinklers or Turret Copters. Right now in my opinion, Acid Sprinklers are a better and cheaper choice than the Turret Copter, another deployable weapon consisting of a floating helicopter with a gun dangling from it. While the Copter is equally effective across all enemy types, its output doesn’t keep up with the instant kill of OD hitting the acid. Just be sure to pick up the Turret Copters soon.

From here on out, how you spend your Overcharge is largely up to you. The game does not give you enough Overcharge for everything in one playthrough, so bear in mind that you will need to purchase most of the weapons and most of the collectable maps. More on that though in the Miscellaneous section. Don't forget to equip and upgrade your Amps and Overdrives. Use whichever you prefer. For overdrives, I skipped the sacrifices and normally chose my 2 combat overdrives to increase Single Shot and Automatic Damage, 1 hero overdrive to increase damage to Fizzco bots, and 2 style overdrives to increase on grinding and bouncing. You probably have several grinding and bouncing badges so spend them to get one overdrive to Rank 4 for

More Overdrive

Unlock at least one Rank 4 Overdrive.

More Overdrive
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Level - These achievements must be obtained by levelling up in-game components.

Ferry to Nowhere

Time for another amp-cooking Night Defense mission! This time Floyd cooks on the boat that is the Sunset Marina Fort. You need to gather 10 cameras, if you don’t have them already. As always, the easiest way to find them is to buy a map, the cheapest map starts at 2500 Overcharge for the Old Factory District. Side missions are a good source of Overcharge if you are low, otherwise you will have to look for them the old-fashioned way in freeroam, which still shouldn’t be too difficult.

Once you have all the cameras, go to Floyd to start the mission. There are two vats again, one each on the upper and lower decks aft (rearward) of Floyd. There are 4 outer barricades, one on each of the starboard and port sides, and two more at the stern (rear) of the ship. Each vat has two inner barricades, the two for the one on the upper deck are forward on the ship.

I followed a similar strategy as before. One Hack ‘N Slay in front of each outer barrier, as they require no action on your part and are best for the first waves, plus a few Pyro Geysers in the in-between areas between the outer and inner barriers. As your barriers fall and your traps break, re-position them closer and closer to the vats.

The first wave consists of regular OD, and a few Blowers, Gunkers, and Poppers, which you should prioritize as they will do heavy damage to your barricades. Make best use of your Hairspray Bomb and stay on top of forming crowds. At around 2:15 on the timer, the remainder of the first wave are wiped out, and you have 15 seconds to replace destroyed traps. The second wave opens with a Herker and a bunch of regular OD. Since he spawns early, you can’t wait for the countdown explosion to take him out. He should be your first priority, so take him down quickly. If you have them, Acid Sprinklers act wonderfully as another trap against the Herker and other OD. After he goes down, you have to keep fending off regular OD as well as any other lesser specials that show up. Once the timer runs out, all the enemies are eliminated, and you can finally collect your amps from the amp chamber.

The Siege of Wondertown Land

Ignatius has agreed to build the boat for you, on the condition that you help him take his revenge on the Scabs that stole his food, and get his crown back. Your first task is to find Lawrence the Leper, previously dispatched to find a figurehead. Once you reach the waypoint marker, follow the yellow zones on your mini-map until you reach him. Talk to him and say hello to the latest critters, Muggers, OD with very sharp objects embedded in them. They don’t have a lot of health, but make up for it by being extremely fast and agile, and will pounce on you given the opportunity. They are very dangerous up close and have a range attack that is more of a pounce. When they do pounce, a red target appears on the ground where they will land. Try to avoid these as best as you can.

Once you kill the initial Mugger in front of you, make your way to the marked zone on your map, where several more Muggers show up. The Flaming Compensator is quite effective. Simply wait for a Mugger to stop somewhere, then shoot it 2-3 times to take it out. Regular OD show up too at some point, though the Muggers are still the main targets you need to kill. Once the Muggers are all dead, a new Mugger appears wearing a triceratops head. Kill him to don the head and proceed back to Ignatius.

Upon returning to Ignatius, the siege on the Scabs properly begins. You first have to fight your way through the amusement park, capturing three different rides, Spaceship 'Murica, Ferris Wheel, and Comet Ride. At each ride is a group of enemies, including regular Scabs on the ground and Tossers on the roofs. Take out the Tossers first, and then mop up any regular Scabs around the ride. Once each area is clear, your objective marker updates to the next ride.

Rally with Ignatius after taking the last of the three rides, and escort a battering ram through to three barricades, while defending it from cannon fire, heading for the Dragon Slayer rollercoaster. Keep your eye out as fireballs launch at the battering ram periodically, and you have to shoot them out of the sky. They are not terribly fast though, so you should have little trouble.

You do not have to worry about anything other than the cannons on your way to the first barricade. Once the battering ram reaches the barricade, you have to super bounce high on the bounce pad on the back of the ram and dive bomb onto it to punch through the barricade.

About halfway to the second barricade, Scab Rushers show up. I found the easiest way to handle them is to use the Flaming Compensator, which can tear through them fairly easily. Be sure to check for incoming cannon fire in between kills though, as the fireballs keep on coming. When you reach the second barricade, super bounce and dive bomb onto the bounce pad on the ram again to bust through.

On your way to the third barricade, more Scab Rushers attack, along with a few Scab Tossers. Prioritize the Tossers, and clear out the Rushers when you can, always remembering to watch for cannon fire. Once at the third barricade, super bounce and slam onto the bounce pad three times in order to proceec.

Following the quick cut-scene, destroy 6 firework caches to set the castle on fire and burn King Scab out. Grind on the rollercoaster track to reach the three target towers, each with two caches for you to shoot. There are also fire-breathing roller coasters on the tracks that will knock you off if they hit you, though shooting the explosives on their backs will destroy them. Though riding the tracks will take you to all three towers in question, you can also jump between sections of track to skip certain portions and reach all the caches faster. Either way, once you take out all 6 caches, another cut-scene plays out, introducing you to King Scab.

King Scab jumps into a rollercoaster car with multiple carriages, which must be taken out one at a time by shooting them from the back. He is quite fast, so you have to boost while chasing him from behind on the rails, and occasionally skip portions of the track with a good air dash. He occasionally drops fire on the rails behind him, simply jump up, air dash over the fire, and get back on the rail. Once you take out all the carriages except the one he is in, you are prompted to take the figurehead from Ignatius, as you cannot damage King Scab’s carriage with your guns. Go retrieve it from Ignatius to put it on.

To defeat King Scab, you have to ram him head on. Simply get on the track and start grinding in the opposite direction that he is going, meaning from the entrance of the roller coaster facing towards the track, you should turn right and start grinding. You don’t have to worry about OD on the track because you just ram right through them. You can also grind right through any fire leftover from the first phase. Once you ram King Scab head on, you get a cut-scene and successfully complete the mission.

Floating Garbage

Meet up with Ignatius at the quest marker to attempt an escape from Sunset City for the second time, this time by boat. This is a long escort mission where you have to protect the flagship as it makes its way through the canals. Damage to the ship is inevitable, as there are many enemies, but you can heal your ship by throwing trash cans into the mouth on the ship. You find plenty of these trash cans on your mini-map as blue dots. Grab one now and throw it in to get the ship started.

The first section has Blowers coming out on either side of the canal. Take them out, and keep an eye on the ship’s health, delivering trash when needed to heal it. Each trash restores about a third of the ship’s health bar, so you do not need to babysit it constantly. After traveling a bit, you encounter a drawbridge. To proceed you need to smash the controls to the drawbridge before the ship arrives.

Continue onwards, dealing with Blowers as you go. There is a second drawbridge ahead that you need to smash 2 controls to lift. You can stay with the ship and destroy them as you pass them, though I chose to run ahead, break them both, and then return to the ship. As you get close to the second drawbridge, a pair of Muggers shows up. Prioritize them before returning to Blower patrol.

Just past the second drawbridge, you meet yet another type of OD, Wingers. Wingers are flying enemies that attack with either a beam of Overcharge, or explosive homing boils lobbed from a distance. Luckily, your ship heals after the cut-scene so just focus on taking the Wingers down. They don’t have a whole lot of health, and the Flaming Compensator can two-shot them with direct hits, 4-5 shots at most, though other weapons provide effective options. Either way, after the first one goes down, a second one pops up.

Once both are down, your ship will turn around and back into the canal you came from. Protect your ship from more Blowers and regular OD. A combo of the High Fidelity for the crowds of regular OD and the Flaming Compensator to clean up Blowers should work nicely. A bit further on, two more Wingers spawn in to be eliminated.

Beyond the Wingers is another drawbridge with two controls. I elected to sprint ahead again and take them both out first before returning to the ship. Once the ship reaches the drawbridge, sprint ahead again, as there is a Herker around the corner to the left that you should try to take out before the ship arrives. The Herker does not bother the ship too much and mostly focuses on you, but when it lobs boulders at you, it can potentially hit the ship as well. Throwing down an Acid Sprinkler and going to town on him with any explosive weapon is a good combo, though don’t use up all your deployable ammo.

After taking out the Herker, you are now in the home stretch. Blowers still line the canal on either side, and a little further on from the Herker, three Wingers spawn that you have to take out, past them is another Herker in the park on the left, and one more on the bridge ahead of you. Make sure to keep an eye on the ship’s health and bring it garbage when needed. After the ship crosses under the bridge, you are home free. Float on out to sea to end this mission.

A Hero’s Duty

Having just escaped, you dive back into the fray, because friendship is more important than personal safety, obviously.

You start the mission immediately after the last one and have to rush to the Museum to protect to the Troop Bushido. Talk to 4Kim first, then protect the Troop as the Fizzco bots start landing.

The Fizzco bots come in three waves. The first wave contains 8 Rifle Bots. The second wave has another 8 bots, mostly Blade Bots with a few Rifle Bots mixed in. The third wave has 9 bots, about 5 Bomb Bots and 4 Rifle Bots. As usual, the best strategy is to bounce up to the wires overhead and go to town with the Murderang. During the third wave, prioritize the Bomb Bots, but otherwise, as long as you stay high and keep moving, you should avoid too much damage and your Murderang should make easy work out of clearing the bots.

The Troop is now safe, but the Oxfords are still under attack. Make your way to the Pizzeria and clear out the bots laying siege. Once cleared, the Oxfords come out to help you fight, and like with the museum, you have to clear out a few waves of bots. The first wave consists of Blade Bots, the second of Rifle Bots, and the third has 4 Bomb Bots that spawn on the rooftops. Note that during the second and especially during the third wave, Blade Bots spawn as well, but these do not count towards the enemies-remaining counter. Unlike at the Museum, there are now Tesla traps around, you can use to stun the bots.

After all three waves, a cut-scene introduces you to the Fizzco Tank Bot, easily the toughest thing around town. It has a strong melee, a laser, a missile attack that rains down missiles over an area, and an automatic rifle shot that attaches to wires and creates a chain of electric balls that knock you off and damage you if you grind over them. On top of its offensive capabilities, as its name would suggest, it can take as much damage as a tank. Several Blade Bots accompany it.

Bouncing is a more effective traversal method than grinding when facing off against it, due to the aforementioned rifle shots/electric balls that make grinding a nightmare. Try to lure it to the three Tesla traps in the street and the courtyard, and shock it as much as you can. Electric attacks are key here, and you should attach amps like Stun Rounds to your weapon of choice. Chance of Lightning also helps here if you keep your style meter filled. Keep chipping away at it and eventually take it down. When it dies, it takes all the nearby Fizzco bots out with it. Talk to Sam to finish the mission and earn

Save Everyone

Save Sunset City from Fizzco's second-most powerful robot.

Save Everyone
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.

Las Catrinas

You get this mission right after the last one. Sam mentions that in order to figure out what is going on and eliminate Fizzco from the city, you need to break into Fizzco HQ. It will be a difficult feat even for you, but apparently, someone has already done it. Sam traced them back to the Downtown hospital, so follow your waypoint there to meet the last major faction of the game, Las Catrinas, a group of badass ninja cheerleaders.

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