Super Sports Blast Achievements Full list of all 28 Super Sports Blast achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 6-8 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 28 Offline Mode 28 Single Player 26 Versus 2 Main Storyline 8 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply PeaceWin the first match in Story Mode (Super Volley Blast) World LegendsWin the seventh match in Story Mode (Super Volley Blast) ComebackSave an opposing match point and win the game (Super Volley Blast) Ez gameWin a game in which opponent scores 0 points (Super Volley Blast) 1 guideSuper smasherPerform 50 super smashes (Super Volley Blast) 1 guideThe wallPerform 100 blocks (Super Volley Blast) Chicken ballPlay a Super Blast match adding only the chicken ball (Super Volley Blast) BombasticPlay a Super Blast match adding only the bomb ball (Super Volley Blast) Young promiseWin a match in World Tour mode (Super Tennis Blast) Grand Blast winnerWin any Grand Blast tournament in World Tour mode (Super Tennis Blast) Next Blast RulesPlay a match with 4 games per set and deciding point rules (Super Tennis Blast) Well-rounded trainingComplete successfully a session in each training (Super Tennis Blast) 1 guidePrecision godPerform 25 perfect shots (Super Tennis Blast) Serve godPerform 25 perfect serves (Super Tennis Blast) Crazy CourtPlay a Super Blast Party match adding only the Crazy Court element (Super Tennis Blast) Living NetPlay a Super Blast Party match adding only the Living Net element (Super Tennis Blast) ScorerScore 5 goals (Super Soccer Blast) 1 guideGolden playerScore 100 goals (Super Soccer Blast) 1 guideHat trickScore 3 goals in a match with the same player (Super Soccer Blast) 1 guideFive GoalsWin a match scoring 5 or more goals (Super Soccer Blast) 1 guideOverhead KickScore a goal with an overhead kick (Super Soccer Blast) Well LuckedHit the wood 5 times (Super Soccer Blast) Tailored victoryWin a custom tournament (Super Soccer Blast) 1 guideNew teamCreate a new team with the team editor (Super Soccer Blast) 1 guideJack Of All TradesWin a match in every sport TriathleteWin a tournament in every sport 1 guideCome TogetherCreate at least one avatar in every sport 1 guideMultifaceted TeamCreate at least 10 avatar among all games