As you progress through the game, many side quests will unlock, though not all of them are required for getting all the achievement. This walkthrough will guide you through all the quests tied to these achievements, though I do recommend playing through all of the quests, as they are a good source of Overcharge for all the maps and weapons you eventually need to buy. Plus, the story is just as funny as the campaign missions.
First off, there are four vat upgrade missions that you need to complete, one for each district's fort, unlocked as you reach each district's Night Defense mission.
Brewery Upgrade
Head over to the Sanibot near the brewery, and Floyd explains that the industrial cleaning solution inside could be used to give the vat a real deep clean. Simply follow the waypoints all around the district to collect all 6 cleaning solutions by busting open the Sanibots. Either shoot or melee them. The only tricky-ish one is #4, since the map only shows a general location. The Sanibot is underneath the bridge, not up top. Once you get all 6, simply return to Floyd and upgrade the vat.
Hepcat Upgrade
Talk to Floyd by the fridge in the Hepcat Fort, and he tells you to bring him some parts from old fridges to upgrade the fort’s vat. Like the last upgrade mission, simply follow the waypoints to the general area, then find the fridges and bust them open for parts. The first one is on a balcony overlooking the river. The second one is the lower section of the shopping area, leaning in a doorway. The third is a bit trickier. The fourth one is lying on its side, in a side area with shops off the main street. Bring them all back to the Hepcat Fort to upgrade the vat.
Boat Upgrade
Talk to Floyd by the Overcharge kegs in the Sunset Marina Fort. You need to collect Overcharge barrels to give the boat’s engine a boost. Go to the truck marked by the waypoint and interact with it. The first barrel is on the western balcony overlooking the canal of the marked building, bring it back to the truck and toss it in the back, then jump on the truck or follow it to the second location. The second barrel is in the amusement park where you had the boss fight with King Scab. It is on the right of the pier leading out to the rollercoaster on the ground with a few OD near it clawing for Overcharge. Bring it back to the truck, then go to the third location. The third barrel is on a rooftop patio with three umbrellas and a bunch of tables and chairs. There are also Scabs here, but you can run right past them, pick up the barrel, and get out. Deliver the barrel and head to the next location. The fourth barrel is on top of a connecting corridor between two buildings. Some Overcharge has leaked out, so you can easily spot it by the giant orange puddle and the OD pawing around on the ground. Deliver the barrel, and head to the final spot. The last barrel is on the wooden dock past the boxes. Throw it into the truck to complete the mission.
Theatre Upgrade
Talk to Floyd by the robotic looking things to start this mission. Take out 5 Fizzco bot patrols and scavenge them for parts. Nothing is complicated to this mission, as you do not have to find anything. Just go to each marked area, slaughter some Fizzco bots and the reinforcements that show up. Eventually one drops some robot guts for you to pick up. At the last checkpoint, a Tank Bot drops after you take out all the others. Once dead, you can pick up his guts and return to the fort to upgrade the vat. Completing all four of the vat upgrade missions will earn you
Next, there are three missions involving collecting comics for Stanley, available once you first arrive in Little Tokyo.
Collect Some Comics
Talk to Stanley at the Golden Age comic shop southwest of the Troop Bushido base in Little Tokyo. You have to repo 5 comics for him from people who he gave comics to. Some of these comics are carried by enemies who you have to kill in order to collect the comic. The first one is just down the street from the comic shop, and you need to kill the OD holding the comic to collect it. The second one is on the roof of the marked building, right on top of a corpse. A Scab carries the third comic at the marked location. He takes a while to show up, so you have to wander around the marked zone killing Scabs until he does. A Herker has the fourth comic. Kill to collect. The final comic is in the possession of a Blower on the roof. Once you collect all 5 comics, return to Stanley. When you try to turn them in, the door to the store next to the comic shop will burst open, and an OD will pop out. This is (or rather was) Anton, and you have to kill him to collect one last comic to complete the mission.
Collect More Comics
Talk to Stanley again, and he asks you to scour the city for rare comics that people might have left behind when they died. The first comic is due south of the comic store with a Scab on a patio with a pool. The second, due west of the first, is in a crate in a loading dock that you have to break open. North of that one, you can find the third comic at the highest roof in the area where two Blowers are waiting. Heading due west, find a group of Scabs to kill. After a few go down, the Scab holding the comic emerges from the building. Kill him and grab the comic. Follow the waypoint to find the last comic on a floating platform out on the water, on top of a corpse. Return to Stanley to get your reward and complete the mission.
Collect Even More Comics!
Talk to Stanley one last time, and he sends you to collect ten more rare comics. Head due west to find the first one at the top of a pink building on a picnic blanket. Head southwest to the spot under a bridge, where you have to start killing OD until eventually one pops out carrying the comic. Head northwest to find the third comic, carried by a Blower at the top of the building. Head northeast to find two comics very close to each other. One with a Herker you have to kill, the other is on a rooftop with a giant spinning holographic orb. Head east to find a comic on a rooftop underneath the rails, about halfway up the train station building. Head northeast, behind the Hepcat Fort, to find some crates on a loading dock. You have to bust them open to find the seventh comic. Heading east from there, you can find the eighth comic behind a billboard, on an OD corpse, right under the helipad. Heading southeast, find the ninth comic inside a stack of crates in the middle of a swarm of OD. Follow your waypoint to find the last comic carried by yet another Blower on a rooftop. Once you collect all the comics, return to Stanley to complete the mission and earn
There are three quests in the Fizzco questline, unlocked after the story mission "Save 4Kim"
Fizzco: The Dirty Secret
Go to the Hepcat Fort and read the note on the phone booth. A Fizzco mole left you a message telling you to contact him at the dog park, where he tells you the truth behind Overcharge. Answer the payphone at the dog park, and you learn that apparently some Fizzco exec made the mistake of recycling his top-secret memos instead of destroying them. Now you need to go find these memos in recycling trucks around town. Simply follow the waypoint to each truck, attempt to open the trucks, and take out all the Fizzco bots that show up. Blade and Rifle Bots show up at the first two trucks, and a few Bomb Bots arrive to the party at the final truck. You may attract the attention of nearby OD or Scabs at each location, but your target is the Fizzco bots. The trucks open up once the bots are all dead. Once you collect all the memos, deliver them to the dead drop to end the mission.
Fizzco: The International Conspiracy
On the pier south of the Sunset Marina Fort, use the payphone to start this mission. The memos contained info on some containers in the area that should provide hard evidence, so you need to collect the contents of 8 biohazard crates. You receive the areas of the first 4 crates to start, and more areas show up as you collect them. As with many fetch quests in this game, your only goal is the crates, so you can completely ignore any enemies you encounter in the area. The first is in the water on a rubber inflatable next to a boat, there is a Scab here as well. The second crate, northeast of the first, is on the waterfront, buried in the middle of a pile of light blue boxes. The third, due north from that crate, is at the northwest corner of the fish market, also next to some blue boxes. The fourth is on a pile of crates west of the last one, right across the street from the fish market. The fifth crate is on the roof of the building northwest of the fourth. The sixth is hanging from the crane to the south (you may have to shoot it, as it is a bit tricky to get the elevation needed to melee it). The seventh is on the pinkish rails up above the buildings southwest of the crane. The last crate is on the back of a barge, right next to the pier south of the seventh crate. Once you break all the crates and collect all the evidence, you can bring them to the dead drop and complete the mission.
Fizzco: The Secret Ingredient
The next payphone is south of the Downtown Fort at the lowest street level. Use it to learn of a final piece of evidence at the water treatment facility. Once you arrive at the water treatment plant, you have to clear out 7 blockages and eliminate all the OD in the area. There are 3 blockages in the area with the water pools where we forged Excalamune, 2 blockages under the bridge, and 2 more on the other side of the bridge. They are easy to spot, and look like giant brown globs. There is also a large number of regular OD, along with Blowers, Gunkers, and Muggers. Deal with them in any way you see fit. Once the area is clear, interact with the computer to begin downloading the data.
Unfortunately, there you encounter a data issue, and the computer has to do some computer stuff while you defend it from incoming Fizzco bots for a minute. You encounter Blade, Rifle, and Bomb Bots. Once the timer runs down, eliminate any remaining Fizzco bots, if there are any, and interact with the computer again to get a cut-scene where a Tank Bot and several Bomb Bots will drop in. Your only target is the Tank Bot, as all the other bots will die when it dies. So feel free to ignore the other bots and focus fire on the Tank Bot. As long as you keep moving, you should have no issues from the other bots. Once it goes down, you complete the mission and earn
Once you reach the Harbor District, you unlock a three-mission questline from one of the Fargarthians in Castle Fargarthia.
The Warlock’s Red Gaze
Speak to the red-hooded Fargarthian ranger in Castle Fargarthia to start the quest. She mentions some Fizzco controllers that she wants you to destroy. These are immune to ranged attacks due to a force field, so you have to go in and melee them. Other than that, just follow the waypoint markers like other fetch quests. The first one is located on the side of a crane. The second controller is on a forklift circling around the marked building. As it is a moving target, a dive bomb might make it easier given the slight AOE damage. The third is on the roof, attached to the back of a satellite dish. The fourth is on a wall, about two-thirds of the way up on the southeast corner of the ferry terminal. The last controller is at the top of a lighthouse, which you have no good way of climbing, so head all the way to the end of the pier right next to the lighthouse to find a harpoon that you can use to shoot the top of the lighthouse and give yourself a grindable wire to get up there. Destroy it to complete the mission.
Wicked Watchers in the South
Head back to Castle Fargarthia and speak to the Fargarthian ranger again to start this quest. Fargarthian scouts have spotted more controllers that you need to eliminate. Head to the area due south of Castle Fargarthia to find the first controller attached to the side of the station platform facing north. Further south, the second controller is on the roof of a truck parked at the northwest corner of the fish market. The third controller is just across the street to the west, on top of the crane at the back. The fourth controller, due west of the third, is pretty well hidden behind the stack of containers in this narrow space between the containers and the western fence. If you haven’t noticed yet, there is an audio cue of it talking about containers ready for pickup when you are in the right spot. Melee while grinding on the fence to break it. The final controller is on the top of a boat suspended above the water in a metal structure. Break it to complete the mission.
Crimson Eyes in the North
Return to Castle Fargarthia and speak to the Fargarthian ranger one last time to start this quest. You need to destroy 8 controllers this time. Head due west from the castle to find the first controller attached to a yellow buoy in the water with the number 6 on it. Keeping heading west to find the second controller attached to the back of a forklift circling the gas station and the street in front of it. Head north to find the third controller on the side of a small crane on the dock. To the northeast is controller #4 attached to the side of a blue buoy in the middle of the water, dive bomb the platform just next to it to get this one. To the east is a particular tricky controller attached to the wall underneath the dock. There is a yellow wire extending from one end of the dock out to the other side. Start grinding from either end and melee the controller as you pass it. Just a little bit farther to the northeast is the next controller attached to the roof of a barge parked under the bridge. Head southeast to find the seventh controller attached to the top of one of those test-your-strength carnival games right beside the Crazy Comet. Dive bomb it to hammer down on the target and destroy the controller with your crazy strength. Head to the last marked spot, and destroy the giant banana to nail the final controller and complete the mission, earning you
Upon completing the mission "A Hero's Duty", you unlock the following quest from King Ignatius
The Most Epic Quest for EXP
Speak to Ignatius in Castle Fargarthia to begin an epic quest towards stopping some Fizzco bots. First, head to the beach to defend a babe from goblins. The babe in question is some dude named Toby, and the goblins, as you might expect, are OD. Clear out a couple of waves of Muggers and many regular OD that come for our friend. Speak to Toby (who might have wandered off during the fight and may take a bit to get back) to finish this first “quest” and level up through highly scientific calculations and well-thought-out hierarchical structures.
Now Ignatius asks you to head downtown to retrieve the one ring. You can fast travel to the Hepcat Diner to make the trip faster. Head to the jewelers to look for the ring. Once there, you find an OD has already made off with it. He starts running away, so chase and kill him as fast as you can, as a horde of OD start coming in. Pick up the ring and get out of the area to complete the quest and earn more of that good XP, leveling up again.
For your third task, you need to bond with a wolf. Margaret’s robot dog, Boo-Boo, should be close enough. It is much deadlier than a wolf anyway. Fast travel to the Oxfords’ base and talk to Margaret to take Boo-Boo out for a walk. You get the Kitty Launcher again for this bit, and all you have to do is go to the marked area on the street and kill a bunch of Fizzco bots. Boo-Boo is just as deadly as ever, and this bit should end in no time at all, earning you more XP and another level up.
Head back to Castle Fargarthia and speak with Ignatius to get a new trap type, Siegfried the Great, a dummy with a tennis ball cannon. You test them out at the location of the final battle, where you have to defend the area against OD coming across bridges from the east and the west, in order to lure out the Warlock, your real target. You cannot place down any other types of traps here, and you have just enough energy to put down four Siegfrieds. Put two down facing each bridge to begin the battle. Waves of OD will come, first from the west, then from the east, then from everywhere at once. The first wave has a Spawner, the second wave several Muggers. Keep killing them until the warlocks (aka Fizzco bots) arrive, including the Warlock King, a Fizzco Tank Bot. You only need to kill the Tank Bot to complete the mission, so feel free to focus fire on just him. Once he goes down and you level all the way to the max, you complete the mission and get Siegfried to use for future defenses, as well as earning you
Finally, upon completing the second to last story mission, "Concertpocalypse", you unlock the following four-mission quest sequence.
Take Back the Streets: Downtown
Head to the Downtown Fort and interact with the flag to start this quest. Now that you have met and gotten in with all the major factions, Floyd has made a United Factions flag that he wants you to raise around the city in place of Fizzco flags. Head southwest to the first flagpole and hit the switch to begin raising the flag. Now, you need to defend the flag for 30 seconds from Blade and Rifle Bots while it rises. If the flag is stopped, you have to hit the switch again to start it back up, though the timer is only paused, not reset. Head east to the second flagpole, hit the switch, and defend it again for 30 seconds. Head to the final flagpole and raise the flag here as well the exact same way. You complete the mission once all three flags fly high.
Take Back the Streets: Old Factory District
Head back to the Downtown Fort and interact with the flag again to start this mission. Now to raise three flags in the Old Factory District. Don’t forget you can fast travel to get across the map faster. This mission is exactly the same as the last one. Go to each of the three flagpoles, hit the switch to raise the flags, and defend from Rifle and Blade Bots for 30 seconds to allow the flag to reach topmast. The mission ends once all three flags are up.
Take Back the Streets: The Harbor
Return to the Downtown Fort and interact with the flag again to start the mission. This is exactly the same as the previous two missions, only in the Harbor District. Go to each flagpole, hit the switch, defend, and raise all three flags to finish the mission.
Take Back the Streets: Little Tokyo
Interact with the Downtown Fort flag one last time to start the mission. There is no change to the formula here either. Just raise all three flags in Little Tokyo to complete the mission and earn
You still need to complete at least one side quest for each faction for the last side quest-related achievement. You already completed several for the Fargarthians. You can pick any of the side quests given out in each of the other three factions' bases, though I picked ones I felt were the fastest or easiest. Feel free to do the ones below or some other ones. Or maybe just do all of them.
Oxfords’ Lost and Found
Talk to the Oxford in the back corner of the Oxfords' base. You need to collect 5 backpacks that the Oxfords dropped when everything went to hell. Head to the northernmost of the 5 marked areas to find the first backpack hanging from a basketball hoop. Head south to find the next backpack in the corner of the parking lot next to a dumpster. Farther south, next to the Oxfords’ college building, the third backpack is in a tree. Jump from the nearby wires to grab it. Head southwest to a junkyard. The fourth backpack is in a garage in the building in the junkyard, but a hermit has it, and he shuts the door right in your face when you approach. He tells you he will give you the backpack after you clear the OD from his junkyard, so go ahead and do that until he opens the garage door back up again, allowing you to grab the fourth backpack. Head due north to find the fifth backpack, just chilling in the middle of a parking lot, with no one around for miles. Easiest one by far, right? Try to grab it and a Scab will run up and snag it from right under your nose. He is fast, so you may need to cut some corners and go across rooftops. Chase him down, kill him, and grab the final backpack. Bring them all back to the Oxfords to complete the mission.
To Build a Better Cat Trap
Speak to the troop member hammering away at something in the Troop Bushido base. She breaks her cat statue just as you arrive, and asks you to help her find some more from the local Scabs so she can avoid bad luck. Starting from the most eastern waypoint, you can find a cat statue in between two stairs. Head west to a second cat statue on a wooden table in front of a Gilt Trip sign. Due north is a cat statue in front of a place called La Laxante. Just northwest from there, just outside a Sunset TVs store, is a fourth cat. A cut-scene plays showing a Scab running away with the last cat and getting ready to make a stand with all of his Scab buddies. Funnily enough, you do not actually have to fight any of them, and you can just hop right over all of them, grab the cat, and run away. Bring them all back to the troop member to complete the mission.
La Venganza
Talk to the Las Catrina right inside the door of the hospital to begin this mission. Apparently, one of the girls has been missing for a week, and Las Catrinas want you to find out what happened and to pay respects if the worst befell her. Make your way to the waypoint to find what seems like pretty convincing evidence that the girl is dead. Las Catrinas blame the nearby Scabs, and after placing an effigy on the spot where she died, you must kill 25 of the Scabs stylishly, which in this case means the kills needs to happen at style level 2 or higher. You have 3 minutes to do so, so chain together some traversal moves on the way over to the encampment to start building up style. You can start killing a few to help build up style faster, or just keep chaining traversal moves. Once you hit style level 2, mow down the Scabs while keeping your style high until you get the needed 25 stylish kills. Once done, you transport back to the effigy. Round the corner to find a teddy bear and discover why you did not get your victory screen yet. Cue cut-scene, and you complete the mission. For having completed at least one side-quest for each faction, you unlock
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