6. Sunset Overdrive DowntownUpdate notes


Go to the mission start marker to ponder how to get Las Catrinas to like you. Maybe a sword will make a good gift and get you into their good graces? Call up 4Kim to find out that a rich Fizzco exec bought the finest sword in the city before everything went south. Time for some breaking and entering.

Follow the waypoint to the Fizzco Corporate Campus, teeming with Fizzco Blade, Rifle, and Bomb Bots on multiple levels. You have to clear them all out, so take your time, stay on the move to avoid ranged attacks, and keep climbing. There is no time limit to worry about here. Once the area is clear, climb to the rooftop gardens and interact with the phone to proceed. Unfortunately, it appears that the exec made off with his sword. Fortunately, you happen to know a blacksmith, and the trophies nearby make for great source metals for a new sword. Pick these up when prompted to look for source metals.

Now you need a source of energy to forge the sword. Like the saying goes, you gotta go big or go home, so let’s go all the way with nuclear energy. To make your life easier, the game even reminds you that you can fast travel. Kindly do so now and fast travel directly to the power plant.

There is a Spawner here, along with a handful of Muggers and regular OD. Prioritize the Spawner so he doesn’t spawn too many more OD, and then wallop the rest of the Muggers and regular OD with a couple Hairspray bombs if you haven’t already. Once the area is clear, plant the trophies on the steam vent. You need to break three temperature controls and then clear the area of all OD. A Herker spawns, along with a few Gunkers and Blowers. Simply take them out however you like and break all three control boxes to progress.

You need to climb up the cooling towers to get the height for a good hammer onto the melted titanium. The path starts from a pipe curled around the cooling tower where you put the trophies, spiraling up, and crossing over to the second cooling tower before reaching the top. There are two Wingers when you get up here, take them both out, then dive into the marked cooling tower to begin forging. At the top of your bounce, repeatedly tap cn_B to build up power, and then slam down to hammer the metal. Do this a few times to forge the sword Excalamune, a powerful melee weapon that shoots out fireballs with each swing.

The next step in the sword forging process is to douse it in water to cool it off. Onto the water treatment plant we go. There is a large group of Scabs here, starting with Rushers and regular Scabs before a few Tossers emerge near the end. You must kill them all, and you can do so with your regular weapons, or just tear through them with Excalamune. Either way, once they are all dead, make your way to the marked pool of water and dive bomb into it to cool the sword off.

Now that the sword is completed, it shoots off both lightning and fire when swung, and will do ridiculous damage, even taking down Herkers in only a few swings. To deliver your gift, either fast travel back to the hospital or make your way there on foot, your call.

Before you deliver it though, drop down to the parking lot and taunt Fizzco to give everyone a demonstration of Excalamune’s power. As the on-screen notification tells you, kills with Excalamune also heal you now. You will be absolutely swarmed with Fizzco Blade and Rifle Bots, but you will carve through them like butter on your way to claiming 99 robot souls (do robots have souls?). While your sword is indeed awesome, move around a bit and use dive bombs to give yourself a bit of breathing room, as you do not want to find yourself cornered. Once you collect 98 robosouls, a Tank will arrive. He is much easier to deal with now, and your electricity should stun him, though you should be careful of his melee as he can still hit you once or twice. Once he is down, talk to Las Catrinas to end this mission and earn


You forged the mythical Excalamune.


If you likely received it already through normal gameplay, but this mission should put you over the hurdle for

Stylish Kills

Kill 500 enemies while at Style Level 3.

Stylish Kills

You also now get Excalamune as a melee weapon, though unfortunately, it has been nerfed back down to the level of a normal melee weapon, but you will always have those fond memories of that time you had the magical OP sword and tore through everyone without a care in the world.

Getting the Band Back Together

Surprisingly, Las Catrinas are still not impressed, so you have to find another way to get into their good graces. Maybe putting on a rock show for the sick kids will do the trick? Time to get the band back together.

First find Wendy at the marina and convince her to help you out. She is down to join, but she cannot swim, so you need to tow her boat in. Go to the marked harpoon and shoot the target on the front of the boat, then do the same with the other harpoon across the marina. The harpoons start reeling Wendy in while you defend them from the OD. You need to attach 5 harpoons in total, but you can only attach 2 harpoons at any one time. The previous harpoons detach themselves when they can no longer pull the boat forward. After the third harpoon, a Winger shows up. After the third or fourth harpoon, Gunkers start arriving. Beside them, you only encounter regular OD who should be a cinch for you to handle at this point. I dropped an Acid Sprinkler on each harpoon and just kept an eye on it in case the Sprinkler despawned before the harpoon finished. Once you pull Wendy’s barge all the way in, a swarm of regular OD show up that you need to clear out to proceed.

Now that you have a bassist, you need a drummer. Luckily, 4Kim plays the drums, so go meet her at the concert hall. Once there, you have to grab the drum kit out of the truck, but look out, Poppers incoming!

The blast throws taiko drums all over the place, and OD start swarming the area. Luckily, the taiko drums let off a shockwave to destroy all the OD at once. First, bounce on the drum in front of you, and bounce over to the second drum marked on your screen without touching the ground, then dive bomb onto the second drum to let off a shockwave clearing some OD. Now that you have a taste, you need to bounce on all 10 drums in a single traversal combo, then slam down onto the final one. There are 2 in the parking lot, 4 on the building next to you, 3 more in the park at ground level, and 1 more in the park atop the statue. Super bounces and air dashes should be more than enough for you to get from 1 drum to the next. This is easier than it initially seems, the goal is simply not to touch the ground. You can grind and bounce on other surfaces to keep the chain going. Bouncing on an already activated drum does not impact your chain, so take a second after reaching each drum to figure out where to go next. Be aware that the longer you stay on any one drum, the more likely OD are to knock you off and mess up your combo. You should be fine for 3-4 jumps to orient yourself though. For the last drum on the statue, use the water geysers next to the statue to get the height you need, as this will not interrupt your combo. Once you activate all 10 drums, dive bomb onto the last one to kill all the OD in the area.

Now you just a need a guitarist and a vocalist. Check out the convenient poster nearby to get a clue as to where you can find them, and make your way to the Club Fortississimo to find a lead singer. Interact with the front door to end this mission.

For completing this mission, you receive the Pulse Mine, a gun that shoots a projectile that attaches to the ground, then shoots a series of explosives straight up bouncing-betty-style that does significant damage against Fizzco bots.


Make your way to the Downtown Fort and speak to Floyd to begin the last Night Defense mission. This one is a bit of a nightmare as there are three fuse boxes instead of Overcharge vats for you to defend, one right below Floyd, and two more farther out. Each fuse box has two inner barricades, and there are now five outer barricades around the perimeter, entirely too many to defend effectively. I still recommend trying to defend all the fuse boxes, but it is likely you will have to fall back and defend one by the end of the night. Luckily, you only need just one left standing to complete the mission.

I put down Fling Boards just inside the three outer barricades farther away from Floyd, pointing to the central area between them where I laid down some Hack ‘N Slays and Pyro Geysers. I also put down a Fling Board outside the inner barricades of the fuse box closest to Floyd, pointed in the same general direction, with an additional Pyro Geyser where they would land. The general idea being to try to gather as many OD together in one spot as I can to make the most of my AOE weapons. Talk to King Buzzo once your traps are set to start.

The first wave starts with regular OD, along with a few Poppers and Blowers spawning in as the wave goes on. Defend for two minutes while your friends finish the concert set up. While your outer barriers are still up, take advantage of them by throwing down Acid Sprinklers into the gathering horde right outside, and use the Hairspray Bomb or High Fidelity for crowd control. If you run out of ammo, the Murderang also does an okay job for OD crowd control in a pinch. Once the timer runs out, you have a brief window to replace any broken traps as all the OD get wiped out.

The second wave soon starts, bringing regular OD and Blowers, as well as some Muggers and Herkers. Something to note, the platform containing the fuse box closest to Floyd will rise up in the second wave, giving it a new inner barrier facing towards Floyd. Given how much ground you have to cover, it is almost certain you will lose a fuse-box or two. I chose to protect the one closest to Floyd. When you see Muggers and Herkers, you can kill them, but depending on how much time is left on the timer (say, less than 30 seconds or so) I recommend just getting them aggroed on you and kiting them around, away from the fuse box, until the end of the night shockwave kills them.

Once the timer runs down and the concert successfully begins, you win over some less-than-severely-sick kids and more importantly Las Catrinas to your side.

This Ends Here

Head to the mission marker to speak to Sam and begin the final mission. After the cut-scene, head to the mission marker to begin the assault. There is a large area in the courtyard in front of the Fizzco building, where you must help the four factions to fight off Fizzco bots. However, there is no good way to tell where each faction is. At the end of the day, it is not that important, as you just need to kill robots wherever they stand. Eventually, all four factions will be safe and sound.

At this point, two Tank Bots will show up. Once you send them to the scrap heap, Sam tells you to use the giant bottle of Overcharge to destroy the Fizzco building. Head to the mission marker to find a harpoon, use it on the marked target to get yourself up to roof level, then go across some wires and fountains to reach the rooftop where the giant bottle of Overcharge is. Once there, melee it a dozen or so times until a cut-scene plays, showing you riding the bottle into the building, Dr. Strangelove style, and sacrificing yourself to destroy the building and save the city. With your friends mourning your death, the credits roll.

But wait, there’s more! If you thought that ending was bad, you are not alone, and as time rewinds, you come face to face with the final boss, The Fizzco Building itself. You now have 3:30 on the clock to reach The Building that just blasted off, and is currently wreaking havoc in the Harbor. Once there, you see one of its arms laying down at the end of the pier, grind up it, being careful of the pulses of electricity running down it. Whenever you see one coming, jump and air dash over it before resuming your grind. Once you reach where the arm attaches to the body of the robot, turn right and start bouncing up the hovering bounce pads. At the top, there are three grind rails forming rings around the top, each higher than the last. You have to make your way to the top rail and start shooting the orange core. Be careful that a rail may start to electrify. If it does, switch to another rail to avoid getting shocked. The Building’s health is on the left side of your screen, and once it gets down to about 2/3 health, it blasts off again, shaking you off in the process.

Now The Building is in Little Tokyo, and you be given another three and a half minutes to beat it. Get there quickly, and use the bounce pads near the bottom to begin your ascent. Make your way up in a similar manner: switching between grinding on arms, watching out for pulses of electricity, and bouncing of bounce pads, leading to the three grindable rings at the top. Again, be careful while shooting the core, switching rails as needed when they start to electrify so you are not knocked off. Once The Building’s health is down to about 1/3, it blasts off yet again, this time for the Old Factory District.

Head towards the mission marker, and once you hit the river, take the bridge with the train tracks and grind on the rails all the way to The Building. The first set of bounce pads are right ahead of you on the rails. At the end of the bounce pads, there are two arms protruding out, one above the other. Take the higher arm if you can, as it takes you straight to the three rings at the top of The Building. Destroy the core once and for all and you have finally defeated Fizzco and saved Sunset City, earning you

This is My City Now

You beat the final Fizzco corporate machine.

This is My City Now

Do not skip the credits as they roll, and once you watch them all the way to the end, you earn


Watch the credits all the way through.


If you did quit out for any reason, you can always go to the menu, and under Options > Gameplay, select View Credits to rewatch the credits in full.

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